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Posts posted by gopal_deo_sharma


    So y havent these so called Great Hindu Gods with all the powers able to teach a lesson to people who have been trying to demoralise?

    I don't know how old r u but here is my question...do u have any chilren of ur own? if use bad lingo or just kick u.would u kill them or hurt them? u r a human u will rather scold the kid...but they are gods they show complete mercy....

    I can explain the why not? I can tell a similar questioned asked by a..well..about such a thing.....but u ain't gonna listen now would u? I know u ain't a big fan of Sanatan Dharm....so pls...

    This post is only for Indians not for the ones who wants to establish their brutal regime and teach ....u know....peace...


    If dinosaurs were killed in the sarpa yajna, why do we not find their fossils?

    Fossils? u meant to say that about fossils in India or all over the world?

    Well...the sout-west arizona is a hot spots for fossils....thousands of dinosaur fossils have been excavated through out the world in the last 2 centuries..I think...u were curious about India...welll...some dinosaur fossils have been excavated but I don't know the names..


    Well we are all waiting for the Kalki avatar to deliver us from our miseries. The concept of the Lord arriving and segregating the good and the evil is represented in all religions in some form or the other. We as humans should not worry about this Deliverance. As the Gita says-We should not worry about the results just perform our duties selflessly. See God in everything around you and in everthing that you do and you can be sure of your deliverance.:)

    NICE! well said....to realize gods present every where....truly great..

    but about other religions wellllll.....there is only one dharm...whose guide is the ved...it is the "Sanatan Dharma"


    Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Ādi 17.22


    kali-kāle nāma-rūpe kṛṣṇa-avatāra

    nāma haite haya sarva-jagat-nistāra




    "In this Age of Kali, the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, is the incarnation of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Simply by chanting the holy name, one associates with the Lord directly. Anyone who does this is certainly delivered.


    Well and perfectly said.....a thousand salutations to Lord Shri Raam.....


    In the final stage of realization, only non-dual Identity of Self is admitted. Till then as I said, the Advaitin's path can be very similar to Dvaita; i.e. Bhakthi is important. Advaita admits Ishvara in relation to jiva; the same Ishvara I also refer to as Narayana. Since the Advaitin ultimately says that the Identity behind "what is" is nondual, there is greater freedom as to how Ishvara/Narayana is approached/identified. Many will hold to the jiva identity as real and approach Ishvara with particular name and form, etc. They may give a nod to the philosophical conclusions of Advaita but in practice follow/teach a dualistic Bhakthi conception of God and jiva. Others may hold to the final philosophical conclusion and approach Ishvara in the Aham/Self within existence. They may also be extremely devoted but their devotion will be to the inner Self or in abidance in the Self. This is more akin to the jnana path that you perhaps refer to.

    From the final philosophical standpoint, it is also possible to approach Advaita without discussing or validating Isvara (as personal God) and jiva, karma and reincarnation. The philosophy can stand alone in the assertion of the final non-dual Reality of the Self. (There is no separation/individuality when all dualistic identifications are resolved to the one Identity of Self). Taking the standpoint of the ‘I’ behind the personal identity, the philosophy rises above the reason and law that operate at the levels of superimposition. It is not obligated to affirm or negate or even consider these apparent manifestations. “Thoughts come and go; I remain the same. This ‘I’ is called the Self.” If the Self is the Self and there is neither appearance nor use of the mind, then there is neither limitation nor identification. “It is as it is” is the best we can say.

    The above para is again heavily jnana approach. It will also tell why many who don't want to deal with the question of personal God still enter Advaita by looking from its final standpoint.

    As far as I know, the matams of Shankaracharya advice Ishvara Bhakthi to its followers. Sri Ramakrishna also spoke in these lines. Sri Ramana Maharshi while also acknowledging the Bhakthi path spoke mainly from the state of final realization; hence his statements may seem more akin to Jnana path. However these advaita schools whether they emphasize Bhakthi or Jnana maarg are friendly with one another, recognizing that their paths have the same underlying philosophy and the followers will reach the same end.


    True that both adwait and dwait has to perform bhakti at the initial stages of their followed marg.....but u see a gyaan margi will want to end his individuality by attaining mukti.....the personality of soul will no longer exist....but a bhakti maargi will want to attain lord's divine and spiritual abodes for eternal bliss....a gyaan maargi cannot do that......Mukti will ofcourse get rid of Maayaa and all its apara properties of him but he will never experience Chaitanya that is eternal bliss...

