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Posts posted by M_A_R_A

  1. "india (or any nation) must have one national languge."


    where in vedas does it say this? not once in history of bharat has land been under one language . dravidian languages are not branched from sanskrit, though some languages i researched like malayalam, telugu, kannada have sanskrit loan words. even kashmiri is debated as to whether it is is directly derived from sanskrit as some scholars claim it is derived from avestan, ancient iranian language.

    once again, this is typical arrogance i sense. india is a land of many nations, has been for most of its history. enforcing a language that is islamicized on those that don't naturally speak it is ludicrous!


    " any indian language is better in quality than english."


    wrong. abandoning english would eliminate india from technological progrss. lik e it or not, english is the language of science, aacademia. it is what has allowed india to enter superpower status. indians speak english, which makes us better able than chinese. america would not outsource to india otherwise.


    "all the indians should write in any language but in devanagari. it is not difficult to learn devanagari script, and our ancient literature is in devanagari."


    Wrong. wrong. wrong. vattezhuthu (round writing), descended from brahmi script is that used in south india. they have their own writing, own ancient literature (including mahahbrata, ramayana) that existed before devavngiri. why should they adopt a foreign one? once again, your arrogance shows through.


    " no one is forcing us to spoil our language. we have to use it purely.


    using purely an impure language is ridiculous. hindi is derived from sanskrit but is islamicized by those muslim invaders. when other languages like in nepal and south india are untouched why should we adopt impure language?


    hindi became more wide spread language after muslim invasions and control of bharat and it was their adopted language! that's why mostly north people s can speak it.

  2. i am not the guest, but we can talk. guest makes a good point.i am a koirala whose father is from nepal, nepal is the only hindu kingdom in the world. i don;t speak hindi and hindi is not the language of nepal! my mother's side are pandits from the valley, they do speak a little hindi, though admitedly their language is somehwat different than other north indian languages. so what you say makes no sense at all and strikes of the arrogance of the hindi speaking states affiliated with the overreaching central government of india. just because you all lost your culture doesnt mean we have to as well. do you speak a language other than hindi? IF not, then i feel sorry for you, as your ancestors were subjugated by muslims.

  3. it should be mentioned that the human body is colonized by bacteria (some harmful, some not), such as E. coli (in the gut), which can lead to urinary tract infections in women, so what does this say?


    in women, 100% of those that have sex will be having herpes simplex virus in their vagina, some forms harmful, other s not necessariyl. what does this say?


    your post proves nothing..

  4. "India is 250 M+ years old.

    so is china."


    no, it is not. dinosaurs only existed as recently as 65 million years ago. sorry, india did not exist then. otherwise, dinosaurs eat indians. in fact, human beings in our current state of evolution did not exist then. but if you mean the land of bharat existed 250 million years ago (permian age), then you are still wrong as the whole earth was one giant continent scientist call pangea. reading the gita is good, but i fail to see how some people still take literally writings proven to be false by science.






  5. I believe that according to Gita, thought crimes like that which involve pleasuring onself to an image of a woman, etc... are "sin" because it is pleasure for oneself and not for God.


    what situations do you see sex between husband and wife is pure besides procreation, that is, in what situation is having sex giving pleasure to God besides procreation? And what determines how many children we should have? And is this why we should not have many children?

  6. all people who have told you are correct in what they say. please do not seek to convert, stop proselytizing and start living out your religion. there are many muslims in middle east and pakistan that need more help than hindus. please concern yourself with their religion and seek to convert them.

  7. to me the power of the Gita is that it shows you God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument. please no need to be defensive, i have already described myself as a hindu previously on this board and i think it is quite clear from my messages.

  8. good analysis maadav. personally, i agree with choice number 1. bharat cannot become indebted to US. Bush's US is imperialistic and we want no part of that. i was born and raised here, i know how these republicans are, they are the dirtiest slime. i myself am libertarian and for limited government, but republicans are very anti-immifgration, anti-hindu and most are bigots. Bush's US sees india becoming very powerful and many here already show some mistrust towards indians because of offshoring.


    india should not accept offer. but they probably will. pakistan is such a joke i stopped laughing a long time ago. jinnah was the biggest fool in the world. watch pakistan become another colony in no time. LOL. god bless gandhiji for separating the country otherwise, we would have inherited pakistan's mess and would have had bigger problems.


    maadav, read articles by fareed zakaria, he is a very bright person (from bombay) and talks about how in 1 generation both india and china will surpass usa.

