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Posts posted by redhead


    The core belief of all Abhramic religion is:

    1) Human life is only one chance given, no rebirths

    in modern jewish and Xain faith this is true, but till 400AD most all of christiandoom believed in reincarnation. the orthodox church removed all traces of reincarantion form the bible and declaired reincarnation to be not true around 400AD. this can be proven.



    2) After death everybody lies dormant in earth until Judgement day
    this is another modern belife that was not part of abrahamic religion untill modern times.



    3) At Judgement day all souls are reawakened and if they had fallen to temptation of Satan then go to eternal Hell, instead if they had believed in their "GOD" go to eternal paradise.
    again modern belife not part of the orginal abrahamic religion.



    Now the question is:

    What happens to child death? (those who die less than 8 year old)

    If they go to paradise, it means God is Partial that they are given PASS in the exam, even without writing the exam.

    the catholic church is a batch of liers, so that being said . if they are not baptized they go to limbo or they burn in dung aka hell or the pit where the poor dead are burned at death . remember that hell and satan are not historically part of abrahamic religion. they are again modern consepts. in the bible satan or lucifer is not evil at all he is a angel and is in heaven doing gods work for him.



    If they go to hell, it means again God is Partial since they are FAIL in the exam, but didn't even got a chance to write the exam.
    a catholic and orthodox herecy.



    Please search your scriptures and come out with a "Proper" answer with scriptual references.
    that is almost impossible since most modern beliefs are concocted from misinformation and would actually be a lie or mistake. most modern biblical beliefs are so far removed from the hebrew religion that it any expert on the bible is not actually and expert unless he is a rabbi.





    2) Don't state your own fancy ideas, state from your scriptures
    your not going to find a expert on ribinical scripture or greek biblical texts around here pal.



    3) Don't come back with the "problems" of Hinduism, start a new thread if you want to discuss those

    4) Also this is not a hypothetical question, since thousands of such death happens each year.

    If after searching genuinely, you couldn't get answer, be brave enough, to throw away your so called "religions" and start reading Gita to get all the required answers

  2. you know it amazes me that i come here and only get argument that is all this forum is. my first post ended up being closed cause of jerks.


    some of you turds sound like worthless idiot xians catholic vs protestants or mormons vs jehovas sicknesses when you post. it is sad that you call your selves hindus of whatever faith you claim to. i wonder if you are just xians posing as hindus to make hinduism look bad. i have seen a few true savites and vishnavites and a lot of eather fakers or very low evolved people.

    i may not be totally knowlageabout but at least i am not a scetarian raskel.

    get off your high horses and grow up.


    if siva is supreme and i worship krishna he will forgive my ignorance, and if krishna is supreme and i worship siva krishna will forgive my ignorance also. but i am sure some fanatical demon will tell me i will be reborn as a dog or a flea and suffer in some hell as a pig lead to slaughter and be reborn again and again to die and suffer as a pig for a 100 life times then when i am born again as a human i will be born in a negro family in detroit city.


    twisted nails of faith i guess. thank god i am not so inclined to enjoy employing threats of horror if i worhsip the wrong god. if the ones i ma insulting are former xians good god go back to the bible nad jesus.

  3. pure LSD does not cause halusinations. most visions people have are when they are taking PCP or laced LSD mixtures. or pscilcibin mushrooms.


    lsd does not cause the problems people assocate it with , all these problems people usally speak of are from PCP sold as LSD.


    lsd is not spiritual in the slightest. and secondly it is a synthetic designed from ergot mold, aka dead decaying matter. so any experiances from lsd is negative spiritually even if it seems fun or positive. it is anti-spiritual........ the END!

  4. PC people are eather fascists or commies aka red fasicism. the american governemnt is a fascist government and the europe is along the same lines. el duce and hitler would be proud of george bush and the democrats and republicans of todays america. when i speak my mind people ingnorently assume i am a white supremist or a radical of which i am neather especially since i am a extremly nationalist/leftist/socialist politically and racially half the same admixture as most people of middle eastern and southeast asian desent people. i have roots in punjab but i look as white and american as you can get.




