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Posts posted by Sangam

  1. Yes Mr mazhar, two types amongst the Hindus in India thosw how worship the idol as Thathuvam (Symbolic Forms) and not as real and another who worship them as real.....under deut 28 64 Curse Scattered Judah Tribe had to go to Land to worship wood and stone,but they couldnt worship any creature So they made `thathuvams' (philosophical forms) as god, by putting people as god who were never known in this world: with five legs, four heads, thousand heads they made like this and made thathuvams'. They had four heads. Like that there is nobody in the whole world. So God cannot blame them as idol worshippers, because they are worshipping something that is not in this world and not created by anybody. He said you should not worship creatures. So, even though God brought this as a curse, the only way of getting out of the curse was to worship something which is no existing as creation. They took their punishment, but never wanted to give up their God. So, in wood and stone they formed their own God. So among the Hindus there are two groups of people. Same image they'll worship; one as thathuvam and one as real. Those who worship the thathuvam they are the real Judah. And what did God say? Where did He promise to return? He said I'll return.When you are doing this.Deutronomy 30:1-3: Where the King would come which is only in the EAST (dravida desham) as a Black Man..Krishna means Black,even Kabba being Black,represents Form of Allah..So Now is Time to stop going to Mosques and being under Religous Leaders(so called scholars-big brains) which the LORD considers as Spirtual Adultery and Learn Directly from Our Crerator Allah!

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