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Posts posted by Bipolar

  1. Respected Sir,


    I am under severe depression and find it very stressful even to wear clothes,bathing,etc..The allopathic diagnosis is SEVERE Mixed Bipolar Depression.I am not responding to allopathic treatment.


    For last 3 days I am taking the following medicines on advice of the local doctor:


    1) brahmi ghrit

    2) shankhpushpi

    3) ashwagandha rishtha

    4) annu tail in nose.

    5) Shirodhara was advised but the patient is not in a condition to make daily visits or get admitted to a hospital.


    My question is


    • are there any better medicines that can help me that I am not currently taking?
    • Is such severe depression curable under Ayurveda?
    • Can the ayurvedic medicnes make some symptoms worse?
    • Will the medicines loose effect/develop tolerance if at all the they start helping?


    With Best Regards.

    Thanking you.

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