    Millions of people claim that they belong to the Christian religion, but few of them know anything about the alleged life of the founder of their religion, a mythological fellow named Jesus. Why is this so? Since secular history is silent on the historical actuality of the alleged life and teachings of Jesus, our only source of information on him is the Bible. The Bible is claimed to be the very word of god, but few Christians have ever read the Bible to see what it says. If they would read the Bible, most of them would probably be surprised and shocked as to what it says. With that in mind, let's examine the Bible to see what it says about this alleged Jesus and what he was supposed to have said and taught.


    "If I [Jesus] bear witness of myself, my witness is not true." (John 5:31)

    "I [Jesus] am one that bear witness of myself..." (John 8:18)

    According to these scriptures, Jesus was a false witness.


    "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary...." (Matthew 1:16)

    "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being ... the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli..."(Luke 3:23)


    "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" (John 10:34)

    According to this scripture, Jesus thought that the Jewish law (i.e., the Old Testament) reported that he said the Jews were gods.


    "Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh...." (Romans 1:3)


    "And I [Jesus] say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do." (Luke 12:4)

    "Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple..." (John 8:59)

    "After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because Jews sought to kill him." (John 7:1)

    A case of do as I say, not as I do!


    "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I [Jesus] tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three." (Luke 12:51-2)

    "Think not that I [Jesus] have come to send peace on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword." (Matthew 10:34)

    "...for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." (Matthew 26:52)

    "...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke 22:36)

    And to think that these ravings are supposed to be the sayings of one some call the prince of peace.


    "For I [Jesus] am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." (Matthew 10:35-6)

    "If any man come unto me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)

    "Honour thy father and thy mother..." (Matthew 19:19)

    "And call no man your father upon earth..." (Mathew 23:9)


    "All that ever came before me [Jesus] are thieves and robbers..." (John 10:8)


    "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I [Jesus] will liken him unto a wise man..." (Matthew 7:24)

    "And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish..." (Matthew 5:29)

    Who in their right mind would pluck out their eye and think that it was profitable?


    "And it was the third hour, and they crucified him." (Mark 15:25)

    (John 19:12-18) clearly shows that he was not crucified until after the sixth hour.


    "Then was fulfilled [by Jesus] that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet..." (Matthew 27:9)

    It was Zechariah, not Jeremy, who made that prophecy. See (Zechariah 11:12)

    "...that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He [Jesus] shall be called a Nazarene." (Matthew 2:23)

    There is no mention by the Old Testament prophets that this Jesus fellow would be called a Nazarene. God was often confused when writing the Bible.


    "Verily I [Jesus] say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things [the end of the world] be fulfilled." (Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30, Luke 21:32)

    "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22)

    The early followers of Jesus died waiting for the end of the world, and even today, over 1900 years later, some Christians still believe that the world is to end in their generation, and that Jesus will give them anything that they ask for in prayer.


    His friends come to Jesus' tomb, but the doorstone is rolled away and one angel sitting on the outside gives the news to them before they go in. (Matthew 28:1-8)

    His friends come to the tomb, go inside, find nobody, are perplexed, and then two men give them the news. (Luke 24:1-4)

    The other resurrection stories are different as well.


    The Bible is one of twenty-seven books for which divine origin is claimed. Christians deny the divinity of all Bibles but their own. We deny the divinity of only one more than they do.

    Out of 250 Jewish-Christian writings, sixty-six have arbitrarily been declared canonical by Protestants. The rejected books are of the same general character as those now published together as the "Holy Bible." Circumstances rather than merit determined selection.

    For 150 years the Christian Bible consisted of the sacred books of the Jews. The New Testament was not formed until the latter half of the second century when Irenaeus selected twenty books from among forty or more gospels, nearly as many acts of apostles, a score of revelations and a hundred epistles. Why were these particular books chosen? Why four gospels instead of one? Irenaeus: "There are four quarters of the earth in which we live and four universal winds." The gospels were unknown to Peter, Paul, and the early church fathers. They were forged later.

    The Bible did not assume anything like its present form until the fourth century. The Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, and Protestant canons were not adopted until modern times. The Bible was recognized as a collection of independent writings. The Council of Trent (1563) determined the Roman Catholic, Protestants denounce the Catholic Bible as a "popish imposture." The Greek Catholics at the Council of Jerusalem in 1672 finally accepted the book of Revelation. Their Bible contains several books not in the Roman canon. The Westminster Assembly in 1647 approved the list of sixty-six books composing the authorized version, the one most used in America. Our Bible, therefore, is less than 300 years old.


