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Posts posted by BVI

  1. Originally posted by theist:

    I'll watch my step and stay clear of the stool controversy.


    But I can't help realize how the joke is on all of us that are so attached to these gross bodies.Eat and s_it, eat and s_it.My god.Time to trade up to a siddha-svarupa 'eh?



    Yeah. So attached to the body and so detached from Radharani and Krishna that we are ready to sit right on the bank of the top most place in creation, Their favorite place, and plop a big stinking dodo, and then try to philosophically defend it. No sense of shame, common sense, respect or gratitude.


    Offering all respect and fully surrendering everything you have doesn't include offering your stool to the kunda.



  2. Originally posted by Rati:

    Your concern is appreciated and not to worry - it is not lost on me (although I have not been to Radha Kund in many, many years, so could not speak authoritatively one way or the other). However, that topic was already discussed on a thread that JN Das closed down. This topic is on your idea of Vedic sanitation and how it is ever going to be workable with the current world population literally bursting at the seams. So, please respond to that, if you think you have it all solved.


    sevak - Rati


    [This message has been edited by Rati (edited 06-11-2002).]

    Some points-


    1. The capacity for a dug well is ten families.


    2. Fines for voiding faeces in a holy place, in a place for water, in a temple, and in royal property are one pana rising successively by one pana, half of that for passing urine. If these are due to medicine, illness or fear, the persons are not to be fined.


    Concerning dwelling places:


    3. He should make the cow dung hill, the water course or the well, not in a place other than that suited to the house, except the waste-water ditch for a woman in confinement till the end of ten days from delivery.


    The idea here is that there is to be no septic system in the house, except for the 10 days following child birth when a woman is not to leave the house.


    4. Of sheds, court-yards, latrines, fire places, and pounding sheds, and of all open spaces, use in common is desired.


    Shared bathrooms is the "in thing". Passing stool in your house is uncivilized, as is wearing shoes in the house. House is for making a sanctified asrama for sadhana, puja, cooking, eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. The presence of septic wastes and the activities of releasing them disturb the purity of all these functions.


    Uncleanliness is a cause of disease, and where you dwell is not the place to park your septic matter. No matter how well you clean a bathroom it never becomes clean. You cannot maintain cleanliness wherever there is a bathroom, just as your body, below the naval, is never considered clean.


    By even touching the stool room you must take bath to restore cleanliness. That the stool room touches your dwelling place physically, aurally, olfactorily, and is in range of vision is not pure or favorable for the activities to be conducted in the home.


    For sastra to urge a woman who just gave birth 10 days prior to get up and go out to pass stool is really something when you consider what a woman's condition is at likely to be at that time. Other than that there is no scope for turning your home into a septic field. The injunction for pregnant women really drives home the importance and seriousness of the importance of septic arrangements and the need to go outside for releasing them.


    How many diseases are contracted from the home where septic arrangements are integrated with living quarters? I am sure the CDC or the AMA must have those stats.


    Srila Prabhupada would point out the folly of the pride in being able to reduce one's fat through yoga, or some advanced technique. He would retort, "Why should you increase your fat in the first place?"


    The same logic can be applied to disease. "Yes we have manufactured so many pharmacueticals to combat diseases." but why should you live in a manner than invites disease in the first place? Children want to touch everything, chew everything and put their hands in their mouth, and they come infected and spread diseases by getting into the bathrooms, and so on. Why even give that a chance to happen? The common cold is only common where the private unclean bathroom is found, I suspect. Touching dirty taps, sinks, tubs, toilets, and so on is all unnecessary and artificial demonic arrangements for laziness and people unwilling to undergo the tapasya of being a human being. Your big city arrangements and the current state of filth therein is the reaction for being in the mode of passion and ignorance. Move them out to the rural areas and establish sane and pure villages where people can achieve cleanliness and the mode of goodness. City means hell. Those who are attached there are condemned prisoners who must suffer. What can be done for them other than convince them that there is something higher than the hell they live in?


    Of course the demonic leaders will never cooperate and agree that people will be allowed to keep their homes purified, like the demons who pass stool and puss on the brahmanas sacrificial ceremonies to disturb the success of their religious rites. Home means sacrificial arena for performing samskaras, yajnas, and so on.


    They will insist that you live like a filthy swine and keep your stool with you and pass stool on the head of your Deity. I was in one devotee's home where the bathroom upstairs made a loud sound when flushing, and the pipe was running down the wall where the temple room was. It was so horrible. But it was a rented house and he was stuck.


    For preaching Krishna has to tolerate as much as we do. But if we are talking about our own farm communities, or reforming society, then we have to go with the Vedic system if we want to be classified as human. Tolerating animals to benefit them is a preaching matter and must be done. Srila Prabhupada had to keep his bhoga in a refrigerator along with meat when he first arrived in the USA from India. What can be done? What is that thing a Vaishnava is unwilling to do to please Krishna?




  3. ATMA:1. If we feel atraction to a certain rasa while we are doing our sadhana is it because we experimented that particular rasa before?


    Whether you had previously "experimented" with a rasa is not a relevant issue. There is no way to determine that except by chanting. Through chanting you may come to know of your past lives according to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in Bhajan Rahasya. The important thing is that you have some attraction, and that is a good thing that gives encouragement and hope to continue further. Keep on truckin.



    2. Why one soul will be in dasya rasa and other in madhurya, who determine that?


    You are what you are. You have always been that. Krishna determined it through the inconceivable lottery system, or His whim. Whatever you want to call it. It made Him happy, so just go with it, water His root, and you will be perfectly happy with whoever you are eternally beyond your wildest imagination. There is a plan for you and your happiness--that is what Krishna meditates on while you meditate on pleasing Him. He can please you must more than you can please Him, but that is what competition is all about. Prove your might and do everything in your capacity to please Him.


    3. Where is our free will? Our desires? Or we just want to serve the Lord in any capacity and He give us our service and we happily do it? Is that what we call unconditional love?



    Your free will is not defined or exercised in relationship to your eternal identity. You are who you are and you will love it when you get there to realize it. Don't even worry about something being forced on you. You are you, and that is the perfect thing for you and for Krishna's pleasure. He wants you to be yourself, and so will you when you realize it. There is nothing in the creation that could be better for you. You are the ultimate you. When you realize who you are you will be totally stoked and happy beyond expression. You will laugh to yourself and happily say, "That's me eternally. Very cool. I am so happy to have such an intimate and confidential relationship with Radharani who is so kind and merciful to me. She is my best friend. She is looking out for me and I will give my life and everything to Her just to make Her happy. She is the best."


    Just be your real self. You are great-the real you. Now as far as your false identity, that stinks. But that is only temporary. Soon you will be home in good company serving your most dear ones as if nothing ever happened down here. Maya is completely conspicuous by her absence.


    Your Servant

  4. When ISKCON actually gets a place in Radha Kunda, then I am sure they will become locally conscious and make positive contributions as they have with various initiatives in Vrindavan like the reforestation project, Go-shalla, cow feeding to stray cows, and so on. ISKCON means benefitting others and that has historically been most devotees mood. ISKCON devotees actually appreciate the brajabasi and the holy dhama from my observations and like to serve brajabasis like the food for life and the kitchari program for the Vrindavan widows, etc.


    [This message has been edited by BVI (edited 06-05-2002).]

  5. Originally posted by Rati:

    It seems to me that ISKCON has always had much deeper pockets (maybe not so deep now with their mounting legal fees and bankruptcy proceedings) to take care of sanitation at Radha Kund than any other Gaudiya group. If the infrastructure is not sound, then why have they not acted? Sectarian blinders on, perhaps? I am sure the costs we are talking about are mere pocket change to them.



    [This message has been edited by Rati (edited 06-03-2002).]

    You sound like the Indian govt. They mismanage, allow the cows to roam around the streets and eat plastic bags, then attack ISKCON for not solving the problem they are responsible to solve on the basis of ISKCON's perceived deep pockets. Then when you ask for the Govt for land to solve the problem they deny you. This is what Canakya calls rascal mentality. A rascal, he explains, knowing that he is liable for something to a person preemptively criticizes him so that he can slither out of his obligation.


    If the babajis are ready to pass the buck on this one, then they should also be ready to pass on ownership and control of their property. Ownership means responsibility.


    If the babajis are too incompetent to manage their affairs and are requesting us to come in and literally wipe their butts, then maybe they shouldn't have those properties to begin with. Looks like they have been promoted to their level of incompetency and are in need of a lateral shift away from the edges of the kunda.


    Are they really so strapped for cash that they can't arrange for some fill dirt? Each septic tank they have should cost about Rs. 200 each for a truckload of dirt. That means $4 US. Maybe they have ten such tanks? That would be $40 plus labor at $4 per day for one laborer working eight hours. Which babaji cannot collect that much from even one of his Western admirers? The fact is that they have the cash. They lack the respect and devotion to Radharani, as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati explained. "There is no scarcity of anything in this world. The only thing that is lacking is Krishna consciousness."


    Vaishnava means they leave a place cleaner. Since this group of babajis hit Radha Kunda, we have to say "Vaishnava ke?" What kind of Vaishnava are you who passes stool in Radha Kunda?


    Walking a mile a day for Radharani's service doesn't seem to be asking for much since they go much further to collect food, what to speak of Giriraj parikrama, which some are proud of doing every day (approx. 11 miles).


