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Posts posted by ghostboi

  1. I am having a similar problem. I am possessed by a spirit in my body that constantly speaks in my head all day and night tormenting me with insults and infuriating me making me want to kill myself as well. It has also made me unable to have sex and is doing a lot more things as well. It might be kshudhram or some other possession. I am sure that it is a supernatural force. Have you tried turning to Jesus and trying to get an exorcism? I plan to try this if the problem continues for too long.


    dear sriman narayana bhaktas..


    I am having a worst problem (which will result in my death) and this problem is sort of spiritual in nature.I am suffering from a rare type of possession(a combination of possession by evil spirits and black magic) .This possession is called "Kshudhram" and this used to be a menace in Kerala many years ago. This whole black magic and possession is performed by an evil daemon called "Kshudra" . This started when I used to work in bangalore. I started hearing sounds of two people continuously (i.e the sounds are there day in and day out(24*7)). One of these two people is the daemon "kshudra" and has a companion named "Sasikala"(This resembles a small girl child voice). This daemon can undesratnd what we are thinking and will keep on insulting us,threatening us and cajoiling us day in and day out. The disturbance caused by these spirits is unbearable and they also perform black magic on me like produce itching on legs and hands, causing pain in different parts of the body ,preventing me from sleeping at night, preventing me from having sexual inter course, sort of stabbing with a knife etc. I initially thought that this is an instance of some mental disorder and met many doctors and tried different medicines (psychiatric) but none had any effect on the condition. These spirits always remind me that no matter what mantras I try there possession will not go and in the end I will have to commit suicide to get rid of this. But any how I am chanting Vishnu mantras every day which are giving me some relief. Please note that this is a worst form of balck magic which existed in ancient Kerala. Bacoz of this my earlier free life is totally lost and I am on the verge of committing suicide. Some body please provide me a remedy..Expecting your help :(





    Hi, I'm actually having pretty much the same problem. I AM possessed by some sort of an actual evil spirit. It makes people cough at me when I try to hang out with someone in order to make me feel insecure about myself and make me feel that everyone is too good for me to be around. That's been happening for about 5 years. Now about 2 months ago, this supernatural force started to speak in my head and torment me all day and night. It is very smart and knows what I am thinking and knows my soul very well and uses this knowledge to annoy me, insult me and infuriate me 24-7. I can even hear it in my dreams sometimes. It feels like it knows things about me that I don't even know. Whenever I think about someone in my head, it manipulates my thoughts and makes it look to me like the person is angry at me. As soon as I think about someone, I get an image of that person looking back at me with a mean, disgusted face. This happens EVERY TIME I think about someone now. It's really bad. This also happens when I look at a person's picture. It manipulates the person's face to seem like they hate me, or when I feel bad about something and I see a person's picture, it manipulates the person's face in the picture to seem like they are laughing at me and that they are happy. So I thought it was just me at first, but a couple of days ago I was reading something out loud and I could feel it wanting to make me stop talking because it wanted me to feel like it didn't like my voice. It would show me mental images of it covering its ears. So I went on reading, thinking back at it in my head to mock it, saying something like, "You don't my like my voice, huh? Well, ah-ha, you have to hear it anyway". This is when it manipulated my voice immediately and now I sound like a nerdy little kid. This is when I first realized that this force really had supernatural abilities. Here's the worst thing that happened that has destroyed my life and made me ponder slitting my wrists, actually putting the knife to my wrists at times is this. It was angry at me that I was having so much fun being intimate with females, because it absolutely hates to see my happy, and usually robs me of any joy I have by making people cough at me or saying something to infuriate me. So what it has done now is taken away my ability to have sexual intercourse, and if I finally get erect, it causes me to ejaculate immediately. I can feel it in my body, fighting me to prevent me from having sex. It also is trying to change my sexual preferences around and now I am less attracted to females and sometimes have to try and force myself to like them. I have 3 thoughts in mind. One is I turned to God and try to get exorcised, the other is I somehow try to get my hands on some type of black magic so that I could put a curse on it or somehow supernaturally get rid of it, and the last is I just kill myself (which I have decided not to do). This is really bad, but I am amazed to see that there is actually powerful supernatural forces out there.

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