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Posts posted by vaisnavapada

  1. Dear devotees,


    It has come to my realization that we (I) try to gain theoretical knowledge to feel that we have some position; some standing. It is almost as if we want to willingly put ourselves into illusion by gaining knowledge. How do we cope with it when we feel that we are not really 'smart'? That we are small. How does one cope with this?

  2. Hi all, I have a few questions, which I hope you can help me solve. It is said that by sadhu-sanga, or saintly association, one can attain all perfection.


    1.How does one properly "associate"?

    2.How does one obtain that mentality to properly associate?

    3.I see devotees who are so surrendered to their Guru(s). They have near no separate interest. I want that, too, but then I'm just not strong willed enough to submit myself like those devotees, although I know that I'll be happy forever if I were to do so. How do I overcome this situation of being stuck in between a rock and a hard place?


    Do you guys have any thoughts? Feel free to criticize me if you feel it'll help me





    Anyone who takes up this path should be clear about what it is all about and what to expect. It is not about enjoying or about avoiding misery - if your interested in either of those things then take up the karma or jnana marga respectively. If you want love then be prepared to give more and more and more. The expectation is if you really want to love Krsna you will ultimately have to give your very self. If you aren't prepared for that then this path isn't right for you.



    Thank you very much for replying. I understand that my reason for involvement in this bhakti marga is very much influenced by karma and jnana and, from the definition of spiritual life you have given, I know I am not interested because of my other interests. I am ashamed at my own insincerity. Through sadhu-sanga one develops more sukriti. But sadhu-sanga means to serve. If we are interested in karma and jnana, how does one actually do sadhu-sanga? It seems like a really difficult position.

  4. Hare Krsna Barney,


    Don't get cheated by the government information. They did not set foot on the moon because if they did then why did they stop going there? A common aspect among politicians and military men is that they are greedy, and especially due to the influence of this age, the greediness increases. Thus, if they really did go to the moon, im sure they wouldn't have stopped going there to exploit its resources. Also, Srila Prabhupada has stated in the Bhagavatam, the moon planet is farther away from the sun. If you dont want to take Srila Prabhupada's words, then please tell me what evidence you have got to prove that they have went to the moon?

  5. It is said in the Bhagavat Purana that almost all, if not all politicians in Kali Yuga are plunderers and theives. As soon as the towers went down, within a week or two, Nostradamus' name was out, whom had no public attention before for his prophecies coming true. So you see, Nostradamus is unauthorized and is surely not mentioned in the Vedas nor has Srila Prabhupada said anything about him. So these plunderers and theives can do something and blame it on the so called prophecy for their own sense gratification.

  6. Thank you Y.D,


    In the beginning of ones spiritual endeavour, is one only supposed to chant or is one supposed to read Bhagavad Gita also while chanting?


    Is it necessary to chant with beads or can one memorize how many rounds one does after each successful round like write it down on a piece of paper etc..?


    I fear that in university I will be occupied with a lot of materialistic studies thus I will not have enough time to read the KC philosophy. What can one do in such a situation to always remember Sri Hari and the Spiritual Master's instructions?


    What are some of the serious attacks of Mayadevi that a neophyte will experience?


    Finally, is being impatient an impediment?



  7. Thanks again Y.D,


    You said that one should chant the mahamantra always. All the time while chanting, my mind gives me trouble by thinking of my unwanted habits or materialistic desires. During such times, I feel guilty that I should not chant and sin at the same time, thus I stop the chanting. What do you see as the solution to this dilemma? How can I possibly avoid chanting and sinning?

  8. Thanks Y.D,


    What can one do if he is in such a position where contact with any genuine vaishnava is not possible due to geographical locations?


    Also, if one is obliged to do his social duty(work, school etc...), what is one supposed to do when one is in such a position where what is taught at the school or university or college is directly in opposition to the teachings of the vedas? (IE: I will be attending university soon for a degree in engineering. Although the Vedas say these are materialistic knowledge, how can one possibly utilize it to serve The Spiritual Master and The Lord in a spiritual way although it is materialistic knowledge? What should be the mindset of one in such a position? Should he aspire to do good in materialistic knowledge or purposefully hold back the intelligence fearing that he/she is indulging in fruitive activities?)

  9. Thanks for replying Y.D


    You say that accepting the instructions of the Spiritual Master is faith. How can one go about being released from the minds habit of mental concoction, so that one can strictly follow the instructions of the Spiritual Master?

    Also, are all the literary sources (Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam etc...) instructions also, or are they of some other category?

  10. Thank you for answering, I found your reply very encouraging. I have a lot of questions but I am going to go very slowly in my questioning because I have a very slow mind which takes awhile to get convinced due to its stubborn nature. My questions is, what does it mean to be fully faithful upon the Spiritual Master and God?

  11. Hare Krsna! Jaya Srila Prabhupada!


    My greetings to all at this forum. I am quite new to Krsna Consciousness, you can say about 2 months, and I only pray to Krsna, no japa or anything as of yet. After I started Krsna Consciousness, at first I was so looking forward to becoming pure, but then for the last month or so I've been constantly struggling with my mind which is imagining out of control so many of my past sinful activities but now it is adultering what I know of K C philosophy. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


    I feel like I've become worse, and my thoughts are out of control. My ego thinks that I am ok but I know I am not because why else would these adultered thoughts come? So I do not even know what paying respect to the lotus feet of God and the Spiritual Master, nor do I know what humility is. I guess I just blindly follow the philosophy.


    From time to time I get a nice state of mind where I feel I can totally surrender to Swami Prabhupada's teachings and Krsna and at others times my mind is totally full of doubts, concocting, imagining etc...I have come here in hopes of seeking advice from devotees who can possibly help me out with the questions that I have and might have in the future. I am so lucky to be posting here because I do not know what my life would be if I couldn't someway associate with some devotees at least through here, thank God, thank you devotees for any little help is appreciated

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