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Posts posted by samrao80

  1. Quote"we (vaishnavas) agree wat our acharyas said instead of giving our own views." unquote This is exactly the essence of Western religions. But Original Hindu dharma gives freedom to every ones view. Based on that very freedom only Madhva acharays spoke against advaita now speaking against dvaita is wrong or wht? Our Sanatana dharma never had the view of dualisam. Dualistic principles are from western thinking of 2nd century

  2. First of let me Introduce myself. I am a Madhwa Brahmin and my family members do follow Dwaita and Sri Guru Madhwa Pricniples very strictly. Coming to your points of arguments.. First of all I have never heard of any ADvaita Guru or their followers abusing Dvaita in fact the other way around is the true and we madhwa's take a dig at them whenever we find an opportunity which is not at all healthy. secondly, I myself personally have read and talked with people who have experienced miracles performed by Sri Kanchi mahaPeriyavar, Sri Ramana maharishi and Sri shringeri Swamigal and these can be very well read in the blogs written by the people who experienced that in their own life. And I have a question for you, when we read the books written by the Origin of Dvaita philosophy or the one which was established by Sri madhva, we understand gods and angels pleaded Sri Vishnu to send an Devata worthy to combate Advaita and establish Tatva marga. Instead They could have pleaded Vishnu about 2500 years before madhwa's time and could have stopped Adi sanakra being born and this way they could have established dvaita directly and thus saved lots of "Good souls" why this was not done. In my opinion, Madhwa philosophy is just like any other western philosophy of evangelism or dualism where in God remains the king for ever and all the other souls are his slaves this is very typical of any Western philosophy. However, only Advaita which is the essence of Sanatana dharma spoke about the self realisation and liberation and knowing the self as there is only one that exists. It is a practical Vedanta and science proclaims that all the molecules in our body can be found in the external environment of the Universe as well as all the material things of the earth that is what exactly advaita proclaimed "ONE THAT EXISTS" where there is division there comes the problem of discrimination. We all came from the Star dust initially and will go back to the same. But we madhwa's will never be able to enjoy the life with such a freedom as we have sold our freedom in the name of Dualism. if one understands, setting aside all the miracles stories and puranas for a while, one will know our existence has absolutely NO significance in this Vast universe and we are inferior than a tiny bit of ants when compared to this universe and when we die we have a conceit that angels of hell are waiting to punish for our sins and rebirths awaiting. This absolutely nonsense. if one understands pure advaita they will no longer be Afraid of death and rebirths. Becos they know that in realisation we submerge into that one which is Never two. All the best to you and my request to young madhwa people not to get too much emotional and angry to defend dvaita and abuse others.

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