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Posts posted by Tlilly020

  1. It is so nice of you to translate everyones name for them, so i undestand if you chose not to do mine. I came across a website that said that my name in sanskrit or Buddah means godess or princess.. PLEASE if you have some spare time its really important to me becuase I want a tattoo on my lower back and I want it to mean something; i dont want to get the wrong translation. My name is Tara.. it would be so greatly appreciated.. thanks soooo much



  2. While searching online for a perfect tattoo I came across a website that said my name "Tara" in sanskrit means princess or Godess or something in the Buddah language? i wasnt really posititve becuase I was in a rush but i was wondering if someone could PLEASE write my name for me in sanskrit or Gujarati PLEASE IT WOULD BE SO GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! thanks sooo very much



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