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Posts posted by sureshbabur.hr




    Can someone please tell me who my ishta devata is:


    Birthday: october 27 1976


    Place: philadelphia, pennsylvania


    Country: united states


    Time 2:44pm


    Thank you


    Ishta devata means which god you like.....your question should be, who is god for your date of birth...as per date of birth:: Lord Muruga is right....


    Dear Members,


    Rishis could identify third eye and I know little bit about it.


    However I am looking for all possible references and material, in various hindu scriptures on the subject of tri netra.


    Especially any knowledge regarding the anatomy or construction or constitution of third eye.


    It seems Number of 36 is inextricably linked with third eye but i do not have the original sources.


    I will be grateful, if you could provide any information related to this topic, that comes to your notice.



    Rakesh Singhal





    I feel third eye is opened thru Gundalini yoga thru meditation process, approach right guru to open third eye...

  3. Hi


    You Can read Garuda Puranam...Once your intuition said, you should read...no permission needed from any person...


    Garuda Purana is best for human lives, it teaches human beings to do and not to do....


    Garuda purana will get you and your ancestors to divine level, if you read it sincerely..

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