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Posts posted by Gauranga-Girl

  1. We are very lucky that in our scriptures we have very detailed descriptions of what God looks like. No other religions can say that they have that also. The bible says that god made man in the vision of himself. In hindu scriptures it goes even further and states that Krishna, the supreme personality of Godhead has the complexion of a fresh monsoon rain cloud. Now this is interpreted as a blackish-blue colour. Shyam is another name for Krishna that means Dark complexion. Krishna itself means 'The all-attractive'. So there is no doubt that the dark blackish-blue complexion of Krishna is very very attractive and beautiful. Radha rani is also known as Gaurangi, meaning one with golden limbs. Have you noticed Radha rani wears Blue garments so she always remembers Krishnas complexion and Krishna wears yellow garments to always remember Radha ranis complexion.

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