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Posts posted by Baglasut

  1. Dear sister, beloved child of shakti,

    for queries related to maa pitambara sadhna, i recommend you to take"Baglamukhi diksha".

    Yes, HLEEM indeed is cursed, that is why agni beej 'r' is added. Maa Baglamukhi beej mantra is "HLREEM".

    Sit straight while doing sadhna. For improving your concentration chant"STREEM" beej mantra, it will create a mental bridge between you and the deity.

    In case the rosary falls, pick it up, touch your right ear with your right palm, and start all over again.

    After completing the sadhna, to beg forgiveness from Maa baglamukhi for any mistakes, read "APARADH KSHMAPAN STOTRAM".



  2. Dear Angelic_Devil, kkI also have been suffering from last 10-11 years. Few people confirmed as well that it's black magic. It was just ditto like your case as I was very good looking and now looks like a dead body is walking around. I am just way into depression and trauma. More over i had 3 surgeries in last four years and my physical and mental health is getting worst day by day. I am only 35 years old. I was just wondering if you have reached the right person to treat the problem you had.Any help can save my ruined & painful life. Please, please, please help if you can.......!!!!!!A Friend......................
    Dear all beloved children of shakti, If you are genuinely having such problems, i would recommend you to get a "BAGLAMUKHI SARVA KALYAN ANUSHTHAN" done at your respective homes. Also for your personal protection against these negative powers , you should get yourself a "BAGLAMUKHI KAVACH (a copper amulet to be worn around your neck or wrist)".MAY THE POWER OF THE INVINCIBLE GODDESS PROTECT YOU..BAGLASUT
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