  6. The first evidence of the above fact is the personal secret suggestion of Jones (along with a derogative essay) of 1784 to Warren Hastings, Governor General of India, where he explains his plan of how to destroy the religious faith of the Hindus of India which is deep rooted in their hearts by: (1) Fabricating a false Sanskrit scripture that would show all the greatness of Jesus. (2) Translating a gospel and Isaiah into Sanskrit in the style of a Hindu scripture with (false) ancient predictions about Jesus being a great Divine person, and then (3) carefully distributing these (false and fabricated) books in our educated society to withdraw their mind from the Vedic religion and to divert it towards Christianity. See for yourself.

    Evidence of their malicious intentions

    (to produce fabricated Sanskrit scriptures).

    Sir William Jones, 1784 (from Asiatic Researches Vol. 1. Published 1979, pages 234-235. First published 1788).

    “As to the general extension of our pure faith in Hindustan there are at present many sad obstacles to it… We may assure ourselves, that… Hindus will never be converted by any mission from the church of Rome, or from any other church; and the only human mode, perhaps, of causing so great a revolution, will be to translate into Sanscrit… such chapters of the Prophets, particularly of ISAIAH, as are indisputably evangelical, together with one of the gospels, and a plain prefatory discourse, containing full evidence of the very distant ages, in which the predictions themselves, and the history of the Divine Person (Jesus) predicted, were severally made public; and then quietly to disperse the work among the well-educated natives.”

    Such a plot was launched against India with two main objectives: (1) To destroy the Bhartiya religion, and (2) to mutilate its history. One can imagine the depth of their bad intentions of which Jones was the main implementer.

    We are giving a few more passages from the same essay “On the Gods of Greece, Italy and India” by Jones, President of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta), written in 1784. This is a long essay of 47 pages in which Jones had tried to demean all the forms of the Hindu God and Goddess in a very humiliating manner and tried to condemn Their Divine greatness by all means.


    I have tried to answer some of your points. They reflect my understanding of Advaita and my determinations based on logic, etc as well as the standard treatises.

    Brahmavadins/Vishnuvadins or Advaitins, not mayavadis. The focus is on Brahman being the only reality. The "Aham" of every being is really the "Aham" that is (of) Ishvara/Narayana. The individuality/ego consciousness as expressed in existence is non-eternal expression of Narayana (or superimposition upon, at the level of the ego). Brahmavadins/Vishnuvadins say that the idea that the jiva is independent/distinct eternal reality is incorrect analysis, for it is Narayana who plays as multiple jivas and all jiva and material aspect, when seen for their root, resolve as the One Brahman/Narayana. "Aham Brahmaasmi".

    The supreme Truth is Brahman or Identity/Self. This Identity is non-dual. The individual mind perceives individuality and duality when it is ignorant of the Self. When the Self is realized, the “all” become pointers to the “One”. The ignorance that there is a separate and real individual identity is transcended; the universal non-dual identity is not to be attained or become one with – “Thou art That” already. A change in the plane of operation of the mind does not mean individual identity is actually merged with Brahman. The starting point itself is there is only one Identity/Self. Whatever is meant by illusion or realization is with reference to the projected mind/ego consciousness, which is non-eternal and without distinct real identity.

    This is opinion due to difference in place of emphasis of different schools. The Dvaita schools emphasize Personality of the Lord and the Advaita schools place final emphasis on Identity that is the Lord. The Personality of Ishvara is very relevant to the personality of jiva. The personality of jiva is of the individual mind/ego, which give, according to Advaita, the incorrect idea of a separate identity. When this false notion of separate identity is transcended and the real non-dual Identity/Self is realized, the emphasis shifts from personality to Identity. Advaita schools also stress Bhakthi to Ishvara/Narayana as means to attaining His grace for final realization.

    When the Lord is awake, He is Saguna and possessed of Personality. When He is asleep, He is Nirguna: all personality is submerged. Only He/ the Self is the eternal Reality. But again, the very identification of Personality implies that the mind is operating and within the plane of dualistic identification with jivahood. This is the Play/Projection of Krishna whose reality is nothing different from Krishna.

    An Advaitin who says “Aham Brahmaasmi” means that this “I” is that of Narayana; He is everything and “everything” resolves to Him. But a Dvaitin thinks that it is implying that the ego-identity is somehow becoming or equated with God. This is blasphemous indeed but due to misconception on the part of the Dvaitin, who is not actually practicing Advaita but merely theorizing from the Dvaita standpoint.

