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Posts posted by chimera

  1. The Naga dynasties of Champa and Angkor resembled the snake-ancestor legend of Scythians who with fellow Kambojas ("Kampuchea") ruled Punjab India 1st century BCE. Celtic pottery from Hallstatt Austria is found in Scythian graves in Ukraine, and Scythian sword engraving and embroidered trousers are found in Hallstatt graves.(1st millenium BCE). Scythian eagle-lion griffins are seen on Norwegian church door-posts from 11th century, and Norse:Thai temple dragon sculpture and woodwork are very similar. Temples with split-level roof and central spire are seen in Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, Nepal and Thailand. "Maere" meaning "Great" was the royal temple in Norway, and spires in S Asia mean Meru, possibly from the Indo European root *"me" meaning "great. measure. rule". It is seen in "MORmair" Great Steward of Scotland, and "MEAth" central kingdom of Ireland amid 4 kingdoms, like Scone amid 4 provinces in Scotland. Danaan gods of Ireland, DANUbe river, DNiester, DNieper and DON rivers, and Danu river-goddess in Bali are connected with Dana and Danaya parents of Indra and the Brahmin Vritra dragon.

  2. Before the British invasion, Hindu men sailed to east Australia, from Ngarenbeil. _Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. "Negarinbeli" means "your beloved countrymen" in high-status Bali language, where Negara was the ritual-government, and the origin of "Angkor" Wat, from "negara" men of the sacred city.

    A lecturer in Sanskrit tells me that "Gauriya" relates to Gauri, as in "that which is Gauri. descendant of Gauri". Gauri as half of Indra/Shiva with a snake, would connect with a snake (such as Dana river-snake the mother of Indra). Gauriya may mean "river which is Gauri", the snow-born goddess.

    Gurree the shining white sky-woman made the island named for her, now Fraser Island, Queensland. Gurriya is the Rainbow Snake which made rivers and the lake at Goondiwindi, Queensland, and is "Koorea" on the coast. "Indooroopilly" means "running waters", Brisbane River, and may be "Indra Pilly" son of Indra and Gauri. Gauri sister of Vishnu may be linked with "kauri" trees of mother-earth which were inverted to hold up the sky by Tane "Father of the Forest" in Maori New Zealand. Their kauri log-boats had "mana" spirit.

    It appears that Australia and New Zealand were partly Hindu states after peaceful influence from Sanskrit teaching.


  3. The record is in "Australian Dreaming" J.Isaacs. Cam., and the Papers of Marjorie Oakes held by Australian Institute Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Studies. (also search web "three brothers bundjalung").

    In Angkor times, Champa had a navy big enough to invade China's ports, and Admiral Zheng He of China sailed big ships to Africa. The "njunjau" snake-boats of Kalimantan had many rowers, and Gamilari "njunjun" (west of Bundjalung country) means "clever man like a snake in the grass". ("quick traveller"?). Maoris travelled in such transport-boats on several occasions to the new land. "Maori" means "good man", and Gamilari "marra murri" means the same thing. Gam. "kumil" is a man's grave, like Java "kamil" man's spirit at a grave, and "kamal" perfect man.

    There is indeed a connection with Indo-European culture, and I believe that much may be learned mutually from the east and west ends of Eurasia.

    Please search web for "turoe stone galway", about an ancient stone in Ireland like a Shiva linga.


  4. It is most interesting that Bali retains the ancient Brahma temples. Before the British invasion, 3 men sailed by ship to Bundjalung in east Australia from Ngareenbeil. "Negara" is the state system of Malaysia and Bali. The men were Mamoon, Ya Birrein and Birrung. "Mamoon" is a Skt./Hindi/Bengali name meaning :"maternal uncle". They landed at Angourie :"to wait", as in Champa Skt.ang "number, respect", and Java ang- "time,system". ("Angkor"?). The village near Angourie is Ngari "the sea" (overseas?), and ngara means "play, ceremony". At the head of the river is Coombadjha, a sacred site on a mountain top and now a national park because of its beauty.("Cambodia"?).

    The strong god is Mahhji, and Mahaji is a title of Shiva in Thailand, and a form of Mahadeva in Maharashtra. Baiame is the creator, painted on a rock with very long arms like Indra and with 2 boomerangs making 4 'hands' like Brahma. In language, Sanskrit "jadiman"=Java"jatim"=Bundjalung "jadami".

    On that basis, Skt."bahman"Brahma=Bundjalung "bahami" similar to Baiame.

    Bunjil was a father figure, and is painted in a style very different from Aboriginal tradition, with a bindi dot on the forehead and a cloth on the left shoulder, in a shrine-cave about 800 kms. south. Bundjalung appears to have about 10% Skt.words, (not Pali). Gamilari and Gambaingiri countries next to Bundjalung have many Indic words, including "ngalinga / ngalingguurr" a sacred word, medicine man.(naga linga?). "Bung" means an elder, as in Indonesia "bung" ("Bung Karno" Pres. Soekarno).

    Could you comment on "Mahaji" and nagalinga in medicine?

    The 3 brothers are at various sites, please search on "three brothers bundjalung."

    The Angkor dynasty fled to Java Bali after Thai invasion, and possibly Brahmins from there settled in Australia.


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