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Posts posted by namitkhannas

  1. Dear Dhruvbhurajee,


    I lost my job and its been 7 months since I have lost it...

    My Birth details are as under


    Thanks for the Mantra


    Please clarify...after the completion of the 8 days of puja....i should go to the temple and leave the Coral Rosary in the roots of peepal tree...the same day (Wednesday) or on the next day(Thursday) the 9th day....


    one more thing....the coral rosary mala...shld have 108 beads..



    Please let me know...

    Best Regards,



  2. Dear guruji,


    Please guide me what needs to be done to get a good job....


    On reciting one round of mantra "Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat " after placing kaarya siddhi yantra on a copper plate and offering coral rosary (Monga mala) will this help me get a good job or i there is some specific mantra according to my DOB.


    Please guide




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