    For eating and the tongue they can go miles and miles to remote villages to enjoy varieties of subjis, but for passing stool and respecting Radharani they cannot go even one mile?


    Who said they accept these people as gurus?

    Guru means to set an example. What kind of example is it to pass stool on the banks of Radha Kunda?


    We need to redefine the limit of the bank to at least 75 feet. I would prefer 2000 meters, but I know it won't happen.


    So let's get the babajis to follow in the footsteps of at least the 6 billion Rakshasas who show more respect to an ordinary well, since they are not willing to follow in the footsteps of the Six Gosvamis in respecting Radharani's lake.


    Rakshasa culture dictates that one should not pass stool or have a septic tank within 75 feet of any ordinary well. Let's convince the babajis to respect Radha Kunda at least this much by filling in their tanks with dirt. The whole project will probably cost less than $108.


    If I see it gets done and I don't care how it is arranged financially or politically, I will pay for the entire cost of the work and then some. I am willing to pay bribes to the tune of $500.


    Otherwise I will organize a massive campaign in the Indian media and in Vraja showing the lab results of the water test and how the babajis are passing stool in Radharani's lake like eco-terrorists.


    Be thankful I am gentleman enough to give them a chance to rectify their mistakes. I am not just out to attack or find fault, but I will do everything socially, economicially and politically within my power to protect and defend my object of worship from offenses like this.


    I am giving them until August 1 2002 to complete the work. That is more than enough time. It actually can be completed in a week.


    Those of you who call them guru may want to act as a dhyuti to relay this message as any chaste manjari would do in the line of service.


    Mr. Pandita: "Clean-up your act or get out of town."




    [This message has been edited by BVI (edited 06-05-2002).]

  6. Originally posted by raga:

    ISKCON has two properties at Radha Kund, the Manipuri Gopal Mandir and the new building of Bhagavat Panda (I recall that's what his name was) on the bank of Radha Kund, the one with the riflemen 24/7 around it. What kind of arrangements do they have for sewage, do you know?

    The Manipura property is not ISKCON. It is a Manipur trust with one GBC as a member. THe rest are non-ISKCON members.


    The Brajabasi property supposedly donated to ISKCON is under dispute. ISKCON has effectively lost control of the property as far as I know.


    Practically, ISKCON has no property in Radha Kunda at this moment. If they reclaim that property I will push them to close off those septic tanks as well.



  7. Originally posted by raga:

    Please do remember that while he is the spiritual head there, and responsible for organizing festivals etc., he is not the governor or major of Radha Kund.

    Radha Kunda is governed by a committee and there is an elected chairman, which this term is currently a Bengali woman who sells bangles while squatting on the side of the road. The other members are reportedly busy siphoning funds from the village budget as fast as they can. She and the committe are powerless and effectively non-existent. The babajis should not pass the buck. They are land owners and have full rights to drain out and back fill all septic tanks they own within 75 feet of the edge of all the kundas. Others will follow suit. The babajis should set the example and lead the others. This will be done after a series of professional water analysis conducted to everyone's satisfaction. The alternative is to take the long walk or the short one if you are confident of being a brajabasi, or to establish public facilities outside the protective range of 75 ft. from any body of water or well (that means Syama and Lalita Kundas and any others).


    The water was tested recently by one devotee and human fecal matter was found in very high levels.


    Septic tank, old septic tank, septic tank built in India, and old septic tanks in India means leaking. Ground settling, earth movement (quakes), and other stresses from above cause cracking, seepage and so on. If they have drain fields then they are designed to leak slowly over time. I have seen new ones built in Radha Kunda and old ones serviced (opened and emptied) and it appears that the standard is just to build a box out of brick and mortar, then fill it with juice and let it sit until it get full, then bring in you local bhangi and have him empty it into the street by the bucket full (sorry no suction hose trucks). It is not pretty. Radha Kunda deserves 2000 meters distance from this stuff, at least. I understand from aural tradition that there is a place in Vraja which is a small square section of land which is representative of the material creation, just as Vaikuntha and other spiritual planets have their representative harmonic counterpart in Vraja. Apparently that is where the Gosvamis would go from Radha Kunda to pass stool and urine. That would explain a lot and the argument that all of Vraja is cintamini, excepting that theoretical location which would be material energy--a most appropriate place to unload your baggage. Something to research at least. Vrindavan is a mystical and far out place which we have a lot to learn about. It is not ordinary in any sense. There are rules and ways of doing things that we need to respect if we are going to be there.




  8. Originally posted by Rati:

    So, BVI claims to have the low down on 'Vedic' systems of sewage. Curious that he thinks that stool fields were the norm, when in fact the Harappan sites all have indoor plumbing, like our modern system. He spreads his propaganda, which is very anti-technology, but what he offers us in return is some organic 'let nature take its course' methodology, that in the past was responsible for horrific infant mortality rates and water borne diseases.


    I will respect JN Das's wishes and not insult the man's intelligence, and only deal with his theories.


    For one, modern sewage treatment plants purify the water to the point that you can actually drink it safely. There are also even cutting edge plants that utilize bacteria instead of chemicals (so they obviously do not violate BVI's 'Vedic' principles). It is only reasonable to assert that the problem in India is lack of infrastructure as we take it for granted in the West.


    I would be curious to know BVI's 'Vedic' solution to the malaria problem. In case anyone is not aware, the disease has killed many times more people than actual fighting in all of the wars fought in written history.


    If he thinks he has some model to demonstrate the waste management as he describes it that actually does work, that would be interesting. However, some small community like Mayapura ISKCON is hardly the same as some large metropolitan area, neither population wise nor logistically.



    [This message has been edited by Rati (edited 06-02-2002).]


    [This message has been edited by Rati (edited 06-02-2002).]


    Before you go off on an psuedo-intellectual speculation fest to reduce the Vedic way to zero, and reconvince yourself of the greatness of the status quo and glorify the what Srila Prabhupada calls the modern demoniac system of ugra karma, let's focus on the objectives of the discussion I am willing to entertain at this time:


    1) Stop raw sewage from leaking and seeping into Radha Kunda.

    2) Take preventative measures to close down and back-fill all septic tanks and fields within 75 feet of the boundary of the kundas (at least the normal modern zoning definition of a safe distance from a well)


    Figure out how you are going to accomplish this. Make your proposal and be constructive instead of trying to derail this effort in order to protect the so-called name of a few people from Bangladesh.


    My proposal is clear. Make a modern zoning regulation to relocate all sewage or septic facilities 75 feet from Radha Kunda.


    I think Radha Kunda at least deserves the minimum same treatment afforded by any rakshasha to any ordinary well.


    Otherwise your policy of maintaining the status quo is tantamount to treating Radharani and Her favorite lake as a septic pool.


    Get the so-called owner of the lake to inforce this policy. He is the leader right? You are his followers, so lead him if he has no insight, vision or appreciation. You are all realized Western cultured people so you can use your sales and marketing skills to convince him.


  9. Originally posted by raga:

    Let us start with your good self. Do you go pass stool on the backyard of your house also during winter time, or are you an atheist?

    There is a difference between not following and not agreeing. If I fail to follow I am a violater. If I denounce the validity or authority of the sastra I am an atheist.


    I am a preacher and I pass stool according to time place and circumstance. I do not own a house. I am working to implement the Vedic way of doing things in my preaching efforts as far as I can influence others to change.


    I am not posing as a Rupa Gosvami imitator. If I lived at Radha Kunda and had nothing better to do to save the world other than my own spiritual progress, then I would walk a mile to pass stool to respect Radharani's lake. It would be the least I could do, but at this time in my life I don't live like that.


    My approach to Radha Kunda is that I fast before going to such holy places, as is customary, so that I won't have to waste time and leave my remnants in those areas. I sprinkle three drops of water after doing dandavat parikrama of Radha Kunda and don't take full bath touching my feet to Radharani. That is my vow. It is a special place for me.



  10. Raga, I have to admit, after seeing those last two posts by Sha and Prema108, I am coming to appreciate your culture, at least as the best of the bunch. I don't recall you getting so nasty. As Jagat was appreciating you have been rather polite (though not perfectly so). I think it is the influence of all those BBT books you distributed that is protecting you.


    Originally posted by raga:

    In the Nectar of Instruction, verse 11, Srila Prabhupada, paraphrasing the words of Bhaktivinoda, states that Radha Kund is the best place for advancing in devotional service, and moreover, it is the best place for those who are interested in attaining their siddha-deha.

    <blockquote><font color=blue>It is stated that a devotee will at once develop pure love of Krsna in the wake of the gopis if he once takes a bath in Radha-kunda. Srila Rupa Gosvami recommends that even if one cannot live permanently on the banks of Radha-kunda, he should at least take a bath in the lake as many times as possible. This is a most important item in the execution of devotional service. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes in this connection that Sri Radha-kunda is the most select place for those interested in advancing their devotional service in the wake of the lady friends (sakhis) and confidential serving maids (manjaris) of Srimati Radharani.

    Okay, nice try, but that endeavor as Srila Prabhupada says elsewhere is for liberated souls. You are only proving my point, which is not my own, but Srila Prabhupada's.


