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Posts posted by rosilalor

  1. 'Long time sun' is an excerpt from 'The Very Cellular Song' written by Mike Heron of 'The Incredible String Band' (from an album called 'Hi Five'). Mike has not been credited for its widespread use in Kundalini yoga. PLease spread the word that this needs to change. He is a lovely person, and deserves the royalties for what he lovingly wrote. Rosi Lalor (UK)

  2. The Song 'Long Time Sun' comes from the end of a song called 'A Very Cellular Song' by The Incredible String Band, from an album called 'Hi Five'. It was written by Mike Heron of that band. Rumours that this is an old traditional song are false. Mike Heron has not been credited with this song, and its widespread use in Kundalini yoga is in breach of copyright law. Do look further into this. Mike Heron is not a rich man! He could do with receiving the royalities he deserves for writing this beautiful song. Yours sincerely, Rosi Lalor (UK)

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