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Posts posted by earth123

  1. The ancient sages are the masters behind the origin of Vedic sciences. Many people have now realized that good health and well-being is a great advantage if they want to take the path of Self-realization. An ailment-ridden body is likely to become a hindrance to spiritual practice. Ayurveda was introduced in India around 5000 years ago, and since then it has proved to be a sophisticated and precise practice in health care. Ayurveda Melbourne helps to remove the root of the disease. Every individual is born with their unique 'dosha”, and before starting Ayurvedic diet you must first know your “doshas”.


    Ayurveda Melbourne

  2. In a human body there are three types of doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. You can cure or prevent any disease by balancing these three subtle energies called Doshas. The conventional Western medications may lead to some complications, whereas Ayurvedic Australia does not cause any kind of side effects. It just focuses on eradicating the crux problem of the ailment. Cosmos Diary can help you to connect your inner self with Vedic Life and Cosmos. In the recent times, curious people have resorted to reading Cosmos Diary for finding various important aspects related to Ayurveda and treatments offered by it.


    Ayurvedic Australia

  3. It has been seen that one of the major reasons of an increase in the stress level is the body lacking adequate amount of nutrition. Ayurveda Australia recommends having a balanced diet that includes sufficient vegetables and fruits. You need to follow the law of nature, and avoid skipping meals or else you get prone to many health problems. Ayurveda says it is ideal to take meal during the 'vata' time since it represents the time of fat metabolism. This is also the time when the nervous system is in good need of sugar.

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