  9. i believe in god, so please stop giving reasons for atheists to feel like they won an argument.


    1) Something exists


    What do you mean? Matter? Proove this has always been the case.


    2) Nothing cannot produce something.


    Proove this. You cannot. you will likely give some observation of the world liek a hen laying an egg, but there is a lot you have no experience with.


    3) Therefore, this means there could never have been a point at which absolutely nothing existed, for then nothing would exist now.


    4) Since something does currently exist, and there could never have been a point at which absolutely nothing existed, it follows that...


    5) There must have always existed something necessarily.


    Why God though? your post said you would proove god.


    4) Therefore, there must be a necessary being that has always existed. This necessary being is either the universe, or is something beyond the universe.




    7) A Necessary being ( by definition) must necessarily exist, and cannot not exist. It can have no potential or possibility to not exist.


    WHo are you to say? Do you know God? LOL! Please don't give atheists fuel for their fire. Human beings have been trying to proove GOd for millenia, I serious ly doubt that some poster on thsee boards has come up with an answer. LOL!

  10. hi, i am born and raised here, going to med school now. i lead mostly reserved, disciplined life as child. i learned to control my emotions and this made me somewhat apathetic and now i struggle to display emotion ( i am twenty two now). i find now that i have a lot of pent up emotion in me as well. sometimes i find my self getting angry ,liek when i play sports and someone hits me or just everyday things.


    how to control this anger? is there anything i can eat? i eat lots of daal, channa, chapathi, rice, spinach, red grapes, cashew nuts, milk. is there anything i can do?

  11. what if the husband continues to rape her when they are "married"?


    I believe that it is these sort of things that give hindus the false label of being mysogenistic. You actually state something very interesting.


    "in ancient vedic times, if one rapes a woman, then after no one would marry that woman."


    in satya yuga this would be the case? so then why does it happen now in kali yuga that women who were raped previously still manage to get married afterwards (many examples of this occuring). this is possible because some men are willing to look at the woman as a victim and still a "virgin" in their eyes as the woman was forced to have sex. This is a contradiction because in kali yuga men are not supposed to be this way. also , today , if woman was raped and had child, we have support mechanisms to take care of them (at least in US), so how can this be possible in kali yuga and not satya yuga?

  12. as a hindu i would have to disagree with this as evolution is proven. if vedic view is against evolution then vedic view is not understood correctly or wrong. Evolution does not state man evolved from monkeys, it states that common day monkeys and man share same proto-ancestor.


    as per dinosaurs, would you agree that they existed before man, as carbon dating and solid scientific proof suggests? Evolution is not so hard to believe, you are seeing it now...People are taller now in the last 100 years according to studies. Our tailbone (last vestiges from proto-ancestor) is disappearing. Eventually, there will be humans born without appendix, as this organ serves no purpose and is a vestigial organ from our proto-ancestor. if you work in a bacteria lab then you will see evolution happen right before your eyes, as Bacterial DNA is mutated rather easily and colonies evolve gain of function characteristics such as antibiotic resistance (this is why doctor tells you not to use too much antibiotics).

  13. "the soceity forces the raper to accept the woman as her wife if she is unmarried."


    is this really the case? if so, it would be wrong. no woman should be forced to marry such a bad man that would rape a woman. are these social traditions that you speak of, or is their precedent for this in mahabharata, vedic texts?

  14. and by evolution i don't mean in the spiritual sense , for example the various stages of evolution of the vishnu avatars, i mean literal scientific fact of evolution that we evolved from simple molecules into complex organisms. and in RE: to dinosuars do vedic texts acknowledge their existence as dinosaurs have been carbon dated to at least tens of millions of years ago.

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