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Status Replies posted by KS_Venkataraman

  1. "What our ancients knew and what we often forget is that the world outside is a reflection of the one inside. The source of the disturbances around us stems from our own desires; the bondages that keep us entangled in the world outside and disturbed in the world inside."-Yogi Ashwini

    1. KS_Venkataraman


      Yes. It has been wisely said that the mind is the reason for our freedom and bondage. mana Eva manushyAnAm kAraNam bandha mokshayO: (amrutha bindhu upanishadham) The mind is an inner instrument for us and it depends on how adroitly we use it.

      To a pertinent question of Arjuna, Sri Krishna answers: asamsayam mahAbhahO manO dhurnigraham chalam. abhyAsEna thu kounthEya vairAgyena cha gruhyathE (Srimad Bhagavadgita 6-35) Oh! Huge shouldered Kunthiputra, No doubt, mind is wavering...

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