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Posts posted by ssurya

  1. Hello there,


    I don't know why you all want to argue and fight so harshly. Please be patient and let there be peace.


    I am a devotee of Sri Mahavishnu. Sometimes, when I do see ISKCON members, I do feel they drive it like only Krishna is the supreme God. I feel confused as to when all the avatars are of Lord Mahavishnu, why do they try to promote only Lord Krishna, instead, why don't they promote and spread the word about Lord Mahavishnu ??


    Secondly, when one talks about Satya Sai Baba, I don't know what to say, but I feel something artificial about him. I frankly have not met him nor seen him. But I saw him on television. On TV, I saw him giving darshan and collecting slips (of requests ) from his devotees who have been waiting. However, he doesnt accept all the request slips from everyone, but just few people (who are considered lucky0. When a devotee has taken pains to go there and wait for him to appear, why is he so partial ? Atleast he is withing reach and can be seen, and appears more accessible as he is purpotedly God in Human form.


    Finally, how come he gives appointments immediately to Top Politicians, who are corrupt and who have all done lot of 'PAAP'. Frankly, I have not come across any present day politician who hasn't got any greed for money or who is pure, but how come Baba gives immediate darshan and appointment easily to a top rankinh politician ??


    If he is God, then why is the crime rate going up so badly, after all the mission of his avatar is to stop it and give more peace to human beings. My intention is not to say anything against Sai baba, I am just curious, and am ignorant about Sai Baba. If only anyone can throw light, I shall be happy. I wouldn't want to comment on someone whom I never met or had any experience with, but these questions I raised are questions any normal person would have. Further there have been numerous articles about Sri Sathya Sai baba, one in a reputed magazine like India Today, making many accusations against him, including the ones that he is a homosexual.


    I happened to meet one Bala Sai Baba, who I guess became one after styling his hair the Sathya Sai Baba way. I never felt even a second of divinity when I was near him, nor did I feel any kind of peace or bliss when I was near him.



    Regarding Kalki Bahgawan, I have seen his commercials in movie halls and cannot but pity the stupidity with which people flock to him and his wife calling him GOD. If anyone knows about Kalki Bhagawan, they should be knowing that it is still thousands of years more before Lord Kalki makes an appearance.

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