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Surya Chaithanya

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Posts posted by Surya Chaithanya

  1. jatilo mundee lunchhita kesah kaashaayaambara bahukrita veshah

    pasyannapi cha na pasyati moodhohy udaranimittam bahukritaveshah...

    An ascetic with matted locks, a person with shaven head, one more with hair pulled or plucked out and another parading with ochre or any other colour robes, all these are for a livelihood. they all have eyes but yet do not see. all these are indeed disguises and deceptions for the sake of filling one's stomach.

    If you want success, change your attitude, work hard, pick up the opportunities and options around you, think positively and actively; be a Asthik or Nasthik but don't be a Pseudo Asthik.

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