    Vaishnava philosophy cannot be established by mere logic. The eternal distinct reality of jiva cannot be proved by logic, nor can the absolute Personality of Krishna be thus established. When a Vaishnava shows off logic, he/she means to use logic to point out faults in Advaita.

    We possess Identity, which minus the non-eternal ego consciousness is non-dual Self. Identity seen in conjunction with ego-consciousness is individuality possessed of personality. The level of personality resolves to Identity when the non-eternal play of Krishna is recognized as projection/appearance of Krishna and thus resolved to His Identity.

    Personality is at the level of mind and ego-consciousness: the misconceived identity. Impersonal is the real Identity/Self. The impersonal is not to “become” the personal, or viseversa. There is one Reality, which at the level of perception appears personal and at the level of Being/identity (the substratum truth) is impersonal.

    The unchangeable has not split into three. See His appearances as realities and think of Him as independent creator, etc., or Know Him as the One who appears and in all appearances see only Him. Your choice.

    Your other points can be likewise answered. There are opinions in them which indicate some standard misconceptions of Advaita and some objections that naturally follow. We emphasize things differently, and this leads to apparent conflict. However Bhakthi is an integral part of the traditions of Shankaracharya; whatever be the ultimate philosophical standpoint to Bhakthi, the practical side includes and cherishes it as any other school.

    Man! thats a long argument...read the whole thing though...true! that Narayan is the eternal brahm but the things u said r not accepted by the followers of Gyaan marg.....u gave a bhakts intrepretation on dvaiat vedant I think.....They don't believe in Narayan being the Supreme Brahm.....because saying a name even adds an individuality and for them brahm has 0 individuality...."Aham Brahamasti" meaning they are brahm....so the little surrenderence one have toward god is also gone in this marg....

    Man! I ain't against Shankaracharya....I am a moron compared to such a great man "Mahapurush".....He came to destroy buddhist effects on hindu societies.....the eleventh rudra.....he says in brahm sutra that what can u do oh! brahm u cannot speak, u cannot judge, u cannot do anything....he also says the Govind bhakti is the only path to delete maayaaa from ones self

  8. We should now understand what a myth is. Myth is the imaginative fiction of the minds of the ancient natives of a country who believed that there were some kind of nature gods who were involved in the creation, maintenance and destruction of the world, and in some way they also influenced the social life of the people. Thus, they formulated imaginative stories about them and started worshipping them in their own style by offering sacrifices of such animals which they themselves used to eat.

    There are thousands of mythologies. Every country in the world has a number of mythologies. Their imaginations about the shape of god also differ from country to country. For example, Greek gods are portrayed in human form, whereas the Egyptian gods are portrayed as having a human body with a human or an animal head and with a peculiar dress. There are all kinds of mythologies: cosmogony or creation myth, myth about the last judgement and death, myth of the destruction of the world, myth of human generation like of Adam and Eve, myth about the period of creation, just like the Zoroastrians of ancient Persia believed in four periods of 3,000 years (12,000 years) only, myth about the soul leaving the body after death, just like the Egyptians believed that the soul flies out from the body like a bird after death, and many more.

    Characteristics: There are eight main characteristics of the myths. (1) They have no philosophy of any kind. (2) They have no exact time of the births of gods. It means they have no real history of their imagined gods. (3) They have no scientific description of any kind regarding the creation and destruction of the world, or birth of souls and their karmas etc. (4) The number of their gods and goddesses is flexible. It means that during various periods of time new gods and goddesses have been created and added to the mythology. (5) There is no definite place or dimension for their gods to live in. Just some vague imaginations like the Greek gods are supposed to live on Mount Olympus in Greece. (6) There is absolutely no description of the Divineness of gods. (7) Their gods and goddesses are filled with human weaknesses like lust, greed, jealously and anger etc., and (8) their gods and goddesses have never been visualized in actual life because they are just the fiction stories of primitive minds. These are the common characteristics that are found in all the mythologies of the world. These mythologies assume the shape of the religion of that country and people keep on worshipping these imaginative figures for their whole life, just like Alexander worshipped Heracles and his mother worshipped Dionysus.

    The source of mythological imaginations.

    If someone studies these mythologies carefully he will find that in spite of great descriptional differences there is some kind of basic similarity among them which makes one think that they might have come through some common source, and it is a fact that they did come from one common source.

