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Posts posted by coldsale

  1. Would you be able to tell me how to do it. What you need, So far from the internet. I have found out start at 10pm friday. And go for 21 Days. You are 100% write. I happen to came around it few days ago. And thought of doing it. Have to clean my room. I happen to experience the beautiful smells often. And while I am sitting in my car, parked somewhere. I happen to feel somebody passing over around the car. But I don't see anybody. I am trying to start on this coming friday. I am shy to talk to people about apsara SADHNA. Though I don't know where I can get an apsara yantra and rosary or garland.


    If devi has thoughts of crossing my path. Then definitely I will get the yantra and rosary. I am quite eager, to have the company of a lady, as friends. or what god has written. If you can help me in this journey. Please do.


    Thanks for reading


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