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Posts posted by nitai16108

  1. hare krishna


    Dandavats __/\o'_


    All glories to srila prabhupad


    at my house lot of tulasi maharani are present. and every year during the winter i face the problem. the problem is that during winter season the leaves are falling and getting yellow color. and eventhough i am adding water whenever necessary and also preserving with all the basic things.


    please give me a suggestion how to grow her properly during winter.


    yours servant

  2. Hare krishna


    Dear Vaishnavas,


    All glories to srila pabhupad

    All glories to sri guru and gauranga

    All glories to sri nama prabhu


    The problem arises because of two reasons.

    1. confusion in mind

    2. wrong conclusions from other people around you.


    The solution for the problem is only chanting the name of Lord. please chant when you are not engaged like when the mind is trapping you to think differently... so that time you trap your mind by your "intelligence". don't hear "mind". You must not be godasa and if you are controlling your mind by chanting.


    Lord Krishna's name is like sun and maya or illusion is like darkness. so when ever you are seeing sun you cannot see darkness likewise when you are chanting the holy name of the lord krishna. then darkness i.e ghost will never come to you. you must show your sincierity in chanting


    Chant! Chant ! Chant!

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


    you will be definitely protected by Nama prabhu if you are sincere. i Will pray to Lord Nrsingha dev to protect you and get rid of the problem.:pray:


    yours servant

  3. Hare Krishna


    Dear Vaishanavas


    All Glories to srila prabhupad

    All glories to sri guru and gauranga

    All glories to sri nama prabhu


    :pray: thanks for your kind reply. but i have read that "Ganoderma is a type which is growing in a dense forest from a dead trees. and this one type has around 300 and more medicinal effects. so as medicine it can refer to take or not?


    yours servant

  4. Hare krishna


    All glories to Srila prabhupad

    All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

    All glories to Sri Nama Prabhu


    Dear Vaishnavas and vaishnavis,


    I came to know one type of mushroom named "Ganoderma" contains lot of medicinal values. but according to my knowledge Srila Prabhupad never recommends this mushroom in our regular food.


    I want to know what is the view of "srila prabhupad" over this mushroom and what is the reason we should not take it in our regular food?


    please :pray: i request everybody here to comment over this and add reasons on why should not we take this in our food.


    yours servant

  5. Hare Krishna


    All glories to srila prabhupad

    All glories to sri guru and gauranga

    All glories to Sri Nama Prabhu


    srila Bhaktivinoda thakur gosai writes very clearly about the mind which is doing all the things with lot of fake. so here gosai sings how to avoid it and set right the things in favour of Krishna consciousness.


    Stay with the prayers and follow the path of Srila Bhaktivinoda thakur and be blissfull.


    Yours servant

    dusta mana.pdf

  6. Hare Krishna


    Dear Vaishnavas and Vaishnavis


    All glories to Srila prabhupad!!!

    All glories to Sri Nama Prabhu!!!


    He must not claim himself as "Bhagavan". If so then he must not get the old age & he must be having all the six opulences with him fully (100%) and permanently. So without this basic qualification he should not claim himself as "bhagavan".


    Lord Krishna is the supreme personality of Godhead.Lord Krishna is Sac-Sid-Ananda. does he is like that?

    Better he can make a hut in his place and Chant the holy name. that will be better thing then what he is doing now.



    "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"

    gives chanting and everything which you want...


    Simple process to get Liberation and serve Krishna in any form without duality. Enlightenment is not end process and not preferred. Only Chanting Hare Krishna is sastras.


    Yours servant

  7. if real chanting is there then there is no need for any external rituals for spiritual life.


    If we are chanting really expecting the taste then krishna himself is with us. so we can feel the presence in all symptoms. so when we are captivated by so called material attachments then we are deviated to the another path.


    For Example we can take one of the mahajanas for the "Visnu smarana"- Sri Prahlad maharaj.


    Yours servant

  8. Hare Krishna


    Dear Bija Prabhu,


    Thanks for your kind advice in this matter. i know it and i read it but my aim is to sing and not to know the meaning.


    i have the audio of it but when iam hearing the audio with the verse then i can memorize and sing for Lord Jaganath. thats my plessure.


    Yours servant

  9. Hare Krishna


    All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!

    All Glories to Sri Nama Prabhu!

    All Glories to Sri Sri jaganath Baladev Subatra maharani.


    i came to know Lord Jaganath likes "Gita Govind" song much. so i heared in sayana Arati at Jaganath puri. so i would like to recite for Lord Jaganath's Pleasure.


    so anybody here can help me to get Gita Govinda in english.


    Yours servant

  10. Hare Krishna


    All glories to Srila Prabhupad


    I need a help from everybody who are expert in breathing excersies.

    one of my friend has a problem in his breathing. his problem is that he is inhaling and exhaling in his right nostril only. is that good ? if not please define the problem and how to solve the problem.


    waiting for tips to solve my friends problem...


    yours servant

  11. Hare Krishna


    All glories to Srila Prabhupad


    What you have offered to Lord is Prasadam before it was bhoga.

    Example: eveything is in the same manner, food, dress, mala, and all other articles.Tulasi is also like that only. She is a very great devotee of Lord Krishna. Without Tulasi leaves Krishna will never accept any offering. you can take Tulasi leaves after its offered to Lord Krishna or any vishnu tattva.

    The tulasi leaves shall be at the Lotus feet till night dressing is made.if you are not changing any dresses then clean the Lord's Lotus feet because he will also take rest at night. and chandan may be offered according to availability. there is no compulsion that you have to offer it. Krishna will accept anything which is offered to him with love.he expects only love.

    Hope this helps...

    Yours servant,

    Hare Krishna

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