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Posts posted by Thank you


    Well id like to share my experience with you all...Some of you might not even believe me, some of you might but im really desperate to find a person who has had this experience before...so i feel that I must write this:


    It seems that words wouldnt be able to describe that feeling of exactly how I felt,It was a lifetime experience which ive never had before. I dont even know what this means and why it exactly happened.


    I got seated one morning in my puja room to do my daily routine puja as i normally do. Lit a diya, did some incense and sat down doing my meditation infront. I was concentrating on my agya chakra as I usually do. But today was a unusual site that I saw...there was more light coming in to my mind like never before, It was so bright that It felt amazing. within mintues i felt a shiver go up my spine..it was vibrating from my head to my navel...the next thing i realise that i was shaking and shivering, my body felt really heavy....i didnt exactly know what was happening to me....but i was really enjoying it.i started shaking and shivering more and more as time went by my body felt so heavy as if some energy i begun to feel heavier and heavier as if my body was getting loaded


    .................to be honest thats all i can rememeber. The next thing i remember is my sister coming upstairs wiith a glass of water ...She said that she heard some loud screams....when she came upstairs in my room i was basically shaking and rocking with my hands joint, i had my eyes wide open yet i cudnt see that to myself happening......




    Hello please. I am quite grown up already but sadly have no knwoledge on this. Can you please please teach me how to meditate and pray.... wanna make something out of my life.


    thank you very very much.

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