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Posts posted by Janardan

  1. Another thing to consider is the fact that when reading the Bhagavad-gita, one must realize that this is a literature of advanced science. It is like giving a calculus text to a freshman in high school. He/She may know a little about calculus, but for the most part it is over the head of most freshmen.


    Science is trying to play catch-up to what is written in the Bhagavad-vita.


    I had the same problem at first Mickey. This will not be the last question you have about this most advanced science. :)

  2. There is such a rich history of hundreds if not thousands of people all over the world whom believe in either Jesus or Sri Krsna. These are not ordinary entities. Religion is a science to uncover that hidden relationship one has with God. This is the one religion the world is seeking. Go ahead a try it with some faith and see what is does for you.


    BTW- There are many that are writing in this forum from other countries, whom are aspiring Krsna devotees. He has touched more than just India.


    As an authorized agent of Krishna, Srila Prabhupada had the authority to establish whatever standard he deemed appropriate and make his own contract for deliverance.


    Srila Prabhupada is the sat-guru.

    He will personally deliver those devotees who accept him and his contract for deliverance.


    If the authorized ambassador of Krishna agrees to a certain contract to deliver souls who chant 16 rounds and follow his principles, then that contract is as good as the contract of another agent who sets the standard at 64 rounds.


    The different authorized agents of the highest domain all have the authority to make their own contract with the fallen souls according to what is acceptable to them as pure devotion to Krishna.


    The sat-guru delivers the disciple back to Goloka.

    The sat-guru is the Vishnuduta from Goloka.


    Deliverance is the mercy of the sat-guru.

    It is not a mechanical process.


    The pure devotee, the sat-guru is more important than Krishna in the deliverance of the fallen souls.

    It is the mercy of the sat-guru that delivers the fallen souls.


    Even an authorized agent can set the standard at four rounds or one round or even one name.

    It is up to the agent.

    Gauranga has given them full power of attorney.


    The crucial point is that the agent of divinity is truly authorized and has a personal relationship with Krishna.


    Self-appointed agents have no real authority to make any contract with fallen souls.

    They must be personally authorized by Mahaprabhu or Lord Nityananda.


    This was well spoken....

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