    All these mythologies describe about the creation of the world from the void or the sky. They also describe about the destruction of the world. They describe about the beginning of human civilization from some original couple like Adam and Eve. They also tell about gods and demons or evil spirits. Some mythologies (like that of Germanic people) tell about a huge ‘world serpent’ holding the earth, and about a certain distant land of happiness where good people go after death. Some mythologies tell about a certain region where all the dead people go, and so on. These are the general descriptions of the mythologies of the world. These descriptions are vague, bear no philosophical details and have no preciseness of the number of gods or goddesses or their living abodes etc., yet they have a general similarity. They also tell about the god of rain and thunder, god of fire, god of water, god of wisdom and god of arts etc.

    The prime source from where these ideas originated was, of course, the stories of the Puranas of Bharatvarsh which travelled through the trade routes from word of mouth and reached the other countries in a broken form because they travelled from mouth to mouth. Then, from there, they travelled to other far-off countries of the world. As a general instinct, the primitive people also thought that certain invisible super forces might exist somewhere in the space which cause or control the natural happenings like disastrous rain, hail, strong thundering clouds, stormy wind or brush fire etc., which affected their daily life. When the stories of god of fire or god of rain and thunder etc. reached these people it supported their basic imaginations, and thus, all such stories of gods and goddesses that reached these places were incorporated in their folk tales with their added imaginations. In this way the mythologies started. They prevailed in the society for a long time. Later on, when the writing system started, they were written down in a book form. Thus, among the variations of the descriptions of the mythologies of different countries, there remains a similarity because the basic stories of creation, destruction and gods and goddesses came from one single source, India (Bharatvarsh).

  9. The Vedas, Upvedas and Vedangas.


    There are four Vedas: Rigved, Yajurved, Samved and Atharvaved. According to the Muktikopnishad they had 21, 109, 1,000 and 50 branches, respectively, having a total of approximately 100,000 verses in their 1,180 branches. Nowadays only 20,379 verses in total are available. 10,552 verses of Rigved (arranged in 10 sections called mandal), 1,975 verses of Yajurved (in 40 chapters), 1,875 verses of Samved (in 21 chapters) and 5,977 verses of Atharvaved (in 20 chapters).

    These verses are in the praise of celestial gods and goddesses and some of them are also for the Divine form of God. They are called mantra bhag or sanhita. Then there are the same number of branches (1,180) called the brahman, and the same number of branches (1,180) called the aranyak which have the same number of (1,180) Upnishads. This whole collection is called the Vedas.


    The Upnishads have their own Divine character and they are directly related to God and show the path to God realization, whereas the sanhita and the brahman section of the Vedas are related to the attainment of the celestial luxuries. So, generally speaking the term Ved mainly refers to its mantra and brahman section and the Upnishads have their own Divine status.

    Brahman and aranyak.


    Brahman. The brahman section of the four Vedas are the explanatory part of the yagyas explaining in great detail as to which yagya should be performed in what manner. It gives every minute detail, whatever is needed by the priests. Every branch of the Ved had its own brahman which was 1,180. But, nowadays only a few are available, out of them, Aitareya, Shankhayan or Kaushitaki, Shatpath and Taittariya brahman are important .

    Aranyak. Out of 1,180 aranyakas only a few full branches are available nowadays. But the Upnishads, which are the main section of the aranyakas, are available in quite a good number, about 200. The sanhita and the brahman part of the Vedas relate to the yagyas and Vedic rituals only along with the performance of general good karmas. Although they tell about the supreme God (like in Purush Sookt and Ishavasyopnishad, etc.), they never really emphasize on the worship to the supreme God.

    Aranyakas start telling more about God and they prescribe some forms of worship to God. Their mode of worship relates to various forms and aspects of God and it is designed to be performed in a technical manner with some rituals. It is called the vaidhi bhakti, which means devotion to God in a strict formulative manner such as: how to sit, facing to which side, which part of the early morning is good for devotion, what mantra to repeat, what ritual to perform before and after the devotion, and so on. But the Upnishads which are the prime part of the aranyakas directly teach to renounce the worldly attachment and surrender to God to receive His Grace. So, Upnishads are called the gyan kand (the true knowledge) of the Vedas. If we consider in a voluminous manner, about 75% of the entire Vedas (sanhita, brahman and aranyak) relate to yagyas and rituals, 19% of it relates to the vaidhi bhakti, and only 6% of it relates to the gyan kand (the Upnishads).


    The Upvedas.


