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Posts posted by saumya

  1. Hi,

    this is probably most basic of questions here.But I always think that why are we here in earth.Just go to office, earn money, have kids, then die one day !! what nonsense?I am confused of myself. I do not know what to do?When I look inside me, I found myself looking for something, but could not get it?When I started praying, then for that period of time I found myself to be best of my body and mind. But why that happens to me.

    I found my friends are happily doing nonsenses(accoring to me), they say they are enjoying life, but I found I am missing something all the time.

    But when I am praying I found I am the happiest of all. There is something called GOD.I started beliveing in Heaven too.

    When I was a child my parents always toldme to pray, but that did not happen.Now I realise why they were telling me to do so.

    See, now I am confused I do not know what to ask now? !! what is happening to me?

    help me please.I will go mad.

  2. well, i understand here that there is no end to anything here.Only the energies will convert from one type to othere.But when the "Satya yug"will come and "Kali yug" will end, all of the universe and solarsystem nad evrything will be recreated or what exactly it is going to be.I heard people talking baout the end is near.But could not give me answers, i found the forum here is a well indepth knowledge source.so can naybody here help me out?

  3. well, thanks a lot.Now it is making some sense to me.I am slowly understaning it.

    I heard something similar to "Kalki", could not remember though.But i think its kalki avatar in kaliyug, if i am right.

    So all these earth, solar system and evrything(the combination) will die and the "Saty yug" will strat?I am afraid, what will happen?

    Well before that how it started, i mean the kali yug.I heard it starts with the Mahabharat.but am i right?

  4. in my preveous post i went a little general,now i am going specific.

    I read about human history, that in the beginning we used to live in jungles, then cave man and so on.But no where i found where hinduism started,all the other riligions have there beginnings written in history but why not ours.

    After reading the posts and scriptures, i got to know that the hiduism is the oldest of all.But how old its not written anywhere?any help in this situatiion is greatly help ful as i am struggling with me since my childhood, to find the answer.


  5. Thanks lot.That really helped.

    So does it mean that there is no end too?

    But i always thought that there was be a beginning.I heard from my late grandma that the in the end The Jaggannath Mahaprabhu with his brother will come down and destroy the nonsense happening here and then the "Satya joga" will return.I could not visualise that and never understood how ?thats the question i was searching for such a long time.Now i am working in a organisation, but the question still remains with me.I found this forum has a very rich knowledge sharing, so i am trying to clear myself.

    from where the history starts and where is the beginning and how we will end?Am i question a nonsense?i do not know but i will really appreciate if you people will help me out understanding my origin and end.Well there is a lot to ask, but this is my beginning.

    thank you

  6. Hi beautiful people out there.

    I have a problem here with my mind only.I keep asking to me about what is the beginning?how all this started? from where the earth, the universe start?I cannot find the answer.Though i have not read "Gita" fully,i think i will continue reading that, but for the time being can you people answer my ignorance.

    Thanks a lot

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