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Dr.Venugopal Rao

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Posts posted by Dr.Venugopal Rao

  1. Dear Jonathan!

    There are several medicines available in Ayurveda to deal with pain swelling after injury.Specifically these following medicines are useful in dealing testicular pain and swelling due to injury.

    1)Yogaraj gugugglu 1.5 grms twice daily with rasnerandadi kashaya 30 ml twice daily.In a week time pain swelling will be reduced.

    Dr.T.Venugopal Rao.M.D


  2. Despite Bipolar disorder is a complex psychological condition,Ayurveda absolutely provides hopeful cure.According to Ayurveda disorders like this are considers as a group of diseases called "Unmada.So,Bipolar disrder also a variant of "Unmada.Such conditions are fairly curable in Ayurveda.Need not to be worry about the medicines.these do not worse the condition.I would like to re prescribe medicines as follows.

    1)Tab.Unmada gaja kesari 1 tab with 40 ml "Saraswatarista 1 hr after food.2)Maha kalyana ghritam 30 ml in 1/2 cup in warm sweetened milk 1 hr before food.Continue these medicines till you get obvious relief.Of course, besides these medicines "Shrodhara is the ultimate option.As an alternative you may use "Sushupti tailam as talam means soak 3 inch square cotton piece in this oil and keep over the vertex for a period of 15 min then wash hair. Do this daily till you go for Dhara.


    Dr.T.Venugopal Rao

    Ojus Ayurveda center

  3. Dear Krz!

    Unfortunately Teenage PCOS has been greatly increasing globally. Yet fortunately there is a permanent cure available in Ayurveda.Many Thousands of PCOS patients are treated with Ayurveda medicines by vaidyas round the India with different medicines..Hopefully Ayurveda is the best for many cases like PCOS.These Ayurveda treatments are absolutely safe and sure without any side effects and non hormonal.I here suggesting the most trust worthy medicine by which i have treated many cases successfully.This medicine is"Phala ghrita" 3-4 spoons of this medicine to be added in 1/2 cup of warm sweetened milk before breakfast and dinner.Continue for 3-6 months or till USG shows normal ovaries.

  4. Dear Hari!

    Technically sinus refers as 'Sinusitis".It could be acute or Chronic.In Ayurveda there are vast numbers of medicines are available which are to cure this problem completely forever.And too without a need of surgical interventions.The medicine will be planned according to the exact condition of an individual who is suffering from sinusitis.As the exact condition varies Treatment also vary from individual to individual.

    You may contact me over my phone for better advise

    Dr.T.Venugopal Rao M.D

    Ojus Ayurvedic Center

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