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Posts posted by mysticyash

  1. Hi I'm from south africa .About 150 years ago a group of indians moved from india to south africa bringing the culture with them. I'm a descendant of this group . There are different gods and goddesses and therefore people can get different trances . When a person goes into trance the gods spirit comes into the person. Depending on how strong the trance is , the god can be in complete control or not in complete control. many people who get trance only speak english yet they are speaking hindi or tamil in trance , this is because the god spirit is talking and not the person. They usually have someone to translate to english. when I person can get trance it is also passed down to their children and their children can also get it when they old enough and have faith but many times even a child can get it. In some trances the trance doesn't speak but just blesses people . The trance that most people who run a temple at home get is kali trance. People go for many reasons especially when trying to get rid of evil .

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