    The Christian faith is based on the belief that the Bible is indeed the word of god. If the Bible cannot be shown to be inspired, then the Christian faith could be said to be false and no more than a farce. If the Bible cannot be shown to be inspired, then Christianity can be said to be the same as any other religion that has been devised and practiced by man.

    The Bible story of Jesus is a contradictory and confusing account. The Bible shows that this Jesus fellow spoke and taught many absurd and foolish things, and often believed he was having a conversation with devils. If one will read the entire Bible, one will find tales of ignorance, murder, sexual perversions, mass insanity, idiotic laws, and even cannibalism and human sacrifice. It staggers the imagination how anyone in his right mind could read the Bible and believe that it was written by a wise, just, and loving god. Christians have found biblical scriptures telling them to burn people at the stake, to justify slavery, to oppress and persecute others, and to kill and commit war in the name of their god. Unfortunately, there are some even today who would have us return to the teachings and laws found in the Bible.

    We are taught in our culture that Jesus is the divine hero, but other cultures have different saviors. Religious beliefs are a function of the culture in which one lives. If we had been reared in a different culture, we would have heard the story of a different savior, instead of the Jesus story. Upon comparing the stories of the different saviors, one finds that the similarities are so striking, it is beyond a doubt that they are more than just a coincidence.

    All Bible quotes are from the Authorized King James Version of the Bible (Abradale Press, New York).


    What are peoples veiws on the following:


    Jesus is considered an avatar of Vishnu...

    he most likely did not exist as told in the bible. he was not an avatara and anyone saying he was is playing off xian sympathies at best or misinformed or lieing.


    Muslims consider Jesus one of the many of Allahs profits..

    islam is an invention of the catholic church and was nothing but a nationalist war monger and a hitler figure.


    So if Jesus was an avatar.. what about Mohammed?

    nope again.

    all this jesus avatra stuff i find insulting why do people want to play into this xian mythology. the bible has been discredited so well i am supprised people still follow the nonsence. the socalled god of the bible is a demon not a god. the bible is so inaccurate that it is not worth any consideration at all. the old testament has been proven to be myths , the hebrew exidus never happed and the moses never parted the red sea it was the reed sea and he crossed it as hig htide was coming in, if it happended at all. jesus never died on hte cross if he was real. read about JC from a muslim perspective and your will get the real picture. anyone saying jesus was an avatras is not knowlagable about the bible or xianity. prabupada was playing off western christian symapathies and he most likely knew next to nothing about the historical disrepancies about the bible and JC.

    get over it jesus christ if he existed was a common man wiht a spiritual message but his following was limited and most of the stories about him are written long after his orignial cult members died. saul/paul xianity is nothing like what christ supposedly preached.

    disaggree with me your just using your feelings at best i studied the xian histories of the cult and it is just a big ton of fat lies.

    the bible is a horible book of a demonic god that should shame the west for falling for its hype nad evils.

    xianity is illness and it is worthless and helps no one advance. the old church is not anything like today and most of the acharyas spoke of the old church and old ideas not the new xianity that is not the current insanity.

    forget about JC and the bible it is demonic undevine atheism, jews are athiests and its bastard child xianity is just short of its fathers athiesm.

  7. what a put off. all this fighting shiva and krishna are laughing at you guys that fight so hard, they are both great and they are to be found by those inclined to one or the other. i notice the sivaites are calm and the krishnaites are angered. this proves as a point that siva is a meditator and some krishna bhaktas are passionate about what they believe like it is going to make any differance in the long run krishna says those that worship me come to me and those that worship other deity go to them. but then i hear the KC people say things like after going to sivaloka that one can fall down or something of that line of thinking. so are the heavens permanent or not. if you go to sivaloka does one stay there forever or not?

    the vedas say one thing and prabupada says some thing else, like the vedas are eather misunderstud or he is puting his own bend on scripture?


    i think prabhupada bends things to his line of thinking. like his statements on jesus we all know jesus was a myth or a common spiritual man that they deified not a avatara. he was politically motivated. he says smoking pot was unspiritual but anyone that knows the acharyas knows they toked weed. he was playing up on americans when he says anything about that stuff. americans have this special affection for JC and he plays on it. i am not a fan of PC thinking it is calulated lieing only. i am not PC and i am not a gonna lie about it. i have extremem opinions about race, religion,ethnic groups, and politics. there are people i dislike and i ones i perfer and i discriminate and it is natural. prabupada discriminates against other sects and it shows dispite his statements against sectarianism.