    "...Out of many such people who are advanced in knowledge [jnanis], one who is practically liberated by virtue of his knowledge may take to devotional service. He is superior to the others. However, one who has actually attained prema, pure love of Krsna, is superior to him..." NoI 10


    Prabhupada said first become human, then become brahmana then become Vaishnava, it is not a cheap thing. One has to become liberated even to take to devotional service as a real not imitation devotee.


    Here is another one...


    Prabhupada: So Krsna is Acyuta. He never falls. So this is a false theory that when God falls down He becomes a jiva, and when He is again revived in His original position, He becomes God. This is nonsense theory. It has no meaning. God never falls down. But rascals, avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam [bg. 9.11], because they're rascals, they think Krsna as ordinary human being. Avajananti mam mudhah. Therefore Krsna's lila in Vrndavana, so many rascals, they think that Krsna's dealing with the gopis is the same as one young man or young boy plays with other young girls. No. They are different. Ananda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhavitabhih. This dealing, in this material world, between young boys and girls, they're material. They're simply a reflection of the original dealings. The verse in the Vedanta-sutra, janmady asya yatah [sB 1.1.1]. From Brahman everything is emanating. Without being in Brahman, nothing can be manifest or existing within this world. So these love affairs between young girls and young boy, is there in Brahman. That is the dealing of Krsna and the gopis. So that dealing is pervertedly reflected within this material world. It is not the same thing. It is different. But those who are not in the knowledge, they take it that the dealings... Idam Visnu and the vraja-vadhu... It is so nice that actually if one hears about the dealings of the gopis and Krsna, then he becomes so elevated in devotion that he forgets the lusty dealings between man and woman. That is the result. It is stated in the Bhagavatam, apahinoti, bhaktim pratilabhya apahinoti kamam.. If one is eligible to hear the dealings of gopis and Krsna, the result will be he'll forget the lusty desires of this material world. Therefore it is not for all. These dealings of gopis and Krsna is meant for the liberated person. They can hear, not the ordinary persons. Therefore this krsna-lila is given in the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. So don't jump over. First of all you try to understand Krsna, Acyuta. Janmady asya yatah anvayad itaratas carthesv abhijnah svarat [sB 1.1.1]. To understand Krsna, not only... The Bhagavad-gita is the ABCD, and Srimad-Bhagavatam begins when one is actually Krsna conscious. Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam [bg. 18.66]. Then Srimad-Bhagavatam begins. So don't jump over the krsna-lila or jump over Radha-kunda unless you are a liberated person. This is the instruction. Acyuta. You must be also acyuta -- not falling down from the standard of pure devotional service. Acyuta-gotra.


    Srimad-Bhägavatam 1.7.16 -- Vrndävana, September 14, 1976



    And more nectar...



    Prabhupada: You know that. Hard struggle. So Krsna gave us some facility. Now we have got some framework. Do it very cautiously. Unnecessarily exhausting what we... sato vrtteh sadhu-sange. That is Rupa Gosvami's line. We should be very honest and live with sadhu, those who are devotees. Tandera carana-sebi-bhakta-sane bas. First of all our mission should be how to serve the Gosvamis.


    ei chay gosai yar mui taro das

    tan-sabara pada-renu mora panca-gras


    You cannot act independently. Caitanya Mahaprabhu...


    sri-caitanya-mano 'bhistam

    sthapitam yena bhu-tale

    svayam rupah kada mahyam

    dadati sva-padantikam


    [When will Srila Rupa Gosvami Prabhupada, who has established within this material world the mission to fulfill the desire of Lord Caitanya, give me shelter under his lotus feet?]


    That should be our prayer. When Rupa Gosvami, who has established the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when I shall get shelter of his lotus feet. And that is... Narottama dasa Thakura prays, tandera carana-sebi. Tandera means the six Gosvamis. Ei chay gosai yanr tanr mui das. I'm servant of that person who is engaged in the service of the six Gosvamis. And we pray to our Guru Maharaja, rupanuga-viruddhapasiddhanta-dhvanta-harine. Anyone who is going against the decision of Rupa Gosvami, reject him. Rupanuga-viruddhapasiddhanta-dhvanta. This is our process. Ei chay gosai yanr.


    rupa-raghunatha-pade hoibe akuti

    kabe hama bujhabo se jugala-piriti


    Who will understand Radha-Krsna's loving affairs unless one has gone really through the instruction of Rupa Gosvami. Radha-Krsna loving affairs is not so easy. Radha-kunda is not so easy that by force I go to Radha-kunda and become a candidate.


    rupa-raghunatha-pade hoibe akuti

    kabe hama bujhabo se jugala-piriti


    Narottama dasa Thakura is hankering, "When I shall understand about Radha-kunda, Radha-Krsna's prema? Such liberated great devotees, acaryas, they are hankering. Rupa-raghunatha-pade hoibe akuti, kabe hama bujhabo. When I shall understand? And they have understood immediately everything. (Hindi) That is solved. Not so easy. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given us the facility.


    abodha karuna-sindhu kaciya mahan

    prahlada brahma durlab prema nitai kore dhana(?)


    That is the special verse. It is not very easy thing. Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate [bg. 7.19]. Don't take things very easily. Things are very serious. Therefore we have to go step by step. That is, Narottama dasa Thakura said, tandera sange. Aim should be how to serve Rupa-Raghunatha. And bhakta-sane bas, to stay with pure devotee who has no other intention. Anyabhilasita-sunyam [brs. anyabhilasita-sunyam


    anukulyena krsnanu-

    silanam bhaktir uttama


    "One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional service." Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu]. This is the process. So do it carefully. That's all.


    Devotees: Jaya, Srila Prabhupada.


    Prabhupada: Hare Krsna.


    Room Conversation -- September 5, 1976, Vrindävana



    Living entities who are eager to return home to the transcendental kingdom of God, Goloka Vrndavana, by means of attaining their spiritual bodies (siddha-deha) should live at Radha-kunda, take shelter of the confidential serving maids of Sri Radha and under their direction engage constantly in Her service.</font></blockquote>Later on in the same purport, he states that living at Radha Kund is the best means of becoming free from material conceptions:

    <blockquote><font color=blue>If, by great fortune, one gets an opportunity to come to Radha-kunda and bathe even once, he can develop his transcendental love for Krsna, exactly as the gopis did. It is also recommended that one should live on the banks of Radha-kunda and should be absorbed in the loving service of the Lord. One should bathe there regularly and give up all material conceptions, taking shelter of Sri Radha and Her assistant gopis. If one is thus constantly engaged during his lifetime, after giving up the body he will return back to Godhead to serve Sri Radha in the same way as he contemplated during his life on the banks of Radha-kunda. The conclusion is that to live on the banks of the Radha-kunda and to bathe there daily constitute the highest perfection of devotional service. </font></blockquote>Therefore, those who are engaged in the practice of devotional service on the banks of Radha Kunda are the most fortunate, and no intelligent person desires to live elsewhere (NOI 9, 10):<blockquote><font color=blue>Srila Rupa Gosvami has given much stress to Radha-kunda because of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s desire to find it. Who, then, would give up Radha-kunda and try to reside elsewhere? No person with transcendental intelligence would do so.




    Indeed, those who execute devotional service on the banks of Radha-kunda are the most fortunate people in the universe.</font></blockquote>




    One should give up all material conceptions means prior to residing there. That is a pre-requisite just to come to real devotional service, what to speak of these highly elevated platforms of raganuga and the most elevated place of Radha Kunda. You are interpreting these things very cheaply for your own sense pleasure. That is the meaning of materialistic pretender. sahajiya. You are just demonstrating it over and over, yet you fail to see it. That is your ignorance and folly. When will you wake up?




    [This message has been edited by jndas (edited 06-02-2002).]

  11. Originally posted by raga:

    Bhaktivinoda states in his commentary on this verse, "Only pure devotees who live in Vraja with the motive to serve Sri Yugala are vraja-vasis." What would you say to that?


    By the way, from where comes the definition "born in Vraja" as Vrajavasi? Vrajavasi means one who lives in Vraja, not one who was born in Vraja. Why not extend the status of being beyond critique to everyone who resides in Vraja (all Vrajavasis), including those who are engaged in vigorous sadhana bhajana there?


    Now you are just indulging in hypocrisy. You condemned Brajabasis because they came to Vraja recently, showing that you consider any new immigrants as fakes, and then you come up with this.


    You want to create a definition that only favors your sectarian group of offenders, who will never get vrajabasi status as long as they continue to offend the residents of Vraja by keeping machine guns, passing stool in Radha Kunda, not paying their taxes, having sex in the dress of Rupa Gosvami, and criticizing real gurus and acaryas like Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and his representatives.


    If they clean up their act philosophcally, socially, economically and politically then I will accept them as Vrajabasis too. Until that time they are just obnoxious guests who have overstayed their welcome and need to be sent home. If they want to make it their home, then they have to join the family and that means to appreciate the Brajabasis.

  12. Originally posted by raga:

    Hmm... let's count the scores, as this is what counts. Here's my estimated scores-sheet:



    "Here's my estimated pride sheet" more like it. Okay, but be proud about distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. (My Guru, by the way, which I have said several times).


    - - - - -

    - ISKCON -

    - - - - -

    Maha-big books: 500

    Big books: 4000

    Medium books: 150

    Recordings: 10000

    Small books, magazines: 200

    Flyers, posters: 55000


    IF you actually distributed Srila Prabhupada's books, then you have done something nice. I will retract my previous statement in that regard and I officially apologize for that. All glories to this service! Keep up the good work on this front.


