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Posts posted by alpesh24


    Skanda purana predicts swaminarayan. BAPS is true not vadtal sect, after what is happenind with there sadhus. You are misguided as the shikshapatri says clearly worship krishna as parmatma. As you will be confused lemme explain. When he was named he had more than 1 name. Two of his senior names were ghanshyam and krishna. So in the shikshapatri he is reffering to himself. There is no 'achaya' only the true satpurush guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He is truly parmatma. Look up these two other swaminarayan books. The Vachnamurut and The Bhaktichimantini. They may ive some answers i hope. Those who call swaminarayan and its movement bogus, well i hope you get the sense to not call god bogus. Swaminarayan WAS DEFINETLY NOT THE INCARNATION OF KRISHNA, krishna was the incarnation of vishnu, and there is are two gods above the trinity and and parmatma (the higher god above the trinity) came down as swaminarayan.


    Maharaj has stated many times in the Vachnamrut about "Bhagwan and his Sant". BAPS has its God-realised saint (P. Pramukh Swami Maharaj), but i am not sure about the other 'sectors' of Swaminarayan. if the non-BAPS Swaminarayans have a guru, do they teach the same holy teachings, does the guru folllow each and every niyam that the Shikshapatri teaches? Has the Guru never asked for anything to benefit him? Has the guru tied off all his family connections? has the guru cared about everyone, no matter which 'caste', how developed they are in their religion, or even how much money that devotee has? i wont continue


    just a fact that one santo told us in our sabha...did you know P. Pramukh Swami Maharaj's brother earns his living by driving a riksa in india?


    BAPS is not money-hungry, but to feed, for example, the whole of the people who come to the mandir for a Saturday Sabha, food, each and every one does not just fall out of the sky. when the devotees put food on a plate, they do not ask for money, they humbly give the food and say Jai Swaminarayan - whether your a satsangi, or a person just viewing the mandir.


    SwamiNarayanan Worships Krishna. Why must anybody worship SwamiNarayanan ?? Instead one should worship Krishna himself.






    I do not agree with what the above says, but i'll pretend that i do..."serving a devotee of God is the same as serving God himself". so If Krishna is the true God, and i worship Bhagwan Swaminarayan, it would make no difference. so what is the point of this arguing? Pramukh Swami Maharaj + Bhagwan Swaminarayan has told us to respect all religions, so can the constant bantering cease?


    This is the problem with so many people. Some folks are so tuned into their own following that they refuse to accept any system of philosophy outside their own. Swami Sahajananda (1781 - 1830) was a pure Vaishnav and an incredible master of ashtanga yoga as well as a social reformer in Gujarat. His life, however, closely resembled that of Sri Krishna Bhagavan. He performed leelas, spoke divinity, and spewed knowledge in his Vachanamritam (main text of Swaminarayan Hinduism) of pure Visistadvaita philosophy.


    Do not misinterpret me. I love Krishna Bhagavan and devote to Him as well. The monk disciples of Swaminarayan composed beautiful kirtans and bhajans spelling the glory of Krishna, and we still sing them today. My istadeva, however, is Swaminarayan and the film Mystic India does nothing to state that he is God, however, it does show that Swaminarayan was someone who was spiritually enlightened to a point above the average yogi.


    Watch the trailer and see for yourself!

    The film currently show Ganshyam (Swaminarayan's childhood name) as a great child and shows his childhood and teenage years. however, the film in Akshardham Delhi shows more about Bhagwan Swaminarayan's life. the UK IMAX film has been currently being played for over a year in the IMAX cinemas. it is one to watch


    Unless you havn't noticed, there are many forums on hinduism on the internet. There is no need to make one for evryone is there? I know you don't care whether the swaminarayan website has a forum or not, your just looking for things to say about us. It's a fact. Don't try and deny it like most of you do.


    i agree. all faiths try to dig deep into other faiths to create things to say about us[swaminarayans]. however, over the last 5 years at London mandir, i haven't hear any santo discuss anything bad about any other faith there is. the santos all see good in everything, and try to teach us that. if everyone in the world followed Swaminarayan Bhagwan's teachings, the world would be perfect. however there are a few ignorant people who are either jealous, or do not want to see anyone happy. nothing that BAPS teaches is bad, harmful or evil. you just need to have a look at P. Pramukh Swami Maharaj to see that


    Gaudiya Vaishnavism is also a religion. And as you can see they have forums. Shaivism is also a religion, and Saivites have forums. Christianity is certainly a religion, and they have hundreds of forums. Likewise, Islam, etc, etc, etc...


    And if you don't believe in religious message boards, what the heck are you doing here? it's obvious that because Swaminarayan devotees don't have their own forums, they must come to other religious forums to discuss their issues. ;)




    I'm sure there would be qualified Swaminarayan devotees willing to moderate it.




    moderation could easily take care of that. They could for example create a simple sub-section for anti-Swaminarayans, while keeping the main forum for devotees and genuine seekers.


    It's not as hard as you make it to have a forum. All large religious movements provide forums for their devotees to have e-satsangs and fellowship.


    If you want to attract people to your community, you would have a better internet presence. The internet is a powerful medium to share ideas and interact in serious religious discussion and inquiry.


    You qutod a part of my one, but forgot to mention the regular Gosthi sessions that the BAPS mandirs have. much better than any messaage board


    Well, It doesn't taken 5 yrs to build an online forum ;) every other sect has thought to create an online message board for their devotees. At least the Hare Krishna's have created forums for their devotees.

    Just to remind you, BAPS is primarily a religion. it is not a firm, it is not a message board. any questions that you may have, can be discussed either privately with a santo, or during the goshti sessions such as the ones that london have. :deal:


    if there was a message board, you can imagine how many posts around the world would be posted. who would moderate it?


    and if there was a message board, most of the posts would probably be from anti-BAPS Swaminarayans just attempting to dissuade people from the true religion path.


    If only the Hare Krsna's could build a temple in Mayapur like this.


    Good luck. it takes five years, a lot of effort, and a God-realised saint (P. Pramukh Swami Maharaj) to build something this great. I'd like to see anyone try

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