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Posts posted by Onkara

  1. Hello Iva

    Yes, this is an issue, but it seems to be one we may make for ourselves through doubting. So the best remedy perhaps is to tackle the doubt we have oursevles. We cannot necessarily convince others (due to our skin, hair colour, language etc), but by removing our own fears and doubts we can free up our mind to concentrate and learn how to be "good Hindus", how to understand scripture, have respect for people and the world around us. We can also have an open mind to learning how to behave respectfully in temples or when visiting Hindu homes, for example.


    The point is that whilst we hold some baggage or concerns, we may feel clumsy and not feel at peace with Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). So the more we can address our concerns and leave our baggage the more we will act with consideration and due care.




  2. Dear Sendhil

    This is is a good an important question, I can offer some thoughts in reply.


    The answer depends on the perspective of the questioner (you). Whilst you consider yourself and other individuals as the doer(s) of actions, then you will feel there are choices to be made and you will is in effect. There will be a sensation of free-will, in that you will be making choices as they arise for you.


    If this is your perspective then you will see others also making choices. They may appear to make good choices (become rich, find happiness) or they may appear to make bad choices (have accidents, make mistakes etc). It would be logical then that you feel the effect of your choices, good or bad, and you may hold others responsible for their choices and the affect it has on them or yourself. So every effort you make is important, all pryathna / efforts can be done for "God" or for the desire to do them (karma yoga). If you depend on the result, then expect to find swings of happiness and sadness as the result will determine you as a "doer". It will appear that all events are a related to your success or failure.


    Please note, I am not picking on your, but trying to make the question relevant and applicable when I say "you".


    If however you feel that you and others are not the "doer" then the question is who or what is doing?


    From this perspective we may attribute all doing to the gunas and/or karma. As Lord Krishna explains in the Bhagavad Gita.


    At this stage all doing is being done, not by you as Atma but as karma and gunas. All actions are propelled and completed however you are so closely linked, as the Atma - Divine Consciousness, that they will appear to be determined. You may have the sense that things are happening. There is some liberation in this, as you will not be the doer so you will not be responsible for the fruit of your actions. Thus everything that happens will simply be happening and you may find some peace of mind in this.


    I hope that I am not too late for this reply to be of use. :)








    Dear Learned friends and gurus,


    I have a question troubling me since a long time.


    Is everything pre-determined? Is it destiny or free-will?

    It looks like pre-determination - as we have some greater souls that are tri-kala-jnani's, that know past present and future. If future is known, it has to be determined.


    A mixture seems not possible, as there is no small and big functions - several strings of small events would create a big event. As said a butterfly wing flutter may cause psunami.


    If you agree for destiny / pre-determination, what is the use of one's pryathna / efforts?


    1. We put efforts in anticipation of certain things - to shape life as we desire. If life is defined / determined / predestined, what is the meaning of efforts?

    2. We are taught to take responsibilities on effects of our deeds (more so if intentional). If life is as determined and not under one's control, why and how would a person be responsible?


    Hari Om


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