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Posts posted by Lavander_Skies

  1. You have to keep your eye on the job you were studying to have. You need to keep trying and even try for longer hours. In the meantime, you can work for your neighbors. Ask them to sit and talk with you about their needs and tell them that you are looking for clients, project partners and business partners. You can also contact a job agency. You should review the yellow pages and a list of local companies in your area. Good luck!

  2. You need only one request for forgiveness to give the Universe, part of the body of God. By seeking true forgiveness you are setting a covenant that you will not sin any more. You must make sure that you are not confusing sinning and caprice. Sin hurts your spirit and others. Caprice mostly or only hurts you. Are you sinning to make things easier? Then, you will need a mantra to accept life's challenges and not life as an easy ride or fun party as a whole. Make your mantra yourself that you can assign a prayer to God for strength in times of temptation. Yet, make sure it is temptation and not just another good option. You will not be allowed to sin without a price, but do not have curiosity for that lesson.

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