    There are four Upvedas (up means subsidiary). Arthved (science of sociology and economics) is related to Rigved; Dhanurved (science of defense and war and the making of its related appliances) is related to Yajurved; Gandharvaved (science of music, both singing and instrumental) is related to Samved; and Ayurved (the medical science) is related to Atharvaved. The first three are almost extinct, the fourth one, Ayurved, is still in existence but all of its books are not available. Our Sages wrote a number of books on the science of the preparation and the uses of herbs, roots, gems, metals and pearls etc., for all kinds of diseases but only some of them are available nowadays, although the basic theory of Ayurved is available in full.


    The Vedangas.


    There are six Vedangas (parts of the body of the Vedas): Vyakaran, Jyotish, Nirukt, Shikcha, Chand and Kalp Sutras.

    Vyakaran (Sanskrit grammar).

    The very ancient Sanskrit grammar books are all extinct. It is believed that there was a Mahesh grammar produced by God Shiv, and there was also an Ayndra grammar. Both are extinct. The grammar that we have now is Panini grammar. It has eight chapters so it is called Ashtadhyayi. It was directly Graced by God Shiv. There is a famous verse in this respect:

    Once God Shiv, at the end of His Divine ecstatic dance induced by the enthrilling effects of Krishn love, played on His damru (the mini hand-drum which Shiv holds in His hand). Fourteen very distinct sounds came out of it. Sage Panini conceived them in his Divine mind. Thus, Graced by God Shiv, Panini, on the basis of those Divine sounds, re-established the science of Sanskrit grammar which already eternally existed. Those Divine sounds are:

    There are total 52 letters (16 vowels and 36 consonants including nasals).

    The last two vowels are called anusswar and visarg respectively; and the last three consonants are called sanyuktakchar which means two consonants joined together .

    According to our needs we had two sets of grammar, one for the Vedas (sanhita part) and the other for the Puranas and for common use, because the formation of certain words and their phrasing is different in the Vedas as compared to the language of the Puranas. It is just the character of the Vedas, not any seniority or juniority in their reproduction because all the Vedas, the Upnishads and the Puranas were produced at the same time and are all eternally in the same form. Nowadays only very few sections of ancient Vedic grammar are available; the rest are extinct.

    Panini’s grammar has 4,000 sutras (short sentences) and they are arranged and categorized in such an easy-to-understand way that it reflects the marvel of his presentation of the Sanskrit grammar. For the convenience of the scholars, he added dhatu path at the end of Ashtadhyayi which is the dictionary of the root words of the Sanskrit language. There are also unadi sutras at the end of Ashtadhyayi. These sutras describe the formation of the words of the Vedic sanhita which could be used along with the Nighantu and the Nirukt. Nighantu is the special dictionary of the words of the Vedic sanhita, and Nirukt is the main book that gives further detail of the words of the Vedas which is like a detailed dictionary of the Vedic words. Thus, even though the ancient Vedic grammars are not available, still, with the help of the unadi sutras of Ashtadhyayi and the Nirukt, the true meaning of the Vedic words could be understood. But if someone tries to draw the meaning of the Vedic mantras only on the basis of the Ashtadhyayi without using the unadi sutras and the Nirukt, he will get the incorrect meaning of the mantras and that’s what the European translators have done.




    I am born to a so-called "Sudra" family (according to your caste system that you love to cherish). I however have taken a more spiritual path and am in the process of becoming a Brahmachari and have a wonderful Guru who is leading the way.


    So I want to know what you think of this since you are a born Brahmin and you love to distinguish individuals by their caste? I have all the qualities to follow this path. But I am born a Sudra...are you telling me that I cannot take this path?


    Prabhu read my prior posts....where did i said such a thing?i even said a sudra born can attain lord before a brahman can if he performs bhakti...prabhu i have grew up not in a hatefull society....the bhajans i sing are by tulsidas....my fellow devotees are sudras and khtriyas....i see no difference in them or me as long as they are in bhakti marg...


    Ofcourse u can take any path prabhu! and u can take a noble one indeed good luck....but i thaught bramachari is performed from teenhood....u cannot just take it up....i think u talking about sanyas...


    There might not be a concersion process but anyone can become a Hindu. You can be White, Black or Asian...it does not matter.


    Also to the guest that posted about caste....i agree with you. Caste is just an evil institution practiced by upper caste Hindus in India. They are so much into this twice or three time born non sense. A true Hindu will never see caste...they will see human biengs equally in the eyes of Brahma.


    Prabhu pls read the thread carefully....read my post prior to the post u quoted..I myself...well just read it...pls!


