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Posts posted by Leaflord

  1. I'm a hindu, but i believe universe does have a start....

    but its not the only universe, it is a multiverse. I'm not so well versed in hinduism, but i've read lotsa articles to support my points. All 'gods' are positions, and souls live in the deva-loka and die as time passes.. Similiarly Surya is one of the vasus, his death might signify dying of this sun. Every brahma (prajapathi) creates a universe, for him a second signifies millions of years. He lives a 100 years and then dies, which for us is 311 trillion years. Within this period of time, there are multiple mahayuga (the combination of all the four yuga) and such. We have a concept similiar to an alternating universe, though i'm not completely sure of how it happens. One says its a contracting and expanding universe, the other says all will be absorbed and emitted by That. Whatever it be, there's no reason to go all crazy about big bang. It has some truth, with a reason.

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