    - - - - - - - -

    - - - - -

    - - - - - - - -

    - Gaudiya Matha -

    - - - - - - - -

    Maha-big and big books: 200

    Medium and small books: 4000

    E-books (website): 7500

    Individual visitors (three websites): 20000

    - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - -

    No comment here.


    [here I am shifting from streets to cyber highway]

    - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - -

    - Babaji Camp -

    - - - - - - - - -

    E-books (website): 3500 and counting

    Visitors: 15000 and counting

    [hard copies of books are yet to come]

    - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - -

    No benefit, and even negative benefit for spreading deviation. Fortunately your ISKCON service is eternal and cannot be destroyed by any manner of offenses, but the benefits you are to receive from it can be checked by this deviant behavior. I am here to help you clear your path and get back on track. Go back to distributing Srila Prabhupada's books exclusively and you will be in a better position. I am praying to Radharani to give you the intelligence to see that.




  13. Originally posted by Rati:

    Looks like they have you over a barrel on the Brajbasi side of the equation, BVI. I am sure you are correct about the majority of the residents born in the dhAma (or at least a third of them - don't really know), but what about those that make dacoit their occupation? We are supposed to respect the monkeys too, but they have been known to attack sAdhus sitting peacefully and taking kRSNa prasAda and biting them in the jugular vein (an obvious attempt to kill the humans for food).

    Good question. The answer is given by Srila Prabhupada "Don't make friends and don't make enemies." Remain a distance and just appreciate. Don't get too close.



    A little bit of information on septic tanks, for the plumbing impaired. When properly designed, they hold waste in a tank and have a septic field overhead. In the USA they are by law to be installed a safe distance from any wells. The tanks are maintained by a service that empties them periodically. Seems like quite an improvement over stool fields where the waste is lying out in the open and liable to be spread around with each heavy rain, spreading cholera and other nastiness. Obviously the type of sewers with pipes (actually used in anient Egypt) are superior, but far more costly to build and maintain. Your vision of plumbing free outhouses or open latrines (whatever your technologically impaired mind has concocted) is a throwback to horrible times and a prescription for hell on earth, BVI. I suppose you keep a small herd of those scrawny Vrindavan hogs to follow you around and tidy up whenever you feel a call to nature. Hah! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image



    You are full of pride, misconceptions, speculations and lack knowledge of the science of waste management. The Vedic system is superior.


    You fire an arrow from a long bow and the distance is travels is the minimum safe distance for passing stool. I don't know the range of a long bow, but let's say 200 meters. That means the Gosvamis went 10 times further than that to show special respect to Radharani's favorite place.


    To respect a normal place 200 meters, to respect the higher place 2000. It is a question of respecting the place. An open field where people go to pass stool is not necessarily a smelly place. It diferentiates humans from animals. Animals have no shame, except cats who bury their stool.


    Hogs will roam there in the field and clean it up along with the purifying rays of the sun. It is a wonderful system as long as you don't use water. When you start introducing water is when you have all the problems.


    That is one reason why people don't travel during the rainy seasons because it is a time of removal and purification of the fields and rivers carry it all away. People generally remain indoors. Just as a woman is purified by her menses, the rains purify the earth. When a woman is in that condition, like the earth, she should not be touched.


    This is called getting in tune with Divine arrangement. If you want to propagate imperfect concocted Western culture, values and systems, then why have you joined the Sankirtana movement? If you are against passing stool in fields then you are an atheist, or pasandi for rejecting the Vedic version.


    I am fully aware of the Western septic and sewer systems (I have even seen the installation of a few systems) and they are responsible for poisoning the ground water and polluting the rivers and oceans. Urgra karma, which is always the demons preferred method of doing things. There is a Vedic art of living and that should be implemented whenever and wherever possible because it is the most favorable way of living for cultivating devotional service.


    This was one of the most important and major issues in planning the Mayapura project. Waste management. We need to show an example to the rest of the world what is the value of Vedic culture. That is a part of our mission, and it begins with cultivating a sense of humility and shame, at least enough to restrict you from passing stool in Radharani's lake. It should begin from there. Then we can talk about reforming the rest of the world.


    Are you so advanced that you can pass stool in Her lake like the turtles who live there?



  14. Originally posted by raga:

    Getting back to what appears to be the main concern over Radha Kund Babajis -- their toilet arrangements -- I sincerely believe that the Babajis were not the architects who designed the infrastructure of the Radha Kund village and its sewage arrangements. The toilet arrangements probably developed sometime after the beginning of the British rule, when Radha Kund began to be immigrated by people from elsewhere, and a need for structuring the city eventually came about, along with the septic tanks and the rest of the sewage system.


    "Probably"? The fact is that there are two bona fide systems for Radha Kunda. One for followers of Mahaprabhu and one for Brajabasis. Everything else is a recent concoction. Septic tanks, open sewers, and all this nonsense is concoction.


    The followers of Mahaprabhu get to take the longer walk, and the Brajabasis get to take the shorter walk to Mala Kunja (behind the burning ghat). Get to know the Brajabasis and they will explain everything. They are beautiful people if you approach them properly. But I also admit, you should not get too close. Learn how to benefit from the fire of their presence without getting burnt. If you try to do business in the holy dhama against regulations then you will probably get cheated. They know how. But their cheating means to offer something extra to their Giriraja, whereas your cheating will probably result in your own sense gratification.


    The six Gosvamis were not so arrogant to think they could imitate the Brajabasis by passing stool in their designated area, walking on Govardhan Hill, and so on. They were respected as different, special, and beyond criticism, only to be served and appreciated. Where is that verse by any Gosvami criticising any Vrajabasi? Rather we see, "Even if they just talk all gossips with me, I will remain there with them in Vraja, no where else." This is the bona fide feelings of a follower of Mahaprabhu. Not, "Babaji Maharaja says we need automatic weapons to protect ourselves from these so-called newly immigrated Vrajabasi gundas who have nothing better to do than bathe their filthy children in our lake that we own, and cut into our profits by their panda racket of Brajabasi-seva."


    The fact is that the Brajabasi Panda actually do Brajabasi seva with those donations they collect at the kunda. Anyone who comes to their home will be fed, even a babaji. How someone can take food from the hand of such a brajabasi brahmana and then criticize his sitting out all day in the extreme climate of the kunda working hard to help people properly respect the kunda by doing pujas for their benefit, it certainly shameless ingratitude. Every occupation has some fault Krishna says in Gita, and for the brajabasi pandas it is having to coerce uncultured andm iserly kali yugites how to properly respect the kunda, and they do that successfully. In return they get the time-honored brahmanas dakshina. That is the culture and the ancient system and tradition. They are not cheap imitators or concocters. They are doing their prescribed duty, albeit with some imperfections. But they are beyond our criticism. You have to become a brajabasi bramana tirtha guru panda in order to criticize them. If you don't like their system take bath somewhere else.


    For the brajabasis there is no discrimination. They have faith in Radharani. The babajis of Ananta Panda on the other hand are so sectarian they only feed their people in their daily free lunch. Even ISKCON has more culture than the babajis. They do food for life for anyone and anyone without discrimination on a regular basis.


    The babajis have made a not-so-gorgeous arrangement for the happiness of a few people only, and Srila Prabhupada says that means "demon" (like Indira Gandhi and Company). Real religion means to see that everyone becomes happy, and the babajis have done a piss poor job of even pleasing the brajabasis who are kindly allowing them to reside there. They have some cleaning up to do in all sections of the kunda.


    Read Manah Siksha verse one on how to get direct service, "Develop unprecendented love for the Brajabasis..." Where is that love if you are finding fault in them and keeping guns for shooting them? Where is the realization? Where is the direct service? Where is the raganuga with priti and purva-kama?


    Better let them kill you if it is your karma and Radharani's desire than to even think of harming them in any way. As Srila Prabhupada says, a devotee is never harmful. Harmful means demon. ISKCON at least hires other local Brajabasis to protect their property and that is the proper way to deal with those issues.


    Why a babaji would pack an automatic weapon to eventually kill or injure a Brajabasi means he has overstayed his welcome in Vraja. Time to go home to Bangladesh and live amongst the 90% muslims there and do some serious introspection. Then maybe they can come back with fresh appreciation of how sweet and wonderful it is to still have Brajabasis to live amongst.


    There is no question of advanced devotion, even at the stage of sadhana within the hearts of such offenders. When you see a Brajabasi outside of Vraja your heart should melt and tears should come to your eyes, not suspicions of whether his family arrived in Vraja just 15 generations ago instead of 500. This is just material vision and offensive. You should be ashamed of yourself, but it appears you are a shameless offender and pretender.


  15. First you accept and correct yourself by following Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and Srila Prabhupada, then you can discuss Srila Bhaktivinoda. You want to jump over the immediate acarya and make some sentimental claim to following the superior acarya.


    This is Vasihnava aparadha and impertinent and intolerable offense. You have no relationship, no access and no standing with Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. You obviously don't have a philosophical leg to stand on within your own sampradaya. But why imitate and cut and paste from our gurus?


    Either you and your Pandita come and surrender to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's current representative in genuine humility as become bona fide followers or mind your own nonsense business. You are only trying to take strength from our acaryas to do politics and try to win arguments, but that isn't the process.


