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Posts posted by awesominator

  1. I am not an anti-spiritual or anti-religious person. I would definitely like to have faith in God, but a genuine one. A compromising faith is not faith at all.


    In the grand scheme of things, if you observe very closely, Karma is the most important factor. It is your past karma that decides you present. And indirectly past karma influences your future. A man is just but a slave of his own qualities and karma. And believe me, God cannot destroy your karma. So what exactly is the use of God to a normal, non-moksha seeking person?



    Imagine a person suffering from a disease, and if he is destined to die, he will die, no god can save him from it. If God could have saved people from such a karma, then there wouldnt be so many deaths.


    God isnt worthy of worship because he creates and then destroys, it is his duty. Worship is only worthy for a heroic person, who does things which are unachievable to himself. Everything is achievable to god, hence he is powerful, but he has never earned his power. God got it, but never earned it. Its like being born rich, nothing great in that.


    It might sound stupid...but, well...:D

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