Answer is within and the sages found it by meditating within. There are many ways of dealing with the truth and so is the case in finding it. Sometimes the scientific way of dealing with it proves to be very attractive , but nevertheless, that tends to be very very inaccurate, reason , it builds on many assumptions and presumptions. i myself a scientist and see how the so called theories fail in time when they are not ready to deal with certain cases. On the other hand spirit is perfect and the search for it is not based on any kind of assumptions. So it does not fail in any case. And most importantly all the scriptures are written by researching on the spiritual platform (by the sages), and as result they do not depend on time and take care of all (even exceptional) cases.
I always found it very blissful when i see someone inquiring about one's existance , its a start of one's spiritual journey, which ends only when one gets in touch with the creator ......
Hari bol