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Posts posted by bharath

  1. Originally posted by Avinash:

    Why ask only about man? God has created many other species? So, why not ask about them also? If we ask, then we are asking why God created living beings.


    Anyway, my answer to your question: -


    God created man so that man could wonder why God created him. Posted Image

    nice answer avinash,did really give me a smile,but i seriously want an answer for it.dont u think that to understand god,nature,etc,that u need to know why we were created?



  2. Originally posted by Avinash:

    Why ask only about man? God has created many other species? So, why not ask about them also? If we ask, then we are asking why God created living beings.


    Anyway, my answer to your question: -


    God created man so that man could wonder why God created him. Posted Image

    nice answer avinash,did really give me a smile,but i seriously want an answer for it.dont u think that to understand god,nature,etc,that u need to know why we were created?



  3. i know that this would seem a sily question.but i ahve always wanted an answer for this.


    i think i should rephrase it.

    what was god's purpose/necesity for creation

    of this world,of man,of the other creatures.why does he need to do all this?


    [This message has been edited by bharath (edited 06-06-2002).]

  4. i know that this would seem a sily question.but i ahve always wanted an answer for this.


    i think i should rephrase it.

    what was god's purpose/necesity for creation

    of this world,of man,of the other creatures.why does he need to do all this?


    [This message has been edited by bharath (edited 06-06-2002).]

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