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Posts posted by easwaran.trichy

  1. "Sa brahma sa Shiva sa Hari sendra sokshara parmas swarat" This is wat purusha suktham says, which means brama Vishnu shiva and indra combined undivided force is purusha. When its divided by perception then would keep name and roopa differently. Until roopa is there then will have differences only when the difference goes off then the true existence of course purusha.

    Good question. Although many Vaishnavas or Shaivites here won't like to hear it, the truth is that Shiva is not mentioned in the Vedas as a god, but as a word meaning auspicious, but the deity for destruction - Rudra is mentioned. Vishnu is mentioned, but is a minor deity in the Vedas as is Brahma (Prajapati). Many Vaishnava and Shaivite sects don't really teach the Vedas, but teach the Puranas, Itihasa and Agamas.

    The 'main' God of the Vedas is actually Indra, who became a minor god later in Vaishnavite and Shaivite traditions. Some believe that not only Rudra but Indra also was combined into the Shiva of later Hinduism, as auspiciousness (shiva) is a quality of Indra.

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