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Posts posted by pams0987

  1. Guruji


    I resigned my job 02 years back and due to trusting of few people lost my entire earnings till date, amounting to a few crores and am literally on the streets with 03 girl kids. I don't know what to do!!!!!!!


    Can give my birth details - Kindly guide me as to when I will get a job and what I should do for it????


    Name - K N Parameswaran


    POB - Palghat, Kerala, India


    TOB - 07:16 AM


    This year I was unable to put my kids in school also.


    I was also informed that there had been black magic that had been done upon me. But nobody is able to give me solution to eradicate the same.


    Looking eagerly for your reply.


    In dire straits



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