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Posts posted by kellydriscoll

  1. I am nurse, vegan and health/skin care consultant. I often host vegan parties in Ellicott City if anyone is interested in attending. It's a blast! It's a nice avenue to spread the word about the health benefits of a vegan diet and overall lifestyle to those that are exploring the diet or simply like to socialize with others that share this value. Most people don't realize, for example, that most hair care, skin care, etc contain animal by-products and mineral oil and that these ingredients are absorbed into you body and therefore your organs. So gross! Especially, women who on average put 515 chemicals on their body and hair on any given day. Research is now associating this with diseases more prevalent in women, such as auto-immune disorders.


    It feels great knowing that I am living a lifestyle that is vegan and healthy inside and out. Feel free to email me if you are interested in joining a discussion or attending a party! Always love to meet new people and share great food and health tips!

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