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Jananivasa das

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Posts posted by Jananivasa das

  1. Dear disciples, friends and well-wishers of His Holiness Indradyumna Swami,

    Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    We are pleased to invite you to our new website dedicated to Indradyumna Maharaja:


    Gurudeva .ru/eng


    This website will enable you to learn more about Gurudeva, as well as his spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

    One of the highlights of this website is Srila Gurudeva's recent entries from his book "Diary of a Traveling Preacher." You can also order all of Gurudeva's books there.

    From "Lectures" section you may download mp3-files with recordings of Gurudeva's preaching on the science of Krishna Consciousness and Vedic knowledge. And under "Kirtana" page you can choose from a selection of Gurudeva's ecstatic kirtans (singing of the Holy Names of Lord Krishna and other Vaisnava prayers).

    The "Photo Album" is regularly updated with photos of Srila Gurudeva as he travels. If you have any nice photos, please send them to us. From "Video" section you may download short videos with Gurudeva.

    Indradyumna Swami's Tape Ministry offers a unique opportunity for you to choose from a variety of lectures given by Srila Gurudeva in different countries around the world, as well as music recordings and videos.

    We encourage you to visit the Forum on this website where you can get involved in enlivening discussions with other disciples and well-wishers. The Forum gives you the opportunity to keep in touch with old friends as well as make new friends.

    The "Contacts" section gives information on how you may keep in touch with Srila Gurudeva and his representatives in different countries.

    Because this website is still under construction, some of the sections mentioned above may contain little or no information yet. Please be patient with us while we continue to improve the site. We encourage you to send us any materials that would help add to this website.

    Updates on March 1st, 2006:

    20 unique photos of Indradyumna Maharaja with Srila Prabhupada!


    Memories of Srila Prabhupada (Denmark, 11.02.1995)

    In this lecture, Indradyumna Swami describes how he came to join the Hare Krsna Movement and speaks about his own personal association with Srila Prabhupada. An absorbing lecture that will capture your heart! Download mp3 files:



    Gurudeva's first visit to Soviet Union in 1989 (photos and videos).

    H.H. Indradyumna Swami came to Moscow for the first time in September, 1989. Because the KGB was still posing as a threat for foreign ISKCON preachers during that time, Gurudeva had to spend his entire visit there under the guise of a tourist... During the day Indradyumna Maharaja toured Moscow. But every evening he was meeting with devotees at a private apartment-giving lectures, leading kirtans and honoring prasadam in their company. He also attended a harinam in Gorky Park in Moscow. Even there he was forced to put on a wig and play the role of a curious tourist photographer! These amusing pictures and video can be seen here:


    16 photos from Indradyumna Swami's recent visit to Paraguay (described in Chapter 20, Vol. VI of the Diary as "A Little Corner of Hell"):



    You may for receving regular updates on Gurudeva.ru/eng website, just send an e-mail to:


    We hope that all the Vaisnavas will relish the nectar that has been posted on this new website!

    Your humble servant,

    Jananivasa das

    Gurudeva .ru/eng Webmaster



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