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Priya Sasha Dasrath

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Posts posted by Priya Sasha Dasrath

  1. hello anyone

    i have a confusing question

    i am being told by my mother's side family that when doing durga pooja or Durga Path you have 9 plates of offering plus one for lord shiva they also use 1 lime one coconut and one nutmeg with 9 red flags and 1 peach for lord shiva etc now my father's side of the family is saying that they also have the 9 plates for offering plus the one but it is not for lord shiva it's for kal Bhiro and they usees 9 different colour flag plus a red one for the 10TH offering and they usees 10 coconut, 10 limes etc now i am confuse since i want to do this pooja but i don't know which is correct and if both are correct why the difference.. can anyone here who knows about this pooja help me .thank you many times Sita Ram.

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