    Incase u don't know this read a post called Kali Yug by me...see what its hold...who is saying it and on what context...pls read the threads carefully before quoting someone!


    Only "some" Indians believe in shudras. Hindus outside of India do not recognize such distinctions.


    At Hindu Temples in America and Canada, caste means NOTHING. It is illegal in the US and Canada to discriminate against someone based on race, gender or caste in a religious institution.


    Please call no one a lower person than you, you are not better than anyone else because of what house you are born into. Most of the world doesn't even have a caste system, in which they label people with spiritual classifications based on what household they are born into.


    When someone converts to a Hindu sect, they do not all of a sudden have caste labels thrust upon them. The world is better off without the evils of the corrupt caste system.


    Man! wow! conversion to hinduism thats a new one......I know initiations to Vaishnav and Shaivik or other such sects but conversion ..... welll.....I guess u leave in some totally newly formed away from the ved community....because everyone is born a hindu....no one is converted neither are there any rituals on such actions....well there is ritual called suddhi karan performed by many tribals in INDIA but has nothing to do with conversion.....people or societies to be exact moved away from main stream vedic culture and created their communities with their wits which is full of errors and thus u see what u see today....there is a link under my signature ...the second one from left click it to know more....man! conversion to hinduism...a western member himself posted that he wants to be a hindu but since he cannot convert....and u say conversion to hindu....there is no such ritual prabhu....since the word hindu is also made by societies which were made by humans....British occupation just made the name popular.....ved, human thats it and oh! who can forget the The Great Lord.....


    Why did u quote this guy ....he was speaking the same thing.....read the threads nicely Prabhu!:pray:


    Absolutely no need for apologies! I used that term as an expression of the resaon I study Hindu teachings - I was certainly not calling you a fundamentalist, and no feelings were hurt, etc. so please accept my apologies if my rambling post was less than clear. :o


    Your post was very helpful and I ask these questions so that I may gain more understanding.


    Glad! to know that....its all right...u see I always think that I must have hurt someone in someway somewhere and get afraid.....mental :eek4: disbalancement I guess:) .....


    Glad! to know I was able to help u....


    So you are saying that caste as baed on merit and not by birth? That a sudra who has good actions is a Brahmin?


    Sorry! did not understand the word "baed" so cannot answer the 1st question ? but for the second....wellllll...ever heard about Rishi Vishwaa Mitra .... he was blessed with a brahman body in his lifetime....he was khatriya...he achieved brahamanat....never read about any sudra becoming a brahman though...but I guess if he performs selfless bhakti he can achieve lord kingdom and laugh on the other sects....not that one who has achieved lord's kingdom does such a worthless egoistic thing....welllll....as per good actions are concerned welll.....even if a brahmin performs it correctly he will receive heaven an then perish and roam around in 84 lakh bhog yonis ....ved calls such a person The Greatest Fool of all...so much work and such a little happiness......


    Listen I asked another bhakt about this he said....(I ain't no english...so the sentences could be gramatically wrong so sorry!) getting blessed as human in itself is truly Lord Raam Lord Krishna's kripa....a person is only born once as a sudra...does good karma and or bhakti get two times birth as vaishya

    again does good karma and or bhakti get blessed three times birth as khatriya and similarly performing good karma and or bhakti he takes birth four times as a brahmin...the occurence in order may change as per his karma and ofcourse bhakti but even after getting a brahman body if he doesn't perform bhakti he perishes and again roam around in the bhog yonis for as much bad karma he did judges by the all merciful lord Raam - Krishna

    Prabhu I don't want to post such things that hurts sentiment of some sect or community..I am sorry If I insulted u in anyway...I apologize


    I will like to mention u that the bhaktjans I sing Hanumanchalisa with every Tuesday and Saturday are all Raam Bhakts and they come from such caste...but we respect them as a fellow devotee...this is India I am talking about Prabhu...I don't why u r so angry...wether u urself was abused or not? who ever abused u or threatened someone to not enter a temple must be held as a social nusence...Don't give up on Lord Raam for stupid ignorant humans, he is all merciful.....just read Raamcharitmanas Prabhuji......I am a Brahmin Prabhuji...I know how caste system is in India....but u got to understand not everyone finds a true "Guru" and also even if they do don't follow as they say.....they cook up things from their own wits and in turns perish in it....Ved is the original scripture for every human being...it is eternal and cannot be questioned ....follow it....some morons follow their "Aahankar" and perishes...don't judge ved on their stupid duty...Prabhu pls let us know ur views....