  8. the saddest part is russian orthodox xianity is an eastern religion like hinduism.


    out of all christian sects russian nad greek orthodox is the oldest. only one problem if they only know the truth about what really happend and saw what xianity really is and what its roots are and what actually became of their god-man, they would line up and chant the mahamantra.

  9. another point is lord chaitanya took sanyasi to humor the brahmins of the day and he flip flopped the mahamantra so they would not freek out about non-initated chanting.


    how much more of vishnava tradition is fluff? lord krishna did those two things to humor the traditionalists how much more is krishna doing this?


    perhaps all we need to do it chant the mahamantra and not worry about wearing tilak, or most of the traditions of vishnavaism?

    perhaps if it loses too many traditions the whole consept will wane away. if religion changes to much it becomes second nature and will soon go by the way side.


    as they say the dharma is a way of life if it was easyer would it really be so easy after all?

  10. most likely it is nothing more then a sign to tell everyone including demons,; i am a (insert sect here) and i am devout about it. it is like wearing a tshirt or a cross on the neck or anything else.


    part of me thinks some of this hindu stuff is fluff, i assume many people do it to draw attendtion to them selves or to humor those around them that insist that your wear tilak.

    i at times wonder how much of hinduism is traditional fluff and how much is actually valid and not superstition.

    i mean look at the catholics priest that investagate when people claim demonic possession it is typically just mental illness in fact i do not think in the last 50 years since modern psych medicine and theory has taken hold have they since found any actual case of demonic possession.

  11. you know the day 9/11 happend it was in the morning and i was at collage and i left class as i felt horribly depressed and i had not reason to feel as misrable as i did. i was standing out side and a friend asked me you look like you have seen a ghost your as pale as a sheet, i said i felt horrid and he asked why i said i dont know why, just then a classmate walked out and said that the news said that islamic terrorists bombed the pentagone and the twin towers and immediatly after he siad the i said no wonder i felt so bad.


    the only way i can express the way i felt was when obi-wan kenobi said he felt a tremor in the force when the death star destroied alderon, like billions of souls were screaming.

    i could feel the terror of 9/11 and i did not even know what had happend.


    so all and all after saying that, how in hades can more death killing and desruction can help this islamic terror situation?

    well like the battle of kurushetra, the adharmic nationalist ideaology called a religion aka islam and its followers be destroyed. this is not against any hindu beliefs to say this it, is the duty of all those that claim hindu spirituality to promote and defend morally spiritually and ethically. islam is demonic in all qualities. christianity has its revese satanism and hinduism has it's reverse islam. even the om is reversed in islam they wear their beards the revese of hinduism, they are the antihisis of hinduism. i am personally a full supporter of isreal and pray that they can convince the USA to make all out war against all muslims and all the islamic countries. i pray that the USAF bombs mecca to dust and leaves mecca a radioactive wasteland. :mad:

  12. you know the day 9/11 happend it was in the morning and i was at collage and i left class as i felt horribly depressed and i had not reason to feel as misrable as i did. i was standing out side and a friend asked me you look like you have seen a ghost your as pale as a sheet, i said i felt horrid and he asked why i said i dont know why, just then a classmate walked out and said that the news said that islamic terrorists bombed the pentagone and the twin towers and immediatly after he siad the i said no wonder i felt so bad.


    the only way i can express the way i felt was when obi-wan kenobi said he felt a tremor in the force when the death star destroied alderon, like billions of souls were screaming.

    i could feel the terror of 9/11 and i did not even know what had happend.


    so all and all after saying that, how in hades can more death killing and desruction can help this islamic terror situation?