    You admit Bhaktivinoda is the superior acarya, so why not surrender to him in the proper way? Don't remain a hodge-podge. i am glad you have appreciation for my guru, but your approach it kaccha, or half-baked.


    If I am to discuss philosophy with you then there has to be a basis of authority from which to discuss for understanding not arguing, and the etiquette is that the junior inquires submissively from the senior if he wants to learn, and the senior reveals the confidential knowledge to the point he has realized it.


    That is what it means to discuss as a follower of Srila Rupa Gosvami. You are not properly approaching through the authorized process, another proof of Srila Prabhupada's statement in Nectar of Devotion that the siddha pranali people are not authorized, nor are they followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami. You are concocting your own process. I cannot discuss with you until to submit to the bona fide process and accept my gurus as the basis of authoritative knowledge.


    I do not associate with pretenders, offenders of my gurus, sahajiyas or nonsense-I try to rescue such drowning dogs by preaching to them to catch up the lotus feet of all my gurus, not just the ones that they mistakenly think support their nonsense. I will be happy to associate with you and explain anything you want to know more about provided that you follow the process and surrender to at least give up the camp you are presently aligned with.


    Your Servant


    [This message has been edited by BVI (edited 06-02-2002).]

  16. Originally posted by raga:

    Though you are in the mood to slander Ananta Das Pandit, you are yet to show any of your claims as true with any decent standard of evidence.

    Well I am glad you have stopped calling him Babaji. But if he is a learned pandita, why is his toilet leaking stool into the kunda? I mean he is the legal owner of the toilets and owner means responsible, right? You get that garbage cleaned up pronto, then you talk about bhava and philosophy, otherwise you are just a nonsense sahajiya rambling on about something you will never realize in thousands of lifetimes. DO SOMETHING PRACTICAL FOR RADHA KUNDA, shut down the septic tanks and then discuss other matters. It is only going to take one good earth quake to finish off those tanks which will crack and spew untold gallons of raw sewage into the Kundas. Is that what you want to wait for and waste time arguing with me to see happen? Where is the question of Pandita if you can't even manage to keep your fecal matter out of Radharani's lake, what to speak of babaji, or worse yet manjari?




    Lots of Pandita followers, even millions, but what does a million zeros add up to?











    Take care of this problem and take credit for it and make your pandit a hero, otherwise in the spiritual accounting office you, your pandita and all his followers are a big ZERO.



    [This message has been edited by BVI (edited 06-02-2002).]

  17. The quote below is testimony to my statements that the Babajis have poisoned the minds of their followers against the brajabasis. Just see the arrogance and gaul these puffed up rascals have in their view of the Brajabasis. Because they came generations ago the one's present today were not born in Vraja? What is your answer rascal? Practically every Brajabasi I know with the exception of some ksatriya families from Rajasthan can trace their family back to Gautama Rishi or some other lineage and their roots are all fixed in Vraja. Your nonsense proposal you are vomiting here from your Pandas is a license to pack uzis and commit Vaishnava and Brajabasi aparadha? If you and especially your Panda are so absorbed in your sidha deha how did you come to know all this political stuff from the babajis? Don't they talk about 'more substantial' stuff than feeding you with arguments to hate the Brajabasis? These rascals are finished. It is just a matter of time. Maya is making an ass out of you and all the other weak and foolish persons they have cheated.



    Originally posted by raga:

    In regards to Vrajavasis etc. you may be curious to know that most of the present-day Vrajavasis have come to Radhakund from outside of Vraja. After Raghunatha Das Gosvami and Jiva Gosvami made arrangements for securing the Radha Kund area from the back-then Muslim ruler, for a few centuries the residents of Radha Kund consisted of practically only Babajis. Due to the Muslim rule, everyone had to respect Sri Radha Kund as the place of the saints.


    However, when the rule changed to the British rule, a lot of people were brought in from outside the Vraja, and no-one respected the certificate given by the Muslim ruler. People came in and occupied land by force. Since then, the newcomer Vrajavasis have on several occasions claimed Radha Kund as their property, and by force restricted the babajis from bathing there. On occasions this has led to fights when pilgrims from Rajasthan for instance have objected to this and stood up against the locals in favor of the babajis, who were not keen of rising a riot over it.


    Overall, considering the history of people immigrating to the babajis' bhajan-sthali and starting to make money there, either in regular business or in pilgrim business, and importing a world of sensual attractions there, it should be no wonder that there may be some ill feelings between the sadhu community and the locals. Of course this does not count for the Vrajavasis who have genuine honor for the life and precepts of Sri Caitanya and the six Gosvamis.


  18. Raga, you obviously have a one-sided view and anyone can see that you are a blind follower who has been poisoned by their rhetoric. These so-called followers of Mahaprabhu has zero appreciation for the Brajavasis who they are locked into an ongoing hot and cold war with. This is not a symptom of a follower of Mahaprabhu. They are deviant materialistic cheap imitators and you are their proud follower who has done absolutely nothing to propagate this sankirtana movement, only parrot foolishness in the name of philosophy raga and rasa to derail it. Get a spiritual life and get back into ISKCON. Your time is running out.



  19. Rambo Das Babaji and Terminator Das Babaji. Were they friends of Hamsaduta? Did they chant "Jaya Radha Madhava" for two hours before or after they opened fire?

    Maybe it was the influence of a Bhaktivinoda song that has corrupted their pure intentions.

    No the Vrajabasis chant that song, not the trigger-happy babajis.


    The ecological problem is one that is everywhere in Vrindavan. It needs to be dealt with by people who know what they are doing.

    Okay you can try to minimize it, but if they want the prestige of being the owners and mahants of the kunda then why aren't they taking leadership and initiative to solve the problems? They are taking in millions of dollars, yet there is nothing practical to show for in Radha Kunda seva, which is practically done by the brajabasi pandas.


    The babajis are just plain miserly. They offer Radha Kunda mustard oil lamps instead of ghee when they are rolling in millions of dollars. They don't even pay their taxes to the Radha Kunda community for basic community services they take advantage of, and for that they are going to legally lose their claim to ownership and get kicked out by Radharani for flagrant abuses, offenses, and smug defiance of local law and order, which Mahaprabhu never approved of. They have become too proud and the Brajabasis are reaching their limit.


    They think their automatic weapons will protect them and that they can maintain their position in the Kunda by force, but the last time I heard, Radharani was in control and She ain't afraid of no bullets.


    Because of their antisocial behavior no on in Radha Kunda or Vrindavan is willing to rent a room to a Bengali due to their cunning attempt to seize property and not pay rent tying up property in court cases for years. Even the babajis of Radha Kunda who own asramas have stated their unwillingness to rent rooms to Bengalis and even their own people.


    There have been conflicts between Babajis and Brajavasis over the ownership of the Kund. The Brijvasi Pandas claim ownership so they can make more money from it.

    That's the crux of the problem, both claim ownership, but actually Radharani is the owner. No one wants to be a steward or a real manjari and clean it up. Internal manjari and external king.


    Everyone wants ownership and the attendant profits to be earned, and the babajis are no exception to that. I am sure there are even ISKCON wallas who would like to get in on that action. Actually, I know there are such persons and they are being dealt with as well. I am not partial when it comes to rascals. But you would be incorrect if you conclude that the Brajabasis are heartless entrepanuers.


    I find that they have more appreciation and love for our tradition than even we or the babajis do. They are loving people and not as much politicians and philosophers. If they find your are a hypocrite, like they have concluded with the babajis, then they will work against you socially, politically, and economically for sure. They also have a sense of keeping the sanctity of the Kunda and purity of the holy dhama. They are very religious people.


    But if they love you they will refuse to accept a paisa from you when you go to their store. This happened to Srila Prabhupada's devotees when they first came to Vrindavan and Radha Kunda and tried to purchase things, the brajabasis refused to accept their money and insisted that they take whatever they need for free as a gift of love and appreciation.


    We need to bring that back to Vrindavan and Radha Kunda with genuine devotee appreciation of the brajabasis and proper interactions and dealings devoid of duplicity and hypocrasy. I have faith it can and will be done. The onus is on the followers of Mahaprabhu to rectify the past and the relationships. We cannot hold the brajabasis accountable for how we have made them.


    They were pure and simple when we came and whatever they are now is a direct result of our actions and influence (plus some help from the cable TV), our contribution of karmic and social terrorism against the holy dhama and the residents there, the basis of Vraja.


    We have to treat it like an endangered species protected sanctuary and be sure we do not negatively impact or disturb the delicate culture or environment when we visit there, which is the heart of the people.


    We should be encouraging them in bhakti, but we see they are getting encouraged in so many other ways by our influence. We need to become like them, not demand that they so-called evolve to the 21st century.


    Jagatji, I appreciate your attempts to referee this match, but you just don't know enough of what is going on there to make the calls. I still appreciate your efforts anyway.


    I know you are trying to be borad minded, fair, liberal and kind to all, but this is not a tennis match, it is an all-out war that maybe Srila Bhaktisiddhanta started in reponse to seeing their pitiable condition.


    The war is not against the babajis, they are the victims, the war is against Maya, which has them defeated. When you take a shot at the kidnapper it only appears you are shooting at the hostage. Please try to see the difference.


