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Posts posted by Kartik

  1. Hi priya ,


    If god was christian , then it would mean that God came into existence only in 0 AD , That makes no sense as it would be like saying that People existed before GOD. It would be appropriate to say that God was there even before xianism and that Jesus/Christian god is just another roopa or form of GOD.


    To give you an example, GOD is like air , we cant see it but its still there , You will know the value of Air only when u r out of breath . Similarly GOD is there its just that you cant see it and only when one is in trouble u start beleiving in GOD.


    So i guess people should understand this and start beleiving in GOD as a supreme being , not Krishna , not Rama , not Jesus but someone who created the prefect Universe. God to me has no face , SEX or any form . It can take the form that the eyes of the beholder wants.





  2. This is actually in response to G-D telling Rossane that Hinduism is for Sick Minds.



    Roseanna , As you would be knowing about Hinduism , Our theology beleives in Live and Let Live. We dont force anyone to become hindus and also we dont stop anyone from moving away from hinduism . Thats what I like in our religion. Its unlike other religions , beleive me .


    Tomorrow , if you go to any temple and ask the poojari to convert you to Hindu , i am sure the poojari will have a tough time to think as to what mantras to say and what pooja to do as its not in our religion to Convert.


    U need not be a hindu to go to a temple and beleive in Hindu Gods.Our religion is open to all.


    G-d Says Hinduism is For Sick Minds , Let me explain why Hinduism is great :


    1) We dont have ant time bound unlike others , God is there for us whenever we want him not just a particular Day and a particular time .


    2) Unlike Christanity whose theology is that we are all sinners since the first guy was a sinner . So we should all pray for forgiveness .our theology is much much stronger. Cant imagine living as a sinner throught and doing confessions everytime .


    3) Hinduism , we concentrate on the teachings of the person , and the good qualities we should get from that particular person . Very few people will know how Krishna Died. ( He was shot an arrow in leg by a hunter who thought krishnas sweet feet to be a dear) My point is we dont see krishna temple with even a picture of him with an arrow in his leg . We concentrate on his important life.


    4) Sex , In hinduism , sex is not a Taboo . We still have some temples in KArnataka which is abt SEx . Also in all the Ancient monuments like ajanta Elora u will see all the ladies , in others its considerd as a taboo . Hence the priest is not allowed to marry , he has to lead a celibal life . Also the thought that Jesus was born thru Virgin Mary shows how SEx is considered in other religion.


    I understand that Hinduism might lose its charm cos if the rituals , but beleive me No philosophy is as good as hindu Philosophy .






  3. Hi There,

    The 100 Kaurava brothers were born to Gandhari, was not through the normal process if you would remember. Kunti had all the 5 sons which was through Gods influence for instance Karna was son of SURYA , Bheema was son of Wind god etc .


    Dharma, Bheema, and Arjun are born to Kunti. Nakul and Sahadev are born to Madri. They are born within one year of each other. The 5 brothers are called Pandav.


    100 sons (Duryodhan, Dushasan, Karna, Vikarana, etc.) and a daughter Dusheela are born from the same embryo to Gandhari. Duryodhan is born one day after Bheema. The rest are born in the following 100 days. The 100 brothers are called Kaurava.


    After hearing the birth of Yudhistira , Gandhari was Jealous and wanted to have kids of her own , She went to some Swami , I forgot the name and she had the children in pots , something like Test tube Babies maybe i dont know the funda. If some one can put some light on this matter it would be gr8.







  4. Guys , Dont get me wrong . I beleive in Mahabharata , I was trying to prove the non beleivers why geographical significance is a good point.


    In Mahabharat - U had the Pushpak Vimana , which was more like a Chariot with Wings , I dont think it was possessed by everyone , definetly not by the one who wrote it.


    In Ramayan which is slightly older , There was the garuda Vimana Which was the viceversa of the other , it was a Bird with wings with a chariot in its back.


    My Point is that its not possible for the write in his life span to roam and write the Mahabharata. So I am saying that Mahabharata is a true thing which happened. As its Faster to just write what happened in real life in a poetry manner than think of a theme ( a very very good one which is very well connected ) and then write poetry.







  5. Hi friends ,


    I am new to this place , I needed some facts about the originality of Mahabharata. I was having this argument with my friends and they say that there is no concrete proof of it and Its just a folk tale .


    I am sure they are wrong as anyone in 500BC cannot be so knowledgeable to write something so big that will take a normal guy his entire lifetime to think of if at all its fiction .


    So there must be something similar to Mahabharata, Seeing which it must have prompted the writing of the great Epic. I agree that not everything is true , but dont tell me everything is False.


    It would be great if someone can tell me about the facts that can be correlated with the actual happening of Mahabharata.




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