    well like the battle of kurushetra, the adharmic nationalist ideaology called a religion aka islam and its followers be destroyed. this is not against any hindu beliefs to say this it, is the duty of all those that claim hindu spirituality to promote and defend morally spiritually and ethically. islam is demonic in all qualities. christianity has its revese satanism and hinduism has it's reverse islam. even the om is reversed in islam they wear their beards the revese of hinduism, they are the antihisis of hinduism. i am personally a full supporter of isreal and pray that they can convince the USA to make all out war against all muslims and all the islamic countries. i pray that the USAF bombs mecca to dust and leaves mecca a radioactive wasteland. :mad:

  13. water, a flower, incence, candy and japa all please lord ghanesha. shiva even excepts meat if the devotee gave it in loving ignorence.

    the lord is pleased by anything in good heart and true love. like japa if you do a billion rounds a day it means nothing if your heart aint in it. the lord is pleased with you saying a mantra one time then then millions of heartless ones.

    puja is honestly a few symbols sacred to the deity and a few gifts and japa and songs sung in loving devotion and BOOM you have done puja. the more you learn the more your qualified the more you experiance the more it more your feel.


    traditionally ganesha is the first to be worshiped in all hindu pujas, cause he helps everything go smooth in all rituals ceramonies and pujas.


    the more i am reading the more i get the idea that god is please with attempt most of all and wants us to feel good about worshiping him not worried about it.. stop worrring about heaven hell and the after life, besides it is the moment you need to worrry about and the future of this life and first and formost pleaseing the lord..


    I have visited and read much of the info on this site. I also own one of their books. But I haven't found any specific information on worship, just general rules like "do puja, japa and temple worship regularly." :confused:

    honestly look for their online books the pujas are in there, actually i would suggest their book on ghanesha it is much better for a beginner from what i read recently.

    i have deep affection for siva also but i am not sectarian about it. follow krishna or siva or kali, it is all in your karma. i am in between myself so i am not a big spiritual advisor i just know mostly general info about hinduism.

  15. the main thing about acuracy is does the translator have the skills to do such works? there are many versions of the geeta that you can find most are poor from non-secular POV AC swami prabupadas translations are noted as the best even if you ignore the perports. from all i understand his are the most accurate and unbiased , that is what i have been told by people in my religion dept at my collage.

  16. almost all swami prabupadas books are in html or text or pfd, all free online also if your good at finding them not that they are hard to find but still a fast connection helps. or get a ton of them from : Library of vedic culture CD-ROM


    By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada The Library of Vedic Culture is a CD-ROM presentation of all the timeless classics of spiritual knowledge translated and explained by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, including the Bhagavad Gita; Srimad Bhagavatam; Caitanya-caritamrita, and others. It also includes samples of transcendentally exquisite paintings, and spiritual music that transport the soul to the Vaikuntha realm. here is the list of book on the cd.

    Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-Caritamrta, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, The Nectar of Devotion, The Nectar of Instruction, Easy Journey to Other Planets, Civilization and Transcendence, Krishna Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System, Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers, Teachings of Lord Kapila, the Son of Devahuti, Teachings of Queen Kunti, Krsna, the Reservoir of Pleasure, The Science of Self-Realization, Path of Perfection, Life Comes from Life, The Perfection of Yoga, Beyond Birth and Death, On the Way to Krsna, Renunciation Through Wisdom, Raja-Vidya: The King of Knowledge, Elevation to Krsna Consciousness, Krsna Consciousness, The Matchless Gift, Message of Godhead, Light of the Bhagavata, Sri Isopanisad, Journey of Self-Discovery, Laws of Nature: An Infallible Justice, Transcendental Teachings of Prahlada Maharaja, A Second Chance, Mukunda-mala-stotra, Narada-bhakti-sutra, Dharma: The Way of Transcendence, Quest for Enlightenment, Gitar Gana.



    even your enemies... that my friend would please our Lord to the brim!

    i have told devotees about my ex-wife and they said that "your a good man for the way you handled her and what she has done to you." yes i try to love all and it is hard to handle only a few things; smoking meat eating and the lust. the rest i am pretty good at. i think many a beginning devotee has had the same issues.

    thank you for the well wishes.

    i have seen one thing so far, this may sound really lame but i think the situation i am in becoming a devotee of krishna is much easyer and a heck ofa lot harder at the same time.

    there is more litrature about krishna around, more temples, more devotees, krishna is everywhere around me but living as he desires us to is the hardest thing there is to do..


