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Vikas Raj

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Posts posted by Vikas Raj



    the dreams were chronic only hence a lady approached me made me sit in trance and revealed every thing, but how can i predic its real or crash.... this is wat i asked u in other forum is trance state real or not what all we see.....


    that lady made me sit in btrance and told me many things abt me and my ancestors but i can't find any evidence regarding this matter...

    it is serious because in a year atleast 1 r 2 of my family members are death with out an reason this is happening from 5 yrs, if this continue my family will ruin very early...

    i trusted you and said all the above hope u don misuse these

  2. dear ganesh are you a medical student, you gave in detail of medical ok...

    hey did u ever get into trance and exp some thing un usual, one main queston what all we see nor exp in trance is it really happened in past or future ie.. for ex. some mistake which our ancestors have done and hidden it but now due to that every one in his family sufffering from problem , and when we sit in trance and talk with our ancestors and they tell some un usual thing which does'n exist nor any one seen it.....



  3. hey its a type of breathing where they tell if we close our eye and concentrate in middle of eyebrow , with certain breathing excersie , we will enter into a state of unconsciousness and can coomunicate.pl u can check out in web site

    pl search in google ( how to enter into trance), there exact procedure is written

  4. even at beginning i also don know about trance but a lady suddenly came to home and taught me all those, actually the lady was related to us...

    Trance is a type of astrology which is very very old, praised from the origin of human life, its very simply to enter into trance, its a type of breathing....


    pl check out in website how to enter into trance, it will give you all the procedures step by step, don worry its only a type of breathing

  5. I have a question does people who enter into trance and see things / video , is those in reality nor just our imagination


    i got information that young people who enter into trance will lose their mental consciousness nor become mad nor weeken their nerves , is it true...


    What all we see in trance and talk with our ancestors in it real nor just an illusion...



    Pl i need answers

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