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    razious got a reaction from Berlau00 in whom to worship first - lord ganesha or lord shani dev ?   
    Of course Ganesha first before any other worship. Otherwise worship of any deity will become useless. after ganesha you can worship any deity. Generally there is no order unless you are initiated to some serious Mantra Vidya - in which case you need to follow the order of that tradition. For example Srividya upasaka will have to first worship ganesha than Bala then the main deity Godess tripura sundari. It can be more elaborate than this simple schema worshipping a host of gods siva, vishnu, sun, Bhairava and so on in an elaborate system of Srichakara worship and there is a definite order. But if you are not a initiate to such system and are a niovice you can worship any deity in any order after Ganesha. Ganesha first is a rule.
    Magic Flute
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