    They are posing a serious problem in Radha Kunda for the brajabasis, ISKCON, the Gaudiya Math, Narayana Maharaja and other Gaudiya Vaishnavas, by stealing disciples, poisoning minds, and creating social disturbances like eco-terrorism, land disputes, tax evasion, and so on, and I predict that there will be a day very soon when they will be forced out with an equal or greater force than they have been exerting to remain there.


    In fact they have this guarantee as my complete blessings. It is the best thing for them. Then maybe they will come to appreciate what they had and lost.


    The Brajabasis are just waiting patiently for the right opportunity and if India goes to war, that might be it. Radha Kunda is very far from the babaji's birth place and in the chaos they won't get much support from their central govt chelas who will be busy at the border.


    If I were a babaji I would seriously consider going back to Mahaprabhu's place and chant the holy name where offenses are overlooked and the top most results can be achieved by even Jagai and Madhai by Lord Nityananda's grace.


    Give up a battle to win the war is probably going to be their best policy. Things are going to get very nasty there I suspect if they try to continue to remain by force.


    I am just a reporter. It you don't like the news turn the channel. I am just doing my service to protect devotees from the poison of Naraka Kunda Babas, who think they are living at Radha Kunda and chanting the holy name. It is not so cheap and easy as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta pointed out. Feel free to disagree, and of course, this is not meant to be a blanket statement about all babajis, there may be a good one out there I missed, and to the rest, if the shoe fits wear it.


    Your Servant



  20. If anyone wants to research this further for themselves they can contact the principal of Barshana school (Mr. Sharma I believe) about babajis in Radha Kunda possessing automatic weapons permits obtained through their connects with the Central Indian Govt., and about their possession and use of such weapons.


    Also inquire from the local Brajabasis about the standoff in 1986 where so-called babajis armed to the teeth with machine guns opened fire on a group of 150 or so Brajabasis who were coming down the parikrama path minding their own business.


    Just imagine a real babaji like His Divine Grace Srila Gaura Kisora Dasa Babaji Maharaja, and try to picture him toting an uzi around Radha Kunda. It is unthinkable and unimaginable for any Vaishnava.


    How blind followers are able to support the insane rationale that they might need to resort to automatic weapons for self-protection is testimony to their degree of spiritual blindness and the babajis lack of surrender to accept Krishna as their protector.


    Reminds me of another obnoxious cult group operating in the name of ISKCON that kept guard dogs in the temple. You see I am fair. I will attack any nonsense, no matter which side of the fence it was passed.


    This Radha Kunda Babaji program has all the trappings of a cult. Now we even have 21st century Babaji apologists defending leaky septic tanks spewing stool in the Kunda, and instead of launching an investigation they shamelessly blame poor Brajabasi women for allowing their children to pass stool in the kunda.


    This is typical of the Bengali and Bangladesi babaji rhetoric against the Brajabasis, who they and their followers are always condemning as gundas, and unclean persons. They have no appreciation for the Brajabasis despite Mahaprabhu's warning to His devotees not to criticize them. They are training their disciples in Brajabasi aparadha and posts in other topics by their supports have confirmed this.


    The fact is that when Rajeev Ghandi implemented the forced sterilization policy in India, Srila Prabhupada explained how the Mathura police immediately went to Radha Kunda to arrest the babajis and had them taken in for forced sterilization, because he explains that "They knew that these babajis were utilizing their genitals."


    Even today the Brajabasis who express genuine feelings for ISKCON and Gaudiya Math continue to confirm their knowlege of the same charges filed 70 years ago by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, that these babajis are keeping women, associating with women intimately and having sex.


    The Brajabasis have all but cut off these "mosquitos" (as they call them) from madhukari, but they can't because they are too cultured. So now the madhukari in Radha Kunda is cut down to half a capati at best according to the babajis followers who now go to other villages that are not yet burnt out begging spots like Mukharai, where they are not as familiar with their erotic materialiastic style of bhajan mixed with bullets. It certainly is a documentary waiting to happen.


    It is not for the reason of convenience that the Six Gosvamis chose to pass stool 2 kilometers away from Radha Kunda. It was out of respect, shame, shyness and love for Radha Kunda. Convenience and low-tech facilities would only demand going a few meters away, at most a hundred, like the locals used to do (Mala Kunj west of the kunda past the burning ghat).


    There is no superiority in passing stool in your place of worship and the place of Krishna eternal lila because you figured out how to violate dharma sastra and pass stool and urine in water. It only shows your pride and lack of culture and perverted contaminated Western values, which places laziness (aka convenience) over respect for others (Radha and Krishna in this case, whose favorite lila place is now a place for passing stool stanking with odur and urine smell.)


    Take a practical lesson from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta if you can't swallow his philosophical pill, and go see his bhajana kutir, where he continues to preach this essential lesson by keeping an open western toilet in his bhajan room where he chanted (the partial partition blocking the toilet was a concocted addition to the toilet after his departure).


    He saw the lack of enthusiasm and the lack of genuine devotion when he saw the babajis passing stool at the kunda, but he was too cultured to sling that mud verbally, so he tried to get his message through with graphics like a gentleman by installing the toilet which doesn't actually function, it is a preaching prop to make a point, that has yet to be realized after 70 years.


    I am not going to even pretend to be so cultured and especially when his beautiful name is being attacked by these up-start junior stool-slingers who pack machine guns and throw their stool into the waters of my object of worship.


    Get the babajis off the banks of Radha Kunda and into the jungle with the monkeys so that all their objectives can be fulfilled without having to disturb the pastimes. Or at least their followers can convince them to stop the eco-terrorism of Radha Kunda by emptying out and filling in the septic tanks and taking them on a japa walk, or a siddha pranali walk (whatever they do) to the place where the Gosvamis showed all future potential residents of Radha Kunda where and how to dodo it. If they claim to be their followers, then why don't they also follow the Six Gosvamis to the toilet?


    This is the sahajiya mentality, they want a cheap and easy process. Cheap guru who praises you, cheap mantra, cheap process, cheap siddha deha, and cheap bullets for your automatic weapons.


    Radha Kunda is for tapasya not for sense gratifying 21st century toilet flushers. Many of them are looking rather fatty, especially the Panda, and a 2km walk daily, or thrice daily depending on his diet, would be a perventative measure against diabetes (caused by over eating). Of course the mean nasty gundas might get him while he is out walking. But Radharani is in control right, or is it the new philosophy of 21st century ballistics? Peace through superior fire power?


    I don't see much difference between these bogus eco-terrorist babjis and the terrorists infiltrating India, only that the Pakistani counterparts claim Jihad and fire real bullets, while the babjis fire volleys of Radhe Radhe, which are, as Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, empty shells, not bullets, but blanks. The letters are coming out, but it is not the holy name, not when you are passing stool in the Kunda.


    Which real Vaishnava will ever accept such filthy slothful animals in the guise of humans who cannot take a 1 mile japa walk (or get their disciples to transport the odur for them if they are invalid) in order to maintain the sanctity of the topmost place in the creation, as the top-most men?


    Their intelligence has become bewildered by their offenses against Brajabasis. Now Maya has made an ass out of them by convincing them to follow the western ways of passing stool on water (now the most sacred water) in violation of their smarta rules of cleanliness and ritual they are so attached to.


    They routinely criticize and ridicule the simple and natural Brajabasis who naturally and spontaneously remember Krishna with affection, and are not in the least bit attracted to or interested in their dry process.


    What do more than a hundred Radha Kunda brajabasis chant every morning in their own spontaneous nagar-sankirtana around Radha Kunda for two hours before sunrise as their favorite song? "Jaya radha madhava jaya kunja bihari" by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.






  21. Originally posted by Audarya lila:

    Dear BVI,


    Are you actually ever going to answer any direct question or are you simply going to go on with the charade? Offender this, offender that - blah, blah, blah....


    If you have anything SPECIFIC to say, say it - otherwise remain silent on the matter because from the unbiased observer point of view it is you who is simply smearing your filthy ideas everywhere without any substance to back up such claims.


    Srila Bhaktisiddhanta had some legitimate concerns about Gaudiya Vaishnavism and how it could be spread worldwide and he made adjustments accordingly. He also spoke out strongly against imitationists - but that critique was never meant to be a blanket condemnation. Just like Srila Prabhupada criticized some of his god brothers for specific reasons at specific times, but this was certainly never meant to be a blanket condemnation to be taken up by his neophyte disciples. Try to catch the substance. It becomes ugly when someone confuses the form for the substance.


    Raga has been very polite and has simply asked you for SPECIFICS. Stop with the grand standing already.


    Your servant,

    Audarya lila dasa




    The current person claiming to be the legal heir apparent to Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami's property has been:


    1) witnessed by aspiring siksha disciples (who later rejected him because of his offense)that he:

    a. demanded that they relinquish all connections with their bona fide ISKCON diksha gurus, the guru parampara coming from ISKCON, and take reinitiation from him. Srila Prabhupada says, no Vaishnava will accept such a person who reinitiates a disciple of a guru who has not fallen down.

    b. blasphemed Srila Bhaktisiddhanta saying that he did not have a diksha guru,

    c. that ISKCON has no guru parampara,

    d. that ISKCON devotees are all melecchas,

    and need I go further?

    e. highly suspected implication in the murder and disappearance of other babajis who became popular and thus powerful contenders for the coveted position of mahanta (controller of crores of rupees, followers, and properties).

    f. As I said already, they are constructing septic tanks on the bank of Radha Kunda and passing stool and urine there, which is leaking out into the kundas (test the water in a lab for yourself).

    g. Waging political war to keep ISKCON from acquiring property in Radha Kunda.

    h. and other envious acts of enmity directed against ISKCON and its devotees.


