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Posts posted by kmich27

  1. Can someone please let me know if this is an accurate translation in Sanskrit of the quote, "One should not regret the past. One should not worry about the future. Wise men act by the present time." It is really important that is is correct. Thank you so much!!

    गते शोको न कर्तव्यो भविष्यं नैव चिंतयेत्।


    वर्तमानेन कालेन वर्तयंति विचक्षणाः॥

  2. Hello!! I have been on many websites and found one that I believe to be reliable but I am hoping someone can please make sure that what my quote and translation is correct in Sanskrit. I need it by tomorrow.

    "One should not regret the past. One should not worry about the future. Wise men act by the present time."

    गते शोको न कर्तव्यो भविष्यं नैव चिंतयेत्।


    वर्तमानेन कालेन वर्तयंति विचक्षणाः॥


    That is the Sanskrit translation I have for the quote above. Someone please let me know if that is accurate!! It is really important.


    Thank you!!!

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