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Luis Medinas

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Posts posted by Luis Medinas

  1. Dear friends,


    I am a 22 year boy with a pitta vatta constitution. I weight about 60kg and measure about 1,75m. In an optimum state I am active and energetic whereas now I feel like a 60 year old man.


    Lack of energy.

    Feeling weak.

    Getting tired very quickly.

    Feeling cold.

    Lack of resistance against cold, wind etc.


    I eat a Vedic diet (no meat, fish or eggs) and get up at sunrise and go to bed at sunset. Healthy routine including sound sleep.


    I became vegetarian one year ago due to my commitment to spiritual life and have been feeling like this since then. I literally drag myself throughout the day.


    Ok, now that I have given a general overview of my condition I am humbly requesting your expert advice on why this might be happening and how It can be dealt with and who I should seek.


    I live in England and am considering astanga Yoga and Ayurveda as I have a little background on these disciplines.


    This problem needs to be addresses because it is slowing me down in every aspect of my life but I don't know where to turn.


    Any suggestions and guidance?


    My kind respects to all,


    Luis Medinas

    Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

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