    How much more do you want? Just go and investigate it for yourself. Certainly their program is not something that will be accepted or replicated worldwide, so there is no real threat of them colonizing the minds of innocent people, and really, if they were not making such attacks against my gurus, I could care less what they do or believe. They would just be another bogus deviant form of Hinduism to preach to. But they are satisfied with being that, and they have openly become enemies of my gurus. My hands are tied. You can sit silently or attack me (for all I care) to defend them, that just makes one more of them for me to rant against. One more is not a problem. I can take on as many as you can send.


    If you want to share in the reactions awaiting this camp, and support this nonsense, then keep on calling it grand standing. I will continue to fire back. I have no qualms about defending my acaryas. If you feel the need to defend the sahajiya party, then why not openly admit to joining their camp? Which camp do you belong to? And you are so sure you have discerned the form and substance of Raga's camp to dismiss my factual statements as "ulgy undeserved ranting"? That only proves to me you are in illusion, and too liberal for the sake of your own devotion to at least my Gurus (maybe you are loyal to someone else).


    This new age impersonal pc/pc (politically correct/personal computer) liberalism in the face of guru aparadha is called by Srila Rupa Gosvami the one way ticket to "The Nectar of No Devotion" (NNOD). You can believe me or not, it doesn't matter who you side with. I have my service to render, like it or not. If the other party is ready to surrender and repair their rhetoric, then you will find I have many nicer things to say. Like I said, I will not share with animals, especially wild ones. They are not meant for religion or good argument, for them I carry a stick. That's for their benefit and training (taming) and my protection (of my devotion). If I were a king, I would have their tounges cut out for the blasphemy made against my gurus. Lucky for them I am not. These rascals are only thriving due to an absence of a real government who should challenge and curb these animals in the guise of men by force if necessary.


    Explain to me why a babaji would need to get a permit to possess automatic weapons in Radha Kunda for self-defense? That is something else you can research the next time you go for bhajan.


    Q. Does Lord Caitanya prefer the Uzi or the Ingram?

    A. 9mm Prabhu, for the nine processes of devotion.


    The 21st century babaji warlords of Radha Kunda. You can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey. Hairless and hairy monkeys abound in Radha Kunda.

  22. Originally posted by raga:

    O gift of gods, please reveal your mystical identity, since I cannot leap for the unknown! Who are you, O sage, and who are your gurus? Who are the gods who assigned you to this divine mission? Would they permit you to answer the two questions I submitted?

    <small><font color=white>


    [This message has been edited by raga (edited 05-31-2002).]

    Is that the best you can do? Two "I know better than you" questions? I already answered your questions. Siddha pranali is fine. It is not my method. But I have no problem with it. I do have a problem with those like your guru who have nothing better to do at Radha Kunda than launch ingrateful offenses against my Gurus who were simply trying to give life back to your lifeless dried-up camp.


    I know much more about your camp than you will want to admit. It is a very offensive and very dry group of people pretending to be very advanced and cheating people with a cheapened watered-down process that puffs up neophytes to think they are self-realized, and cheats them into believing that they now know who they are in the spiritual world because gurudev told me.


    People are misled into rejecting their diksha gurus and into believing that the Pandita knows who I am in the spiritual world, and as my rasa guru he will find out from Radharani my name, form, and so on...then he will reveal the esoteric secret to me.


    This is all cheating, bluffing, and snake-oil show-bottle charlatanism going on in the name of babajism, Radha Kunda bhajan, and topmost relishers of rasa. There is no potency whatsoever.


    You cannot taste or even seriously endeavor for rasa until the stage of bhava when actual self-realization takes place, and I have seen the entire lot of groupies in your camp, and I can certify that not one of them is self-realized, not even the Pandita.


    They are Bangladeshi and Bengali opportunists who came looking for money, power, position and women in a place where they shouldn't. Ask any Brajabasi, when economic conditions are poor in Orissa, the Orissan babajis become dominant, the same goes for Manipur, Bangladesh, and Bengal.


    These are generally people who immaturely renounce family due to economic pressure and go to Radha Kunda with material desires to set up camp and live practically like grihastas in their secret world of social, economic and political struggle for power, prestige, position, land, money and women.


    They defend their passionate empire building project of material assets by taking strength from the Gosvamis who introduced the kutir system. Their three story electric, watertank, and propane gas bhajan kutir worth crores of rupees or at least laks, is certainly not following in the footsteps of the real Gosvamis, who were living in abandoned crocodile holes or mud huts at best.


    Better to go back to Bangladesh and sweep the streets of Dakka than to pass stool in Radha Kunda in your Pandita's septic tank which is leaking into the kund (go test the water if you don't believe me--I am sure you will find your guru's fecal matter there). The gosvamis used to go 2 kilometers away to pass stool. Never in Radha Kunda. Why are the present so-called Babajis too lazy to do that? No utsaha?


    Therefore Srila Bhaktisiddhanta's proclamation remains, they are living in Naraka Kunda and living like kings with crores of rupees in the bank, sitting on their thrones in the their stool rooms, they reign supreme as the relishers of the topmost rasa.


    Where is the love for Radharani? Where is the question of Bhajan? What is the point of Mahantism? What is use of discussing your philosophy or esoteric process? If you are passing stool on Radharani who non-different from Radha Kunda? Where did you pass stool when you were in Radha Kunda the last time?

    How did you miss all these points?


    At bhava you actually know who you are spiritually and everything happens naturally. Your camp's approach is a very artificial process and imposition on the intellect. The Pandita or Panda would be a more apt term, tells you for a nice donation of guru dakshina, your name is "Gunjamala Manjari" (or some other concocted name he invents), and later when you reach the stage of bhava and actually become self-realized, you find out that your name is actually Jyeshta Manjari, and so many other details about your identity are different from the one you were contemplating as a pretender.


    It is not that by meditating on a concocted identity that that artificially imposed meditation is going to dictate your eternal identity, and that is why it is illegal to contemplate your siddha deha before you even have one (before bhava--the little detail you missed from Srila Bhaktivinoda's teachings you like to reference).


    If you don't know it then you don't know it. Concocting a siddha deha, whether you do it or rely on your Pandita's concoction is illegal. You quote Srila Bhaktivinoda but you leave this point out, therefore you are simply trying to use him to support your nonsense.


    If you have your own gurupadapadma then why are you and the Pandita taking strength from Bhaktivinoda Thakura? Why not just be chaste and stick to your own line and your own authorities and process? Why go outside. Chastity means to rely on your acaryas.


    The answer to this anomoly of gurupadapadma unchastity lies in the fact that you and the Pandita are launching a dirty political smear campaign against ISKCON and Gaudiya Math (who continue to represent Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in identifying your camp as deviant offenders and unauthorized sahajiya pretenders) in order to get your revenge and gain followers and their resources.


    You are quoting other guru lines that you criticize and disrespect like some kind of prostitute who will jump into bed with anyone or like a politician who will use anything for the sake of political expediency. Why do you need Bhaktivinoda Thakura to validate your philosophy, process, or anything else? Why even quote him?


    You are shamelessly trying to use him and engage him in your service loke hard-hearted materialists, which is precisely the meaning of prakrita (Materialistic persons who imitate the Vaishnavas and dress like Rupa Gosvami even though they are lower than Jagai and Madhai).


    Abhi asked me to control myself (or maybe he was telling me to control you, I am not sure) so I will leave it at this. If you can't figure out my answer to your little *gotcha* questions from all that I have presented so far, there is no need to entertain you or try to help you beyond this. Now you have to decide.


    If you were even half sincere you would investigate my claims and find them to be true, though I suspect you already know what I know and are just pretending to be asleep to these issues of your Pandita's aparadha as a co-conspirator in infiltrating and terrorising innocent ISKCON devotees hearts with your vicious poison against Srila Bhaktisiddhanta.



  23. Originally posted by raga:

    By the way, may I ask, BVI, are you by chance a follower of Sripad BV Narayana Maharaja? Much of what you have presented appears to draw from his preaching.


    Using the term "kalpana" to depict meditation on siddha-deha during sadhana, speaking about "following in the fiery footsteps of Hanuman" in protecting your gurus, speaking of allegiance to "Rupa-Raghunatha", etc -- I recognize these factors from the lectures of BV Narayana Maharaja.


    Do I conjecture properly, or am I mistaken?

    First thing is you don't have a siddha deha. A siddha deha is your perfected spiritual body which is attained at the stage of perfection, not during novitiate sadhana. This is precisely the sahajiya deviation of trying to cheapen the process. You cannot have 11 bhavas until they are given to you at the stage of bhava.


    You are cheated by your proud desire to be one of the elite who "actually knows" his so-called siddha-deha. That is your defect. As Srila Prabhupada points out (which you called ranting and cut and paste guruship--another sign of your offensive association through worship and submission to an offender) "they have manufactured a siddha deha". Siddha dehas are not widgets that come off the assembly line of the fertile imagination of a cheap show-bottle charlatan. It is all imagination, NOT siddha-deha. Your understanding of siddha deha is cheap and foolish.


