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Posts posted by karansaini145

  1. Hi all,

    on 01/12/12 had sever back pain on the left side, thought could be because of cold...had a back massage for 4-5 days...pain disappeared but had same kind of pain on the 08/12/12 went to doctor...doctor said it is pneumothorax.

    got hospitalized... a tube was inserted for five days and lots x ray was taken which showed lung has been expanded again. In the evening the tube was removed. Next morning lot of dry cough and breathlessness....x rays were removed which showed again pneumothorax and hydro pneumothorax ( collapsed lung and water)...next day a pig tail tube was inserted some tests were done which were normal, afetr the tube was inserted in the evening when i coughed , a mild red colour fluid came out through the tube which was inserted on the left side (approx 100 ml)...next morning after some blood test which showed my oxygen level normal doctors decided to discharge me from the hospital with the tube. after 4 days was asked to do a ct scan which still shows air, doctors are not able to decide whether it is air in the cavity or a bullae...they are considering for pleurodesis for which i am not ready. can homeopathy help me in any way over here? thank you

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