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Posts posted by Yoshina

  1. Dear Friends,


    I am faced with a big dilemma since last year. I believe my mother has had a kundalini awakening. The thing is that she is a very religious person but not spiritual and she has never heard of kundalini etc.. And since her awakening, she has started experiencing the symptoms of kundalini and due to the fact that she is not knowledgeable on that, she started associating her symptoms with objects and other people. For e.g: if someone offered her a glass of water and while drinking it her throat starts to feel strange, she would say that the person is trying to harm her. Due to her uncontrolled emotions and reactions, she has been put on early retirement as her employer believes that she may no more perform her job. I was called to her office by her employer who informed my of her behaviour and when she came to know that i went to her office, she started accusing me of hidding things from her and she started doubting me. From time to time she is calm and kind but at times very aggressive and abusive and fearful. When she was calm she talked about getting visions of deities, and told me that her senses have sharpened. But again since Feb 2012 she has stopped talking to me, blaming me of plotting against her for her to lose her job.


    What should I do?? How do i help her be balanced?

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