    You are not perfect, your meditation in not perfect, and the so called bhavas you are trying to cultivate are not bhava, nor do they constitute a perfected spiritual body. You have not been given any bhavas. It is all make believe, and Srila Prabhupada further points out that this whole concocted business is unauthorized according to Srila Rupa Gosvami (see NOD).


    It may give one a hope of attaining the real thing in the future, but at present it must be plainly identified for what it is, not real, illusion, or imagination, kalpana.


    Srila Prabhupada writes:


    "In this connection, we should be careful about the so-called siddha-pranali. The siddha-pranali process is followed by a class of men who are not very authorized and who have manufactured their own way of devotional service. They imagine that they have become associates of the Lord simply by thinking of themselves like that. This external behavior is not at all according to the regulative principles. The so-called siddha-pranali process is followed by the präkrita-sahajiyä, a pseudosect of so-called Vaisnavas. In the opinion of Rüpa Gosvämi, such activities are simply disturbances to the standard way of devotional service."


    NOD Eligibility for Spontaneous Devotional Service



    You are in a camp of psuedo-Vaishnavas, who are blocked from attaining the real thing through the nama aparadha your camp has been perpetuating against Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, your ever well wisher, which makes you an offender of all real Vaishnavas. No real Vaishnava will accept you.


    When you all come to his lotus feet begging and weeping for mercy, he will be merciful upon you and your path to prema will be opened. This is my objective and desire that you get the real thing. Don't continue cheating yourself out of some false sense of pride. Your path is not going to take you to prema. Accept the words of the bona fide acaryas and get back on the real path and taste nectar. Why remain stubborn in the face of all good arguments?


    I have never attended a class, or studied the teachings of HHBNNM. I do not know him, nor do I associate with his followers. I have reached my conclusions and positions independently by personal experience and direct realization of these subjects following in the most merciful steps of my gurus. Might you now conclude that just perhaps there is something to what we are saying, which your pride it preventing your brain from accepting?


    My guru will reveal himself to you and your real spiritual identity, when you sever your connections with the asat sanga you are presently victimized by. That is my blessing and guarantee for you and every other victim of the pandita, including the pandita himself. I wish you all well. I have been assigned by higher authorities to help you. But I can help you only if you allow me to help. Your attachment is strong and such harsh words are required to relieve you of them. You have inquired so I am obliged to serve you in this way, but not necessarily as you expect, demand or desire. Service means to ultimately benefit the master, even if that means to bring him displeasure. My duty is to correct you for your benefit and all that you represent. That is my thankless task and service. How else will you be saved?




  24. Originally posted by raga:

    Your rhetoric is increasing in volume, and I am amused to note how increasingly unfounded it proves to be. My guru is 75 years old, and certainly never met Bhaktisiddhanta, who departed in 1936 -- 66 years ago.


    If you want to remain blind and pretend to be asleep, then no one can wake you up. I stated clearly that this is between your so-called guru padapadma and my guru parampara, and began 70 years ago. You Pandita and camp is just an extension of those who were rightly identified by my gurus as one of the many deviant sects of Gaudiya Vaishnavas. Naturally, such persons are continuing their multi-generational attack while pretending that everything is normal and such issues are beyond us. The fact is that the sahajiya deviations and the heart-hearted bitterness for being correctly identified as deviants continue to this day.


    Would you propose that Bhaktisiddhanta confronted my guru when he was 11 years old? It is evident that the rest of your allegations are equally unfounded, since you are unable to say anything specific beyond heavily loaded rhethorics.


    I am not saying your guru met Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura. You guru is just one of the many victims like you of this poisoned camp of poisoners. You have all gone to Radha Kunda and become the cheated of the cheaters. You deserve one another. You get the leader you deserve.


    <small><font color=white>


    [This message has been edited by raga (edited 05-30-2002).]

  25. Originally posted by raga:

    I offer my obeisances to the guru called Vedabase Copy/Paste utility, and I revere the insights obtained by reading statements from 30-year old conversations without any personal study of the same. However, it does not anything substantiate, since it little has to do with present-day reality. Right?


    You are making wild assumptions here. Your hunch about by understanding of these issues is as wild. I can appreciate your reaction to these posts. You are not a loyal follower of Srila Prabhupada. I would expect you to react like this. I am not out to destroy anything you have, faith in a person, a process of an object of worship. Your degree of surrender dictates the intelligence you are qualified to receive from Krishna, and your surrender will dictate the results and reactions for aligning with the person and process you defend. I cannot make you surrender more to become more enlightened when you are already so entrenched.


    I am just making the point that blanket condemnations of "Radha-kund Babajis", "Gaudiya Math", "ISKCON" and whom not is the very same attitude which turned six million Jews into ashes a few decades ago, "because they were all bad". There is no homogenous mass called "Radha Kund Babajis". Because my revered gurupadapadma resides at Radha Kund, immersed in bhajan, and I know he is not involved in criticizing others, therefore I am aggrieved to read your allegations.


    I never said any such thing, that every one of the babjis is bad. Everyone should be treated as an individual and held responsible for his acts and treated accordingly. Deal a man in his own coin is what my guru says.


    I am saying that whoever is blaspheming my gurus is going to be villified in public at the very least or worse. That is not something I will tolerate. Your understanding of the reality of Radha Kunda and the persons you think you know so well is not mine. I have different inside information.


    Shall I submit eye witness testimony to invalidate everything you claim herein about the people you know so well? Either you are covering the facts as a co-offender, or you are being used like an ignorant pawn in a very evil game of Bengali political tit-for-tat that has been going on for 70 years+, which you are clearly unaware of. This is not a 30 year issue as you have mistakenly and arrogantly misassessed. If you are going to support criminals then you will also share in their karma. As you surrender you get rewarded. Tit-for-tat.


    Should there be any genuine desire in anyone to read the truth on such matters, you are invited to browse our Q&A section at http://www.raganuga.com/qa and see for yourself the philosophy and theology promulgated by the present Mahanta of Radha Kund, Ananta Das Pandit Baba.


    Everyone has the truth, but not everyone is telling it, nor has everyone received it. Your version of holier-than-thou truth is far from the realm of truth and is rahter in the realm of illusion. You are ignorant and in illusion, but no one can help you now. It is too late. Your fate is already decided and now you must experience the reactions for your decisions. Envy is the ornament you wear, as evidenced by your posts, which is the insignia of your camp of pretenders (that by the way is the meaning of siddha pranali- to pretend until the real thing happens- utlizing kalpana or imagination).


    Not all pretenders are like your camp, I admit, just the worst ones who can't tolerate to not bark when the acarya's caravan passes.


    So if indeed you intend to go on ranting about the ingenuity of those who practice siddha-pranali, and in general on Radha Kund Babajis, then I request you to be specific.


    You say ranting, I say telling the truth. You have your version of the truth and I have my understanding and both will be tested at the time of death, to borrow from a famous Bengali saying. I haven't even begun to rant.


    There are many more things to be revealed. One specific thing I can state as a fact, that your guru is one of the worst offenders. His so-called bhajan is a farce. His application of his process is a joke. As Srila Bhaktisiddhanta pointed out to your revered gurupadapadma 70 yrs ago, you are cut off from the Caitanya branch through your deviant and indiscriminant misuse of a very sacred path revealed by Mahaprabhu, which has degraded to base sahajiya show-bottle spiritualism and offenses against the real acarya who was simply trying to save them. Repent and recant and even for your camp there can be hope, the real Vaishnavas are really very merciful.


    Great apologies are owed to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta by your pandita, and when he does so then maybe he can become self-realized along with his followers. Pretending to do bhajan while making politics against the most elevated Vaishnavas in Mahaprabhu's army is not intelligent behavior befitting a pandit.


    You can serve your pandita nicely by delivering this message, and if you do well, you may be able to transform him into a real guru. Now *that's* a rant. Everything up until this point was pure poetry. Your puffed-up neophyte attitude and my desire to help you see the light and avoid the bad association of black snakes like your pandita made me do it.


    I am sure you are beyond hope, but this is probably the only chance you have of realizing the danger you are in. I pray to Radharani to enlightened you from within. If you have any love for Srila Prabhupada then you should just stick to his lotus feet and forget all these babajis who won't even let you offer arotika on the altar in their own temple. You are being used in a political attack and for your potential to bring in prestige and money as a Western disciple.


    This particular camp is a cut off and withering branch. They have no potency. I guarantee time will prove me true. Get out while you can and run to Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet for protection. You won't get it by associating and serving someone who blasphemes Srila Prabhupada's guru, and this I know for a FACT. You may not know it, but I do 100%. He is a very tricky and diplomatic offender and faith destroyer who lures in ISKCON devotees by claiming he respects Srila Bhaktivinoda THakura and Srila Prabhupada. Then he goes to work destroying faith in Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, and once you buy into that your so-called remaining faith in Srila Prabhupada is all useless. You can't have one without the other. Just as "One who accepts Mahaprabhu but rejects Nityananda is an offender."



    You are yet to answer my two questions:


    1. Have you spoken in person with any prominent leader at Radha Kund, even if only for a few minutes?


    2. Could you define the meaning of siddha-pranali, as it is understood among traditional Gaudiya Vaishnavas?


    It will be better if you can answer with brief, personal statements instead of copying one meter of Vedabase on the board, since you are after all an inspirational messenger of realization here.

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