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Posts posted by Agnostic

  1. I recently bought a beautiful picture of Devi Pratyangira after visiting her temple. (I am not praying to her for anything related to hurting people, enemies etc. I just got the picture because I feel a strong sense of belief in her)


    I have no set method of worshiping the image so I light incense and pray to it daily. I have made a strange observation recently. Sometimes either at noon (when I take an afternoon nap)or at night, I have a similar dream. In this dream I am in my bedroom, and I get a feeling that the Devi is walking in the next room (which happens to be where my prayer altar is). I think I can hear anklets and I know someone is there but when I want to open the door, I feel like the Devi is telling me not to open the door or I will get hurt when I look at her. I believe this is not a bad dream because I get an impression she is happy (except one afternoon when I forgot to light incense and I dreamed she was reminding me). I get these dreams around once or twice a week and there is no fixed day of the week on which I have these dreams.


    I am open to the possibility that this is all my imagination but the reason I am here is because I am not sure if there is something I need to do. Dreams can mean an active imagination or have deeper meaning. I am looking for an insight into whether I am getting a message or whether I am doing something wrong in my method of prayer. I have kept the picture facing East in keeping with Vasthu principles. I especially would appreciate the input of people familiar with the worship of Pratyangira Devi.

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