    Thanks for the info, but I didn't mention worshipping Buddha, or anyone else, in my post.


    I am wondering, why is it you say "...Buddha cannot help in God realization?"


    It was my understanding, as it was explained to me by families from India whom I am friendly with as well as other writings, that one can be Christian, Buddhist, etc. AND follow Hindu beliefs because the object is to achieve enlightenment, which all of the above teachers seem to help with (I say "follow Hindu beliefs" because I realize that, as a Westerner, I cannot "become" a Hindu).


    This is precisely why I was attracterd to Hinduism over 25 years ago, because it was different from the fundamentalist evangelical mindset of the Christian religions (only one way-the others are wrong-got to read this book alone and all others are false, etc.)


    Perhaps it is a particular branch of Hinduism that holds these beliefs? I know there are a few, but I am just now learning the differences between them.


    Wow! I ain't no "FUNDAMENTALIST"....man I am not even from any Vaishnava, Shaivik, Swaminarayan etc sects....I am human being blessed by Lord Shri Raam with the body of a "BRAHMIN"...I only studied literature wrote by Goswami Tulsidas in my teens and for the past years studying sanskrit literature....Man! u took my comment totally wrong....I am extremely sorry if I accidentaly hurt ur sentiments or of any communities...pls accept my apology first...


    Second of all I am glad to know u r interested in Hinduism....u said noone can become a hindu....but the fact is we all are born hindu...there is no conversion in hinduism..societies that went away from the main stream of vedic culture formed the different societies of their own wits...so....for more detail on hinduism or sanatan dharma as we call it in India check the site "The True History & The True Religion of India" (the link is below my signature so pls click it)....


    See the Mayavada post it will explain much about Buddha....Budhaa's teachings don't match that of the Ved..and thus how can he teach of God Realization when he himself puts down the law of the Universe that is the Ved...Ved is eternal..it has no begining and no end every creation makes it appear from Lord and again every Mahapralay submits itself to Lord...It should be the only guideline for a human being...listen some facts from a true "Guru" and u will understand...


    Again extremely SORRY! if i hurt ur sentiments in way....:)


    This is for the Admins....if I posted some insult against the member whose message I am quoting pls remove it...I didn't mean...not this one though...

  16. In the Srimad Bhagwat Gita spoken by the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna himself it says that Lord's bhakt never perish. Meaning even if a bhakt fails to show complete bhakti towards Lord in his entire given life time.....his soul wouldn't perish and roam around in 84 lakh species of "Yoni"....Karma Yogis and or Gyaan Margis perish after receiving the result for their yogs but a bhakti margi never perishes even after his death he is again given a human body and Lord's kripa provides him with another true master for tatwaa gyaan...this is all true ..

    My question to all of u readers is that since I am a Raam bhakt does the words of gita applies for me.....if i fail shoul I perish....or there is no difference between a Raam bhakt and Krishna bhakt? pls prabhujis answer...

    I may not shown well respected titles in front of Lord's and or his bhakt names...Sorry!.....I just wanted to post it quickly...although there shouldn't be any excuse for such an ignorance....


    Sorry, I thought I put it here. I remember now I put it in a Pm. I shall tak a humble pie now. Puspam, Pastam, Pizzam..

    Puspam, Pastam, Pizzam?:eek3: what is this? Man u really....well...got the link don't worry! Pankjji


    I am sorry but your caste nonsense is BS. I don't care how caste is practiced or what it is supposed to mean... it is still discriminatory. You want to sit here and explain what caste is? Just because a Sudra has a lot of energy and does labour work does not make them "bad" or "unpure" or any less of a human bieng then a priest or a warrior-they still have the same atman (forget about their external bodies- it is not important in Hinduism). True Hindus will not look at caste. The evil Brahmins of today sure send out the wrong teachings. They want to stay on top and blame Kali Yug for their fall. Well guess what? Kali Yug is not doing anything but bringing out the true nature of the evil Brahmins-their discrimination.

    From a devout Indian Hindu

    True Prabhu but u see even one soul travels through so many bodies....he is not judged....but as a human he is judged by god...Karma Yoni...

