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Posts posted by The_Blessed_Guy


    I am a devote of Lord Krishna. I have a question and Hope you will curiosity. People says Mahabharat is very accurate but it states that Lord Krishna worshiped Siva, a Tamasik god. How can this be? On the other hand, Srimad Bhagavata Purana seems right becase Krishna defeeted Siva when he was protect a Rakshasa.

    What do you think?


    Lord Krishna is known incarnation of the supreme ! accurately to understand for 'the supreme personified' ! personification of all the qualities is one of the chief characteristics of hindus since vedic era but without deviating from vedic philosophy mentioned through six system. your querry is very superficial if you worship Krishna out of love if not out of love then u r destined to be bewildered on account of the cosmic dissoluter force personified and worshipped by millions in form of Lord Shiva ! just u meditate over the power of dissolution happening all the time around you and find out the beauty of power used in showing that simple change through personified form i.e Lord Shiva ! Lord Shiva if tAmsik then we must think over the beauty of tAmsik state of the think in original way which i wud like to narrate on some other occassion but i wud like guide to go through Saamkhya philosophy propounded by sage Kapil beforehand.

    with love !


  2. GeetA is a composition of all time greatest seer Sri 'VedeVyaas' which is found as a chapter named 'Bheeshma Parva' of ever greatest epic 'MahAbhAarata' ! and MahAbhArata was composed in 'Dwaapar Yuga' in which incarnation of The Supreme happened in Lord Krishna name and form. As per Hindu mythology incarnation of The Supreme is in order given given hereinunder :

    1. The King- Harishchandra ( Satyuga )

    2. Lord RAma ( Treta yuga)

    3. Lord Krishna ( DwApar Yuga) followed by

    4. Lord Budha ( Kaliyuga )

  3. GeetA is a composition of all time greatest seer Sri 'VedeVyaas' which is found as a chapter named 'Bheeshma Parva' of ever greatest epic 'MahAbhAarata' ! and MahAbhArata was composed in 'Dwaapar Yuga' in which incarnation of The Supreme happened in Lord Krishna name and form. As per Hindu mythology incarnation of The Supreme is in order given given hereinunder :

    1. The King- Harishchandra ( Satyuga )

    2. Lord RAma ( Treta yuga)

    3. Lord Krishna ( DwApar Yuga) followed by

    4. Lord Budha ( Kaliyuga )

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