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Status Updates posted by Dhyanfoundation

  1. "If you observe a baby breathing you would notice a pronounced abdominal movement. The stomach inflates as it breathes in and deflates as it breathes out. If you observe your own breathing patterns, most likely, you will find it to be the opposite and with little or no abdominal movement…this breathing pattern of yours, holds the key to the way you look and your present state of health. Abdominal breathing maximizes the up and down movement of the diaphragm and ensures that lungs functio...

  2. "What our ancients knew and what we often forget is that the world outside is a reflection of the one inside. The source of the disturbances around us stems from our own desires; the bondages that keep us entangled in the world outside and disturbed in the world inside."-Yogi Ashwini

    1. KS_Venkataraman


      Yes. It has been wisely said that the mind is the reason for our freedom and bondage. mana Eva manushyAnAm kAraNam bandha mokshayO: (amrutha bindhu upanishadham) The mind is an inner instrument for us and it depends on how adroitly we use it.

      To a pertinent question of Arjuna, Sri Krishna answers: asamsayam mahAbhahO manO dhurnigraham chalam. abhyAsEna thu kounthEya vairAgyena cha gruhyathE (Srimad Bhagavadgita 6-35) Oh! Huge shouldered Kunthiputra, No doubt, mind is wavering...

  3. "With the guru, the quest ends and a journey begins.."-Yogi Ashwini

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