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Amit Chand

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Posts posted by Amit Chand

  1. Jai Ma Durga


    i was told in a temple to start Maa Laxmi pooja and i have been doing morning and afternoon jaap for last week. Also I have been doing fasting on Fridays for this. Early Friday morning today between 4-6am i had a dream about some of my family members going somewhere and then a lion comes roaring at us. I run towards the lion and it retreats but then keeps circling us.


    Then the lion kills a lamb and drinks its blood as i look on. The my dream switches to the temple i had visited and the person who had seen me has Ma durga powers. As i sit to wait my turn I am chased away by the person saying that I have violated the temple rules etc in my dream, but later I see myself being recalled and selected by security to go back in the temple .


    I dont see the same person but a old lady standing in the temple saying that my friends i came with had did something wrong and they will not be allowed in the temple. then i see my wife coming in and say something the lady ear and she says that she will take my old memories and drains all my memories with something and says that now i can be asked questions - but then i feel the power of something i cant explain and i start saying taht ma durga has given me everything etc and i feel the lady's power inside me - then i wake up and cant stop crying - tears will not stop just like that

    someone please help me to explain the dream

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