    The four varnass were made by god prabhu not me....I don't say things from my mind.....No body is calling a sudra impure...hey! the people who doesn't practice caste are even below them....Its a rule set by the ved not by any human...Lord Raam was escorted by Gruha (spelling could be wrong) ...Kaal Bhusandi was also a tribal ...he was lords bhakt....I am not telling to practice untouchibility....I am just saying that if a sudra performs bhakti or karmic rituals delivered by the ved he will be blessed with a body u call brahmin.....FROM PRABHUPAD TO MADHAVACHARYA ALL WERE BRAHMINS....they may showed bhakti towards lord in their before life and thus was blessed with a brahman body to attain complete bhakti....not that it cannot be attended by a sudra, vaishya or a khatriya....SORRY! if i hurt ur sentiment in someway....THERE IS NO GREATER THEN LORDS BHAKT!

    If u don't believe in Ved well ..... buddha even though an avatar of god is still not accepted by the hindu community...remember him?


    I read this and it breaks my heart to read. :(


    "I just wanted to mention that some "dalits" living in the US are still fearful of visiting Hindu temples here in America because of discrimination they expereinced back home in India. I have meet such people who wondered why I would want to become a Hindu since in India his family had experienced such persecution. They were not allowed to visit Hindu temples, eat at certain restaurants, or attend local Yoga classes. I feel so sad for these people- the true message of sanathana dharma has been so distorted. I invited this man and his family to my temple yet he was still too fearful of physical and verbal abuse to come. They are now members of a local Buddhist temple. This is definitely something I think all Hindus, especially those that convert or adopt the Hindu faith should work to change."


    True dharma teaches love for all - not discrimination! How can anyone call themselves a follower of Sanatana Dharma, and promote bigotry in the name of dharma?


    May more western hindus show the hindus in India who promote discrimination, what true dharma is all about. There can not be a Temple in the West that would discriminate, or practice casteism. Yet some dalits are still scared to visit because of bigotry they faced back east. Very sad.


    Listen Prabhu...first of all let me tell u a thing about this four varnas or caste....Brahman body contains satwwik goon (depending on the society he grew up ofcourse).....Khatriya and Vaishya body is mainly of Rajo Goon and the bodt of a sudra is of tamasik goon .... all the three goons are present in all the four caste...but a primary goon is set by genetics (gotras).....ved says sudras contain tamasik goon (bad of all goon) may be lord tries to see how well a soul performs in such a body & in such a goon....that is why from stone carving, iron smith, etc all are supposed to be done by a sudra to keep his mind of bad thaughts...a sudra has a lot of energy....


    Speaking of untouchibility...welll....only performed by karma yogis (those who wants heaven) not by bhakti margis.....ved calls a karma margi the biggest fool around....


    This karma margis changed indian society in such a way that they forgot lord and tried to do right karma (impossible in kali yug) and henceforth such discriminations......


    Jesus Christ says 'hate thou sin not the sinner'. The sin is mayavada.

    I guess u love jesus more than Lord Raam Lord Krishna......why u bring Jesus Christ in for?......I ain't no christian....I am a human being....I am a brahman...I don't eat meat...my Lord is Shri Raghupati Raam.....no sastra mentions jesus as "god head"......:crazy:

    U are talking about Shankaracharya or JKP?

    Thanks for the url.....got registered to another bhakti discussion forum...:pray:


    yeah he lost me with Adam and Eve. where does it say in vedas that God created women from Adam's rib, and that all humans are cursed because Eve ate an apple that Satan tempted her with?

    Thanks Man!.....for putting in the details about "ribs", "apple" and "Satan"....

    Nothing like that is written in the ved.....so from where did pranay2....got such a theory:eek:....

    There is no opposite energy of god as per hinduism so "Satan" well fooooooey...

    I think pranay2 thaught of this theory by himself like mughal king akbar did about islam & hinduism.....

  22. According to the above given detailed philosophy.....mayavadism is something else I guess....


    Try meditating about a shapeless thing.....no, don't meditate about an indefinite shape either....no shape


    Try meditating about a shapeless, quality less....no,don't meditate light and also don't meditate darkness...nothing


    Try meditating about a shapeless, quality less and endless form of absolute energy.....


    Close ur eyes and then try it.....remember not even darkness is allowed or on that context light.....:crazy2: u will go crazy people....follow bhakti marg its real easy ..... after all Lord made it more easy for us by performing leelas so that we can remember him....:)


    Pankajji....JKP is against gyan marg "Mayavada" from day 1 I guess so......they believe in Shakaar Brahma unlike mayavada theory of nirakar brahma.....so how can u say that they are mayavada....u said something else about mayavada.....but that is not right....if see shankaracharyas Brahma Sutra.....JKP's even are against mukti...because it ends individuality and thus cannot attain eternal bliss that is Lord Raam Lord Krishna....pls respond Pankajji...

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