    Dear Guest,


    mental problem? really? so your dont have any mental problems? or is that your dont have problem with your mental problems? i am trying thank you. that is why i posted here.


    pleasure in what? i dont like lusty feelings especially since i am married, the smoking is a adiction and the meat eating is also an addiction. or do you dissagree? one does not stop smoking like you stop brushing your teeth is is a chemical dependance like meat eating is a chemical addiction , no i am not prone to stopping doing this BECAUSE IT IS AN ADDICTION. most people do, in fact if your not ready to stop them you will fall down again and again, i am sure thouse blessed indians that never took a drag from a cig or hada juicy hamburger can say those poor western devotees i feel for them they have tasted maya and learned to like it and not have to learn to have distaste for those things. dang right i am confused some folks are confused by maya and addicted to maya and by gods help i will defeat this terrible addiction.

    at least i never did heroin. nothing beats that oops except cigerettes.

    stopping eating meat and smoking is hard and i am trying i a have tried before and it was hard the second you stress out your want a drag , the second your stomach feels empty cause of no meat to rot in it for 2-3 days at a time your want meat to stop the pain your stomach burns and you think is being a vege worth the agony? think i am lieing ? your a confused person if you do. yes i feel guilt i feel like a doper ever puff on a cig. i am confused i have read tons of litrature about health and tons of hindu lit. about the laws rules and health and still i do it ? why cause it is hard. then i have folks that dont know how to post nicely to me like you dear friend. i am happy that you can post such mean things to me makes me mad and gets me thinking i am the lowest person for being born to this american life that is so adharmic. turn on a TV "have a biggie size coke and a big old wopper and fries.

    ya i know i am seeking pleasure in evil things at least my body is. my mind is getting a higher taste but your posts seem to help me think that i should not become so vain and proud to condem. i was told once by a 30 year indian born and raised vishnava that i should preach "cause i know all this wonderfull stuff about krishna and i dont live by it " you may believe but do you wanna live like a modern brahmana ;in the lap of luxury in india, after long religious talks to devotees about living right after their preaching they go to the bar and have a shot of booze and smoke bidis and have fun with loose women?

    dang it your right is the sad part your right i am all confused and i do have mental problems , and you know what there is only one way i can fix them.

    follow the lessons of the acharyas, keep chanting read and learn get a guru and as time goes by i will stop being a lusty meateating nicoteen adicted slave to maya..

    i can be mean too.

  19. it is amazing how drugs and religion connect. to get off drugs you have to find religion, then god becomes your drug. hope dope. i am serious i am not making a joke eather. i hope this will fix things i screwed up. if your try it will work but with me i just find religion part of life and i have never been into doing anything that will get your a prison sentance. drug = jail time, probation and cost lots of money.

  20. lsd makes your mind like a childs mind. your inthralled with things that most people ignore like a flashing led bulb on a childs toy. your spacal perseptions get messed up and your see things wrong. your hearing is screwed up and your laugh at stupid things. sometimes you feel physically different if the stuff is made poorly and your can end up silly acting forever or your never feel like you did before. some times things that you would regect like the cosmic theory of why you put grout between tiles and why flys like donuts all corallate, connect and become so unifing theory of hybolpissumm-apdipism and life as the LSD enlightened know it. LOL


    your like your insane for 5-10 hours and no one but you knows it unless you act like a idiot.


    i have been around anough hippies and people doing it for the first time to know they will eather act like fools or you would never know the differance.


    it makes you weird if the truth be known LOL i have known a few friends that became buddhists after taking lsd, they said some horsecrap and thought they were some buddha-mind "whos it whats"


    dont bother to take lsd it is the ruin of many a person to say the least.


    there is a cure for lsd "brain rot " but then it dont work for everyone. it is a leaf from a tropical plant that is drank as tea. cubans use it as a voodoo cureall. but the stuff can cure dopers and get them back to normal. like they never did the crap in hte fist place.

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